Saturday, 1 March 2025

The correct definition of morality makes it obvious which religion would be best for America

  1. Morality is a system of rules designed to keep the group in existence and apart from others.
  2. Moral systems include religions and secular political ideologies eg Liberalism, Fascism, Communism.
  3. Religions eg Judaism, Christianity, Islam, Hinduism and Buddhism last longer than secular political ideologies, therefore it would be sensible to replace liberal democracy with a religion since changing one's religion and political ideology is so deeply traumatic.  
  4. The best religion is obviously Islam because it is the only religion with a book of rules for humanity giving the most rights the most important of which is freedom of belief and expression. 
  5. Americans would should have no trouble agreeing that the First Amendment - the right to freedom of belief and expression - is the most important human right of all. 
  6. Americans cannot deny that the First Amendment is supported by
  7. The Koran is the only holy book of any religion that supports the First Amendment. 
  8. The Koran is believed by Muslims to be the directly revealed Word of God.
  9. There is only one Abrahamic God who made two revelations to humanity - the Torah and the Koran. 
  10. The Torah is for Jews from which they derived the Seven Noahide laws.
  11. The Seven Noahide Laws repeat the First and Second Commandments forbidding idolatry and blasphemy.
  12. The US adopting the Seven Noahide Laws would mean the abolition of the First Amendment. 
  13. Rabbis should declare Islam to be a Noahide religion and consider the possibility that the Koran is a later and final revelation by the Abrahamic God.
  14. In not acknowledging the possibility that the Koran is a later and better revelation to humanity, Jews are inciting hatred against themselves by implying God did not think gentiles worthy of His attention and guidance. 
  15. Muslims should invite rabbis to explain why they think the Torah is a better guide to humanity than the Koran if that is what they really think. 
  16. If rabbis refuse to engage on the question of whether the Koran is in fact better than the Torah, gentiles would be entitled to assume that rabbis have conceded that it either could be better or is in fact better. 
  17. There is a verse in the Koran that states that God will not burden a soul with more than it can bear at This includes Jewish souls.
  18. Jews are not fit for the purpose of being God's Chosen People chosen to tell Christians that Christianity is the idolatry of worshiping an executed blasphemer as the co-equal of the supreme and eternal Abrahamic God who created the Universe.
  19. If Jews were made God's Chosen People, their purpose must be to rank the four gentile religions according to their conformity with the Noahide laws.  
  20. In refusing to rank the four gentile religions after repeated requests to do so, rabbis are showing their unfitness for this divine purpose. 
  21. Half of Jewry are secular liberal atheist  Jews making them heretical Jews.
  22. Because Israel is a liberal democracy promoting the policies of Sodom and Gomorrah, Jews cannot claim to have the moral high ground over Muslims.  
  23. If Jews are considered to be powerful, it is only because they have the unwavering support and the military might of the global American Empire whose ruling classes are mostly godless atheists and nihilists. 
  24. Because most Americans consider the West to espouse liberal values, their de facto religion is liberalism, their sacrament representative democracy and their religious practice general elections.
  25. Americans appear to be determined to continue ignoring the advice of their Founding Father George Washington warning them against political parties given in 1796 nearly 230 years ago.
  26. This advice was first ignored in 1792, 232 years ago when the Democratic-Republican Party was  founded - also known as the Jeffersonian Republican Party -  ending the dominance of the Federalist Party founded in 1789.
  27. Everything Washington warned about as regards political parties has come to pass.
  28. It is hoped President Trump will save the American Republic from the warmongering neocons who have come to dominate US foreign policy. 
  29. warns against sectarianism in politics caused by the existence of political parties dividing the nation's ruling classes into amoral political tribes more interested in party interest than the national interest. 
  30. It was the sagacious Washington who warned "We must with caution indulge the supposition that morality can be maintained  without religion."
  31. When George Washington said: "Observe good faith and justice towards all nations; cultivate peace and harmony with all. Religion and morality enjoin this conduct," he could only have meant Islam because the principles of the Geneva Convention in fact come from the Koran. 
  32. Torah principles of warfare only apply to Jews who cannot agree on whether the Amalekites are still in existence to require being exterminated as Jews are commanded by God to do.  
  33. Jesus was never in a position to share his thoughts with humanity about the conduct of foreign policy.
  34. There are only five world religions.
  35. The Abrahamic religions are the ones best equipped to acquire and maintain empire. 
  36. Hinduism and Buddhism can be safely dismissed because the Majapahit Empire of India was superseded by Islam in South East Asia. India was also conquered by the Muslim Moghuls and the Christian British. 
  37. Judaism is for Jews, but Jews are only 1% of the world population, half of whom are heretics who would be stoned to death for breaking the Sabbath if Jews still took Judaism seriously.
  38. Christianity is kaput because the Pope, Archbishop of Canterbury and British monarch submit to the liberal order. 
  39. Even if Judaism and Christianity were not both kaput, the implementation of the prohibition against idolatry and blasphemy and the Christian practice of heretic burning would mean the abolition of the First Amendment in fact supported by which would be offensive to God, Reason and the Founding Fathers. 
  40. If Americans define themselves by their constitution and the Bill of Rights, then they must logically and necessarily exclude religious principles that go against the First Amendment. This means they must exclude the first two of the Ten Commandments and the first two of the Seven Noahide laws, leaving the Koran and its divine support of their First Amendment with the only rational and moral choice for Americans.

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