
Tuesday, 23 October 2018

Beware apparently respectable middle class married women of the liberal elite who want to normalise bastardy

Plenty of white married middle class white women and men want to do that because they expect to be presented with illegitimate grandchildren and dare not tell their children that any illegitimate grandchildren would be rejected. They fear that if they warned their children not to present them with illegitimate grandchildren, their ill-bred children would just tell them to fuck off and they would never see them again.

There are plenty of white middle class married people who see it as in their self-interest to normalise bastardy precisely because they expect to have bastard grandchildren. (It is always easier to level down than level up, always easier to lower moral standards than raise them!)

Don't let these people destroy your civilisation by destroying marriage!

Without marriage there can be no patriarchy.

Without patriarchy, not enough good strong men would be produced to defend the national interest. That is why we have the shower we have in Parliament, with no male MP man enough to take the job of a clueless childless woman because he is too cowardly, unprincipled and incompetent to lead the nation.

Only 24:2 of the Koran would restore the patriarchy now. If not, what else would? Bastardy is now normalised and most women fornicate shamelessly. Even underage sex has been normalised since 1985 by the concept of Gillick competence which allows doctors to legally aid and abet underage sex, statutory rape and child prostitution.

If bastardy has been normalised, it means we now live in a matriarchy.

All advanced civilisations are patriarchies; all primitive, declining, extinct and soon to be extinct societies are degenerate matriarchies on their way to hell in a handcart.


EO said...

The UK will never accept The International Slaves Traders Liars And Murderers fascist doctrine on its soil.

How is this Islamic shariah patriarchy working out for women in Indonesia, Saudi Arabia, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Sudan, Somalia?

Claire Khaw said...

They obviously don't interpret the Koran as I do.

JF said...

When you remove accountability and shame, expect increased degeneracy.

KH said...

Are you a troll? Middle class women should reject their children's illegitimate offspring and have nothing to do with their bastard grandkids? You know what's wrong with society? Assholes who attempt to sabotage people's lives physically and emotionally because of a book of Stone Age myths they had a flick through.

SA said...

"Apparently " means nothing.

SA said...

"appearing to be something, especially when this is not true" "as far as ne knows" of no value., means nothing.

Claire Khaw said...

I am inviting people to consider whether married women who want to normalise bastardy could be said to be respectable.

Is a woman who does not want to restore the patriarchy and wants to normalise bastardy morally respectable?

Is the woman who does not want to restore the patriarchy a feminist?

Have feminists not declared their intention of destroying the patriarchy?

Everything about feminism undermines marriage, does it not?

All advanced civilisations are patriarchies, are they not?

All primitive, declining, extinct and soon to be extinct societies are matriarchies, are they not?

Patriarchies are societies that prioritise the preferences of married fathers, are they not?

Matriarchies are societies that prioritise the preferences of unmarried mothers, are they not?

The link between bastardy and criminality is well-established, is it not?

Can someone who prefers her society to remain a degenerate and declining matriarchy of rising crime and widespread bastardy rather than a patriarchy of law and order possibly be morally respectable?

If woman is not morally respectable because she wants to normalise bastardy, then she must be an immoral woman, mustn't she?

Is there any reason at all to not dismiss the views of immoral women who want to normalise bastardy because they want their society to remain a degenerate matriarchy suffering from uncontrolled immigration and rising crime who do not give a damn about the men of their nation because they are now shacked up with an affluent man and are one of the ladies who lunch and want to normalise bastardy?

Are these women married to affluent and powerful men who want to normalise bastardy invariably the unthinking supporters of neoconservatism and neoliberalism, who cannot be reasoned with?

PP said...

So, what’s your plan for getting the west to adopt slut-shaming?

Claire Khaw said...

Keep asking white nationalists how they are going to get the pogrom they want.

PP said...

So, you’re going to go around asking people stupid questions?

Have you ever thought of maybe a bit of advertising?

Hold a conference?

Claire Khaw said...

I will wait till the media want to interview me.

They used to write about me until they decided that even to mock me was too dangerous.

PP said...

So, your chance has already passed, and the rest of your life is empty?

Claire Khaw said...

We live in pre-revolutionary times. There is all to play for.

PP said...

You’re never going to be at the heart of a revolution.

Claire Khaw said...

As long as I tried.

SA said...

At least make it a revolution where people want to move forward. People don't tend to like regression. Especially into the dark ages, don't you think?

Claire Khaw said...

Logically speaking, patriarchy is always more advanced than matriarchy.

Originally, matriarchy is a society before marriage was invented.

SA said...

So you see marriage as progression? And now you admit marriage was man made? I see

You do understand that marriage was designed to control, have power over women and make rape legal don't you? "We’ve moved on, of course, from the days of coverture when, as William Blackstone describes in Commentaries on the Laws of England (1765), marriage meant that “the very being or legal existence of the woman is suspended during the marriage, or at least is incorporated and consolidated into that of the husband: under whose wing, protection, and cover, she performs everything”. We’ve moved on from the days when raping your spouse was totally fine under the law – although it’s worth remembering that it wasn’t until 1991 that marital rape became a crime in England and Wales. Nevertheless, marriage still hasn’t been properly modernised. In both countries, marriage certificates still have only the names of the couple’s fathers, not their mothers, for example, although there have been numerous efforts to change this recently."

Claire Khaw said...

I have never claimed that marriage was other than man-made. Just because it was man-made means it was a bad thing?

I don't think people know what they want and I don't believe in democracy.

Vincent Bruno is told that it is IMPOSSIBLE for Allah to be a hypocrite

Sam Hyde 4:00  Tall, dark and handsome Myron Gaines 5:00  Arthur Kwon Lee 6:00  Classy h...