
Wednesday, 12 September 2018

Why will no senior male politician criticise the morals of immoral never married mothers?

Why will no senior male politician denounce unmarried mothers?

The answer is at

They are also afraid of being accused of a historic sexual offence where a possibly false  accusation is as good as a conviction in degenerate feminised Western nations who have lost their Judeo-Christian heritage and forgotten the usefulness of the rule at Deuteronomy 19:15.

The entire West is now a matriarchy. In a matriarchy, all men without exception are lower in status than an immoral unmarried mother. This includes President Trump, I am afraid.

Until he has the courage to denounce these immoral women to stop them and others who will soon do as they do and become unmarried mothers and part of the parasitic class if they are not firmly discouraged, nothing will change and the West will continue its downward trajectory unobstructed.

The time has now come for American men to overthrow their matriarchy at the midterm elections.

When the Americans do it, the rest of the West will follow.

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 Fiona Simpson,Evening Standard 

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JS said...

A fatherless valueless ruin, brought to you courtesy of Progressivism

Claire Khaw said...

Why will no senior male politician denounce unmarried mothers?

JS said...

Because this “ruin” is a protected class, and above reproach. Same as here.

Claire Khaw said...

No law says that unmarried mothers are a protected class.

JS said...

Badmouth them and see where your political career, your business, or your reputation goes.

Claire Khaw said...

The time has now come for American men to overthrow their matriarchy at the midterm elections.

When you guys do it, the rest of the West will follow.

JS said...

Trump is flawed, no doubt, but he is a step in the right direction. I live in Texas, where (Austin excepted), hetero men still run the show.

Claire Khaw said...

Houston had a lesbian mayoress

JS said...

well, let me amend that comment. The urban areas, nationwide, are populated by the “protected classes”. Public money can be directed towards “feel good” projects, and those projects and their parent agendas can be given a public forum.

Every city that is run in this manner is deep in debt, with no way to fund their future liabilities. Houston is no exception, former Mayor Anise Parker had as her primary objective, co-ed restrooms. She failed in this effort, as she should have.

What didn’t make the news during her term, was her financial incompetence. The Left controls the the media, and by extension, the message. It was more important to forward an idiotic restroom initiative, than to run the city as a proper business, and that was the message broadcast to the public.

For what it’s worth, Harris County operates in the black.

AI fun with Secular Koranism with Vincent Bruno #11 Brian Thompson; socialised healthcare; idolatry

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