Friday, 21 December 2018

Why the West is losing its marbles and what is to be done about this

The matriarchy knows it cannot win arguments on the basis of truth, logic and morality alone. I do hope you will be discussing the effects of men denying that they live in a matriarchy.

You live in a matriarchy if the number of illegitimate births are approaching or are over half the number of legitimate births. You know this is the case in the West.

Western men fear to challenge feminism because they already know that their womenfolk are overwhelmingly feminist.

You are a feminist if even if you are a man complaining about feminism and feminists unless you also condemn fornication.

No man will publicly condemn fornication because there are too many vested interests eg men who wish to have sex with women they are not married to, men who are already having sex with women they are not married to, men who have fornicating daughters, men who used to fornicate, men who have gay sons, men whose associates have already been condoning extramarital sex and underage sex for decades.

Last, but not least, is big pharma who manufacture the contraceptive pill and of course those with shares invested in big pharma.

This is pretty much everyone really in the West and also in Russia.

Feminism is a disease of the mind and I would only be too happy to explain why it is destroying Western civilisation if given the opportunity.

We know that it is overwhelmingly women who vote for the left. Ann Coulter herself said so.

The average Western voter is a 40 year old single mother whom all political parties pander to. This explains why no one cares about foreign policy. You must understand that the national character in democracies can be easily determined by working out the average age of the nation and deciding which sex wields more power.

A patriarchy is a society that prioritises the preferences of married fathers, a matriarchy a society that prioritises the preferences of the unmarried mother, usually with variously fathered illegitimate offspring whom she badly parents.

Why the West is sucking in foreign workers from around the world because the class supposed to constitute its own labour force is degenerate, incompetent, uncompetitive and unwilling to work because it can claim welfare. 

The Welfare State is another Sacred Cow that must be slain.

We live in an Idiocracy because we live in a matriarchy. The matriarchy is not only dangerous to the patriarchy, it will also destroy itself after it has destroyed the patriarchy.

If we condone widespread bastardy, we are basically saying it is OK for the next generation to be parented by an immoral and irresponsible stupid woman who is in fact a sex offender and should be treated as such.

The only political ideology that can now shame these shameless women that their men are now too afraid to criticise of is the one with a holy book that has the verse at

 If you are in a burning building but are too afraid of your sacred cows that you know are blocking the exits and the windows, you will die in it, unless you remove those obstructions.

You know you must remove those obstructions or at least talk about removing those obstructions, man to man.Once you agree that this must be done, simply convey the message to the US President by promising him your support in the slaying of these sacred cows.

That would be the quickest non-violent way of restoring the patriarchy.

There are too many entitled middle class female undergraduates in universities. Male undergraduates who seek sexual access to these females will commit violence to gain access to these women by flattering them and committing violence to impress these women.

Intersectional Feminism which Lionel alluded to is not mentioned specifically, but has been identified by Alan M. Dershowitz as threatening to the Jew.

There is only one religion that guarantees freedom of belief by implicitly declaring thoughtcrime legislation as unIslamic.

The Church has been entirely subverted by feminists and liberals.

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