Tuesday, 23 October 2018

To my Muslim followers in the UK

The best dawa for Muslims is to show the Islamophobic and antisemitic atheist feminist gentile of the West how he came to be exploited by Jews, invaded by Muslims the way he is always complaining about led by a clueless childless woman who wants to sabotage Brexit.

You could start a nationwide debate if you all asked your local MP if he or she has heard of Secular Koranism, the creation of an agnostic non-Muslim.

Could it be because Christianity is kaput and representative democracy is no longer delivering the fruits of good government?

If the majority of Western men were married Christian fathers in control of their wives and their legitimate children, would they be putting up with uncontrolled immigration for even one minute?

The fact is most mothers in the West are unmarried mothers. The West is no longer a patriarchy, but a degenerate matriarchy.

A patriarchy is a society that prioritises the preferences of married fathers.

A matriarchy is a society that prioritises the preferences of unmarried mothers who tend to be bad parents to their illegitimate offspring who tend to grow up as underachievers and adult criminals.

All advanced civilisations are patriarchies.

All primitive, declining, extinct and soon to be extinct societies are matriarchies. The Native American was matriarchal. That was why the white man so easily exterminated them and colonised their entire continent.

If what I have said above is true, is it not time to replace our matriarchal liberal democracy with a one party theocracy governed by the principles of Secular Koranism to avert the disaster of becoming a failed state?

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