
Wednesday, 24 October 2018

Richard Spencer Accused Of Abuse, Will America Declare War On Mexico?


If a man does not have a supportive wife, any endeavour he undertakes would fail. Low status males who transgress against the culture don't get supportive wives . If they started supportive, they might turn bad after they notice that their husband is a compulsive womaniser. Maybe she decided to cash her chips in while she still had them, or, she wanted to make public that she did not want anything to do with him again so she could move on to a better man now.

Why would she support him if she doesn't think he is going to win? The best way to draw a line under her association with Spencer is to stab him in the front in the most public way possible.

It is not safe for men to marry until no fault divorce is abolished.

In the UK the men's rights party is led by a repulsive beta male loser called Mike Buchanan. Instead of proposing the abolition of no fault divorce,  he is expending his energy and time hopelessly on campaigning to ban circumcision as an expression of unexpressed antisemitism and Islamophobia. That is how hopeless white men are these days. No wonder their women hate them and make ever more outrageous demands on them in the hope of shaming and angering them enough to take back control. The penny has not yet dropped though. 

36:00  A cackle of misogynistic male laughter at a sane old wife being incarcerated in an asylum when her husband wanted to marry a younger woman. When divorce is not practicable, murder and other measures are resorted to.

40:00  Great point by Brundlefly about neither Johnson nor Spencer being prepared to do the grunt work of being nice to the proles.  Hitler did not disdain to take an interest in his proles. I have done it all though. Hint, hint.

This is how I see it: if you want to get to ethno-nationalism, you have to go past civic nationalism. If you are in Idaho and want to get to the Pacific Ocean, you have to go past Oregon.  I can take you guys to to Oregon where I think you will all be happy enough, but if you want to go to the beach, you will have to make your own way there.

You cannot do any of the stuff you want to do because you cannot behave well towards each other because you are weak, low status and immoral men. People will look at you scornfully and think to themselves "Such men deserve to suffer." This means you will only have bad leaders and treacherous followers, and nothing will be achieved.

50:00  On the new superchat rules, it appears that the walls are closing in and you really need to talk about restoring the patriarchy and shaming sluts with because you might as well tackle the problem at its source: feminism. If they start banning that, we can get the Muslims to declare jihad and take overAHAHAHAHA

53:00  Muslims call themselves Sufis to show they are the peaceful kind of Muslim because you are meant to think they have no time for radicalism, extremism and terrorism because they are chanting most of the day.

1:07:00  The only way of getting your white ethnostate remains to get your political classes to see things your way and the only way to do that is be organised and not appear like lower class losers repulsive to women and find yourself a high status leader. But what high status male with anything to lose would want to be associated with you lot? If they wanted gardeners etc would they hire any of you? No, of course not. Oswald Mosley was an aristocratic leader, but the political establishment ganged up against him. Still, you have Trump who is really one in a billion.

1:19:00  Jews have a moral code, alt-right losers don't even know what that means. Jews also have a better genetic quality because Jews care about whom they marry, while alt-right losers are mostly illegitimate, singly parented and never knew their fathers. Jews are excellent at abstract reasoning ie deduction and morality, alt-right antisemites only know their base appetites and violent inclinations and have no self-awareness, no culture, no religion, no family, no God, no wife and no legitimate offspring who will be a credit to them. This means they are incapable of planning for the future or of sustained and focused organised action. Their women instinctively know this and this is why they are repulsive even to women of their own race and class.

58:00  "Some of sort a Christian identity" - but how will its morality be imposed other than through the law? To be Christian is to believe in the Trinity. If you don't really believe Christ is the co-equal of the Abrahamic God, you are not really Christian. The Inquisition was about ensuring this was properly understood by the forced converts. People wouldn't put up with this now and the Catholic Church lost its power centuries ago. Even if you could do it, is it worth forcing forced converts into church every Sunday? You wouldn't have the manpower to do it. In the end, all you can do is demand compliance with patriarchy restoring sharia and punish those who break those laws.

James Fountain
I know that Greg Johnson favors laws against no fault divorce and enforcement of laws against adultery and alienation of affection. It's a bit dismaying that so few self styled leaders and opinion makers on the dissident right have anything to say about such matters. Maybe there is a lot of conscious avoidance of the Tradcon label.

Claire Khaw
It is probably because most Western men have been deprived of their fathers by their mothers and you can't miss what you never had. Even if you believed in marriage etc, you might be wary of talking about it too much in case you annoy men whom you know who have no hope of marrying or who never knew their fathers. Embarrassment and fear of giving offence would be the reasons. I did go on about it when I was in the BNP until someone gave me a prod and said "We are mostly like that"!

After so many years of saying the same thing in different ways and proposing a one party theocracy, I trust people now get how bad the situation is iie that nothing short of my proposal would solve the problem.

The sad thing is that they are now retreating into the position of pretending that the problem has been solved, because Trump will make everything right again.  Or, that after they conduct their pogrom, they will impose white sharia on their women , but in the meantime they will continue to enjoy the sexual liberation they have been enjoying ....

2:18:00  Doooovid: Israeli Jews find the Left more of a threat than the Right.
2:40:00  Kevin Grace affirms this.

3:09:00  Kevin Grace:

Trump is the last hope for civic nationalism in the United States. If he is brought down, all bets are off, because what follows him will be much stronger and much nastier.

3:11:00 Kevin Grace: "The public school system is institutional child abuse."

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