Wednesday, 22 August 2018

All Trump supporters are White Nationalists and Nazis even if they are not

4:45  "They want us dead."

10:00  "This is a crisis of the elite." An example of an alternative elite: Optimates and Populares.

Trump aide 'fired over ties to white nationalist event'


13:00  "These people have made civilised discourse impossible and poisoned the wells and one cannot have dealings with those who have poisoned the wells. This is nothing less than a conspiracy to evict Trump from office and to destroy all of those who do not share their opinions. You hear all this talk about left/right, being no longer useful and we have had globalist versus nationalist suggested as a substitute. It's become more primal than that. This has come to a situation of us versus them."


15:00  "All these people who take a great deal of risk to support president Trump does this
President Trump owe them any loyalty interests in return or is loyalty just supposed to go one way?"


18:00  "White nationalist as the term racist has lost much of as pejorative power through overuse. White nationalists seems to be increasingly deployed if it means anything it means creating a homogeneous white ethno state an objective no one in mainstream politics has ever advocated. Nonetheless Steve Bannon is casually described as possessing white nationalist tendencies.  Stephen Miller has become a white nationalist somehow. However, Keith Ellison second-in-command of the Democrat Party never faces questions for his explicit black nationalist past what's more no black congressmen feels compelled to denounce such views. The entire moral crusade by journalists is self discrediting. It is best understood as a crude exercise of power, not as a display of real ethical concern. Journalists clearly regard themselves as a kind of guild and are moving to ensure only those within their close network have access to the financial and communications infrastructure needed to connect with the mass public. Let it be said plainly if America were not saddled with today's 'journalists' we would be better informed have more freedom of speech and of a greater potential to mobilize against government abuses."


19:00  "[Journalists] are the enemy of the people and deserve everything that they have got are
getting and are going to get."


22:00  "We are blessed with incompetent  and stupid enemies but that's not enough. We have to take action ourselves.  It's a failed strategy because it's just laughed off now. The way that is supposed to work is that people typically young people engage in radical politics hold extremist positions and they move toward the middle. The definition of that grows broader with each passing day is now permanently shut out of the public square. This will serve only to embolden the radicals and to persuade the average citizen that the radicalism isn't in fact so radical because it appears to be the only alternative. If the left wants of war they're going to get a war. They seem to be so very convinced that they're going to win but if it actually gets to war the Washington Post isn't going to be much help. Jeff Bezos isn't going to be much help."


32:00  "It's no longer a question of protecting ourselves because there is no way we can protect ourselves. What we can do is take the fight to the enemy, that's what we can do. There's no there's no point in appealing for fairness and good faith from vile wicked vicious people."


37:00  "There's always the assumption here that there's never gonna be any push-back, there's never gonna be any resistance. It's been understood that when you back people into a corner they have no alternative but to fight because again we're not being offered jobs as janitors in the boiler room, we are being told that we are going to starve in a gutter - that's the alternative."


"When I was a working journalist it became obvious to me that journalists have a serious problem with reality. For one, they believe that their work is important and I don't mean important in the sense that people might read it, a bunch of people might read it or hear it they believe it has a greater important importance. That they are somehow the legislators of society now it used to be that journalists associated with all manner of people high and low. Typically now they associate only with themselves and the politicians that they worship so the situation has become much worse since I entered journalism over 30 years ago.  To talk about bubble isn't really sufficient because sound can pass through a bubble.  Journalists are in a vessel like that the bathysphere. It's not so much that you know that that sound cannot pass through, they're not interested. They're interested only in what they say amongst themselves. This is why they were so shocked. Many of them were broken by Trump's victory because no one that they knew of was voting for Trump so how could that happen? They considered it to be a literal impossibility. Journalists can't believe that Trump could have won in a fair election again because they don't know anyone like Trump. They don't know anyone who talks like Trump or believes in the things he's saying. They don't know normal people. Oh, sure they have a bunch of normies that they interview but these are carefully selected people who are whining about how the United States government is so mean because um you know Juan wants to bring his 19 relatives in the United States and the meanies at the border said no and then you know Juan snuck through but apparently that's not enough, the government the United States government wants to send him home now and how outrageous that is those are the kind of normal people that newspaper reporters talk to now there are people with a grudge against the government because the government isn't caring enough they have been hurt in some way and the government owes them money or favor or privilege."


"There has been there's been a loss of collective responsibility and there has been a loss of personal responsibility and this this is nothing less than a crisis. If no one could be held responsible for his actions for his decisions then we then the decadence that we are experiencing now is just a taste of a very unpleasant future."


"Trump is going to be president for four years at least and probably eight. He has the opportunity to use the presidency not just as a bully pulpit but to form a cadre of people who will lead the alternative elite. If he persists on turning on people who are his closest allies then you know there's a strong possibility that the Trump presidency could just be you know considered an interregnum in American history."


"These poisoned white people graduate with useless degrees and tens of thousands of dollars in debt."


1:01:00  "Zuckerberg is using Facebook as a political tool to really be one of the not unacknowledged but acknowledged legislators of the world. Facebook needs to be destroyed."

"It is not the media's job to discern facts because facts are things of which are very difficult to discern. There are a host of things that we are agreed upon are true but most of what goes on in the world is the subject of disagreement. It is a fact that one political position is better than another. Well, if that were true than the people on the wrong side of any issue would have to be motivated by something nasty.  Is it a fact that all of the people who were pushing for socialism around the world for over a hundred years - were they wicked because it turned out that socialism didn't work very well? Angela Merkel went to Facebook and said 'There are all of these people being mean about my migrant policy on Facebook. Can you do something about that, Mark?' and Mark said, 'Yes, sure I can do something about it.' "

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