La la la la... I can't hear you! 🙉 Absolute whopper! #blocked
— Victoria (@RabonaNutmeg) January 15, 2016
@Wend999 She's likening homosexuality to bestiality and paedophilia! Weirdo! Seriously warped! Blocked! 😂😂😂
— Victoria (@RabonaNutmeg) January 15, 2016
'Tis true that I do say extramarital sex should become a sexual offence attracting corporal punishment as prescribed by 24:2.
@Wend999 Anti-feminist, anti-gay, pro-Islam. Believes sexual freedom is cause of world ills. Fecking sex obsessed. Needs a good poking!! 😂😂😂
— Victoria (@RabonaNutmeg) January 15, 2016
@Wend999 Her @ is on top. Fruit loop, Wend. Very bizarre views. 100 lashes for female adulterer is ok as it's only like being caned. FFS!
— Victoria (@RabonaNutmeg) January 15, 2016
Actually, the male adulterer and fornicator would also be similarly punished under 24:2 of the Koran.
@TheWordRabbit Absolutely! Very bizarre rationale.
— Victoria (@RabonaNutmeg) January 15, 2016
@TheWordRabbit Dangerous as well as barking!
— Victoria (@RabonaNutmeg) January 15, 2016
@TheWordRabbit Exactly! Fan of Sharia Law. Hope our security services are aware of her.
— Victoria (@RabonaNutmeg) January 15, 2016
@ntfem You fucking evil twisted bitch. Get my tweets off your vile blog! I never offered to go anywhere near you! Fucking FREAK!
— Victoria (@RabonaNutmeg) January 15, 2016
@TheWordRabbit fecking hell, she's screen grabbed my tweets and put them in a blog! I'm genuinely scared.
— Victoria (@RabonaNutmeg) January 15, 2016
What's there to be scared of? What does she think is going to happen?
@RabonaNutmeg She's harmless. Full of sound and fury signifying nothing.
— The Word Rabbit (@TheWordRabbit) January 15, 2016
@TheWordRabbit I'm not so sure. She has contacts.
— Victoria (@RabonaNutmeg) January 15, 2016
Metuant dum oderint, eh?
@TheWordRabbit She's implied in her blog I wanted to 'touch' her. She hates gays, women... Most things really, except extremists.
— Victoria (@RabonaNutmeg) January 15, 2016
"May" is not the same as "is" or "will", is it? When you say of someone they need sorting it out or a good slapping or even "a good poking", you don't actually mean you would do it yourself, do you? You might do perhaps, but you have certainly not said so, therefore it should in no way be interpreted as a promise or a declaration.
As for being an extremist, this term just means "non-mainstream" or "out of harmony with current government thinking". If the government says YES but you say NO, who is the extremist? If the government says NO but you say YES, who is the extremist? It is a meaningless term! As I keep saying, it is better to be Far Right than Far Wrong ...
@RabonaNutmeg I believe in free speech, freedom of belief/association/worship as well as the right to property. Liberals don't accept me tho
— Claire Khaw (@ntfem) January 15, 2016
Wow, not only has this silly woman blocked me, she has protected her tweets and changed her username to @BerthaBagshot in a desperate effort to hide from me, as if she feared I would do something to her. Don't worry, Victoria Bertha darling! It is enough for me to know that I won the argument and as a result you tried to traduce me in all sorts of ways, maliciously calling me mad, bad and dangerous to know and even claiming I merited police attention. That woman is clearly hysterical. I suppose she is afraid her friends who think her so erudite and enlightened will notice that she cannot come up with a single counter-argument to any of mine.
What was your most recent dream? — Interesting that you should have asked. It seems I had fallen in love and was i…
— Claire Khaw (@ntfem) January 16, 2016
Who was this woman in your dream who was your lover? — It was no one I knew in real life.
— Claire Khaw (@ntfem) January 16, 2016
Was this woman in your dream attractive? — Actually, no. I remember distinctly thinking she was middle-aged and ma…
— Claire Khaw (@ntfem) January 16, 2016
Did this woman in your dream have grey hair? — Funny that you should mention this, but yes. That must have been wh…
— Claire Khaw (@ntfem) January 16, 2016
Are you in the habit of dreaming that you are being kis… — I did dream about Merryl Streep and I sitting on the so…
— Claire Khaw (@ntfem) January 16, 2016
Who do you think this matronly middle-aged women in you… — I suppose she must represent middle aged women or a par…
— Claire Khaw (@ntfem) January 16, 2016
Have you had any dealings with middle aged women lately? — Well, I was talking to one yesterday on Twitter but she…
— Claire Khaw (@ntfem) January 16, 2016
Was this middle aged woman in your dream the one in htt… — I suppose it must be, by the process of elimination in …
— Claire Khaw (@ntfem) January 16, 2016
Do you have any idea as to what mysterious prompting th… — I think I was just thinking of middle-aged women in gen…
— Claire Khaw (@ntfem) January 16, 2016
Why would a lesbian want to live under Secular Koranism? — I am not claiming to be a practising lesbian, but even …
— Claire Khaw (@ntfem) January 16, 2016
Aren't you afraid of what would happen to you if you we… — Then I would plead insanity. Even if they got me bang t…
— Claire Khaw (@ntfem) January 16, 2016
If you had 3 desert islands; put 100 fertile men on one, 100 fertile women on the other, & 50 fertile of each on the last. Who would last longer? Its very simple.
ReplyDeleteTake into account as well that in a complex civilization a same-sex couple always need a third party. Third parties have to be constantly procured for each couple presuming they want to propagate.
Libtards like this Victoria woman haven't mastered the basics of sexual reproduction, it would appear.
ReplyDeleteI thought sex education was supposed to inform the public about these things.
ReplyDeleteThe other point I was trying to make with the desert island thing was that its not the number of individuals involved in a relationship thats important but the complementarity.
If you are going to have children you might as well have legitimate children.
ReplyDeleteI think you've hit on something profound. In a mass democracy people want to be seen to be something by their peers & dont reflect on themselves to see if they are actually talking a lot of nonsense.
ReplyDeleteProbably a deep sense of alienation that is only relieved by appearing to stand out from the crowd while still being part of an in crowd.
You mean like this stupid woman who probably thinks she is so very intelligent and enlightened?
ReplyDeleteI think theres a lot of people like that. Maybe even people who occupy high public office.
ReplyDeleteIf she could she would have me thrown in jail. She was pretending to be frightened or maybe she was really frightened ... of truth and reason! Then she pretended that I was a danger and so so scary, when in fact people like her have been in charge for DECADES.
ReplyDeleteAnother contradiction occurs when people say that 'it is my business what I do at home.' That is true. But marriage is a public act. Two people present themselves publicly asking for public approval. The public can disapprove of the union. What is the reason for that?
ReplyDeleteAll these seemingly obscure things that peoples everywhere have put in place are to protect family lines, protect legitimacy, inheritance, etc... Things that an 'enlightened rationalist' cant understand. I think the British aristocracy still has strict rules in place & if they do they might just end up back in charge.