WASPs (White Anglo Saxon Protestants) used to be the Top White Guys.
This means Catholics came below WASPs.
Since White Guys both Protestant and Catholic stopped taking their religion seriously, Jews and White Women are now above White Gentile Post-Christian Atheist Men.
Only Islam will allow white men to take back control from their women and minorities now.
Now a non-denominational Christian ie Presbyterian has become POTUS of the most powerful nation in the world.
The thing to note about Presbyterians is that they are the most socially conservative group of Christians. My favourite White Nationalist Ann Coulter is also a Presbyterian.
Another thing we should note is that mosques are run on the same basis as the Presbyterian Church ie on the basis of the congregation choosing its elders. This explains why Presbyterians remain more socially conservative ie "right-wing" than cucked Episcopalianism and Catholicism which are ruled from the top and suffer from a overly-centralised hierarchy. Centralisation and Papal Infallibility is fine when you have an infallible Papal leader, but not OK when the head has rotted.
Are you guys getting the idea now?
Anglicanism was based on copying Catholicism and suffers from the same structural defects of administration.
The social conservatism of mosques and Presbyterianism came from the elders giving the congregation what they wanted.
There is no point even thinking of converting the West to Presbyterianism because its supporters are too few and its base too small.
If you want to regenerate the West, you would have to adopt Islam to impose the social conservatism necessary to bring about male solidarity and with it the male cooperation necessary to deal with your internal and external enemies.
One of the best bits is when Michael Voris had to say very firmly to Kathy Spangler, the newly appointed Director of Communications of Bishop Malone: "Stop touching me!"
Gender is more vital than Race. The so called "Alt right" Is Race Obsessed and Gender Blind. They don't understand the importance of Male Dominance in eliminating, if not controlling Black/White race-mixing. Furthermore, They don't understand that Freedom is power. They believe it is Christmas gift from God and if some people didn't get it God made a Mistake. They think if you have a "White Homeland" everything will work itself out. NOT TRUE! because those very Feminists and Liberal men that started the war on White will still be part of that Homeland, simply because they are White.