
Friday 27 July 2012

Jeffrey Marshall and I bump into Matthew Collins in Brick Lane

Jeffrey and me after meeting Matthew Collins in Brick Lane

Matthew Collins of Hate Not Hope

MC:  "Hello Jeffrey. What are you doing round here?"

He looked so like a BNP member that we were racking our brains wondering who he was and trying to remember his name.

JM:  "Why not? I live round here" or something like that.

MC:  "Enjoying Ramadan then?"

I nearly blurted out that we were going to try and get a free curry meal at East London Mosque last night too!

I can't remember what Jeffrey said but it was something not Islamophobic and certainly neutral.

Then he turned to me and said "Hello Claire".

I said hello and smiled vaguely. He literally turned on his heel and walked off in in the other direction.

CK:  "Who was that, Jeffrey?"

JM:   "That must have been Matthew Collins."

He literally turned on his heel and walked off.

We then we then went to this wonderful free exhibition at after stopping off at the beigel shop where Jeffrey had his hot salt beef.   That was where we saw the poster of this exhibition reported in the Mail at

You even get a free glossy colour brochure with better photos of all the lovely cars take more artistically than you can take yourself, though I couldn't resist taking a few of my own too.

Jeffrey Marshall with a BMW Art Car

An African design

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