
Monday, 14 April 2008

Lateran Treaty-like solution for Dalai Lama and the Chinese Government


"Italy recognised Papal sovereignty over 480,000 square metres of Vatican Palace, with 1500 inhabitants, Castelgandolfo Palace and maybe some monasteries scattered around Rome. In exchange Pope (Vatican City State) recognised all the rest of Rome as Capital of Italy and all its inhabitants as Italians. The Pope finally gave up all claim on the rest of the Papal States and their millions of people conquered by Italy in 1860 and 1870, in exchange for vast sums of compensation in cash and Italian government bonds. The Concordat established Catholicism as religion of state but tolerance for all other religions. Religious marriage recognised and school religious education compulsory, using Catholic textbooks. If the Dalai did a deal like that with the Chinese, all he would get would be Potiala Palace and some monasteries. Chinese could maybe accept Buddhism as official religion of Tibet but Tibet would lose its status as an autonomous region."

[Research by Andrew Slade]

1 comment:

Jeremy Janson said...

This is the last thing the Chinese would ever want. The Chinese, like all successful empires, want to assimilate the people of their conquered region. Diversity can be tolerated, but only diversity that plays in well to the form of the nation and preferably has a friendly history to go with it. While a solution like this would not be damaging if Tibet was a tiny enclave like Americas Indian Reservations, for a massive swath of China about the size of Iran it could bring terror and pain for years to come.

A much sounder solution would be for China to make Tibet Independent to resolve its disputes with India. With India no longer fearful of an expansionist China, it could be free to expand territorially in to much fairer lands far richer in resources and potential, such as Siberia and the South China Sea. A sacrifical bunt like this could indeed score a home run for the PRC.

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