
Monday, 1 February 2016

Why the beta male needs Islam

Beta males will never get female attention if it is OK for women to have premarital sex.

If you want beta males to have a reasonable chance of finding a wife who will bear and bring up his children and stay with him, then society must

a) shame sluts with 24:2 of the Koran

b) repeal all anti-discrimination legislation

c) abolish no fault divorce.

Beta male victims of feminism are just not up to asking for this, or, if they do ask for this, of getting it for themselves.


If you were female and forced to choose, whose children would you bear?

a) A MGTOW who will never marry you
b) A jihadi warrior who has married you under Islamic law

The purpose of this question is to prove that even feminists who hate Islam and the patriarchy it stands for would still rather have the legitimate offspring of a jihadi warrior than be impregnated by a loser beta male. 


SM said...

why should we be bothered about female attention in the first place?

Claire Khaw said...

Because you want sex with them, of course.

SM said...

yeah...but we will not go to enormous lengths for you can buy sex at a cheap price everywhere

Claire Khaw said...

No, because you are old and tired and have no desire to take another wife nor the means to do so.

We are talking about future generations of European men, not just those with the stuffing already knocked out of them.

You know my solution is the only one that will work, but you don't want to live through the changes that would have to take place in order to get there. I understand.

SM said...

again pls explain the benefits of marriage for men to me? sexual monotony? maintenance? no thanks

and no...the solution you propose actually stopped working decades ago

Claire Khaw said...

It stopped working because of the sex revolution.

SM said...

it stopped working before the 60s

divorces went up and birthrates dropped since the turn of the last century

Claire Khaw said...

You don't want a counter-revolution, I know, because that would restrict your supply of slut sex, and you already know you

a) don't want to marry

b) are not marriageable

SM said...

once capitalism provided a receptive labour market for women it all started to change

lol women supply themselves, I do not do anything

Claire Khaw said...

We would have to return to protectionism and nationalism again.

SM said...

we grew out of this more than a century ago...and protectionism is a very bad economic policy

Claire Khaw said...

Neo-liberalism means immigration and the outsourcing of middle class jobs abroad.

SM said...

you are peddling the ideas of yesterday and dress them as novel...that is boring and totally unrealistic

Claire Khaw said...

You are just saying "Follow my tips for living well within the matriarchy."

SM said...

women paying their own bills is not matriarchy

putting women as primary caregivers is matriarchy: sole maternal control of the children

Claire Khaw said...

A patriarchy is a society that practises marriage.

A matriarchy is a society that tolerates sluts and bastards.

SM said...

nope, that is not the actualy definition nor does it reflect the realities...

Claire Khaw said...

We live in a matriarchy all right.

SM said...

we lived in a matriarchy (again) since men were removed from childcaring and had to work as sole providers since the dawn of industrialization

Claire Khaw said...

Men hunted while the women stayed home to look after the next generation.

SM said...

you just want us to marry you again and pay your bills, so you can drop out of the workforce and scream at kids while watching TV on your couch lol

Claire Khaw said...

I don't think a society of bastards and sluts bodes well for your civilisation. I guess you don't care about such things as the future of your civilisation, do you?

SM said...

marriage is not civilization! it is the opposite of it

plus a child is not better or worse just because its parents are married

Claire Khaw said...

How do you define civilisation?

SM said...

certainly not through marriage

it clearly shows you women are taking yourself much too serious and overestimate yourselves

Claire Khaw said...

How do women over-estimate themselves?

SM said...

by thinking that our civilization or dignity rests between theirs legs

Claire Khaw said...

The continuation of your civilisation depends on the quality of the next generation.

SM said...

yes and that takes more than your uterus

Claire Khaw said...

Preserving your civilisation means seeing to it that

1) most of your women are not sluts

2) most of your mothers are not Slut Single Mothers

3) most of the next generation are not bastards so that most members of your society are not sluts and bastards

4) most of your men are fathers who are also husbands

5) most of your men are *not* MCSFs (Morally Compromised Slut-Fuckers) ie MGTOW

Imagine a war between a society whose members are mostly sluts and and bastards and a society whose members are not mostly sluts and bastards.

Which do you think is more likely to win?

Why do you think bastards and sluts used to be shunned by respectable society? Bastardy is linked with crime and degeneracy.

SM said...

btw...I take the fact that you describe me as unmarriagable as a compliment...any man with self-respect is not "marriage-material"-only doormats are

Claire Khaw said...

Any man who looks like he could be a good husband and father is by definition marriageable.

SM said...

good husband = doormat

good husband = bad father

rest my case

Claire Khaw said...

How so?

What is a good mother?

What is a good wife?

SM said...

a woman who earns money and is a good example

Claire Khaw said...

A good example of what?

SM said...

of being smart, successful and hardworking

so no housewives and other leeches

a good wife is the wife of the neighbour that you occasionally bang in your garage lol

provided she is pretty enough lol

Claire Khaw said...

Just admit it.

You want to blow the world up after you die and then piss on it.

SM said...

no...but the world will blow up if we continue this sharade

and honestly: male sexuality is none of your business

CH said...

Depends. If it's someone I'm screwing or who wants to screw me, best believe his sexuality is my business.

SM said...

not it is not...if you want him to screw only you then make it worth it...but one pussy always gets boring

Claire Khaw said...

SM, do you regard female sexuality as none of your business?

CH said...

Aren't MGTOWs the opposite of MCSFs? These are men who can't get laid so they're swearing off women.

Claire Khaw said...

MGTOW *even lower* than MCSFs. Interesting!

MCSF - Morally-Compromised Slut-Fucker

Anonymous said...

at no point is MGTOW about "swearing off women" is about walking away from commitment that is outdated and that honestly you are not worth

CH said...

So in other words, yeah, it's about swearing off women. Most of these men would change their tune in a heartbeat if a woman managed to give them the time of day.

SM said...

no...most of these men had many relationships and even marriage and found out it is a waste of time

CH said...

They had many bad relationships and instead of practicing some introspection, they've decided to blame women for their failures and swear off women.

SM said...

why is it so important to you that men care about you?

CH said...

Believe me, it's not. Of course I wouldn't mind *one* nice guy to spend my life with but it's not important for me that men in general care about me.

SM said...

good...then it should not bother you

CH said...

What shouldn't bother me?

SM said...

what men do...get a job, and move on

CH said...

What men do affects society as a whole, just as what women do affects society. So to an extent, yeah I

SM said...

it affects lazy women...that is not society

btw...there is no such thing as a society - Maggie Thatcher lol

CH said...

No such thing as society...ok now I really know you're an idiot and I'm not going to waste time arguing with you.

SM said...

if we do not marry you and make you housewives and demand shared parenting without paying you a nickel society will thrive, children will be better off and you will work more which is good too

you just run out of arguments because apart from housewife shaming language you have nothing to offer...and your aging sexuality...meh...after 35 nobody cares

CH said...

Plenty of people do shared parenting and live in households where both parents work; in fact most do nowadays in the West. It's 2016 not 1950.

"Housewife shaming"? Wtf are you on about? Life and relationships aren't all about sex...grow up!

SM said...

no...shared parenting is still in its early stages and living together is actually less and less the norm

most people today are single

fact is: we do not need you and what is not needed gets fired...easy

CH said...

Shared parenting isn't in its early stages here. Divorced people have been sharing custody here for decades.

Men and women need each other to further the human race. Most people want children and the way to do it is to find someone of the opposite sex to conceive with. It's basic biology.

CH said...

no they do not...90% of all cases are awarded to the offal we call wife

Children generally go to the mothers in the west, to fathers in the east, but people can and do go to court to request shared custody all the time. If most fathers here can't be bothered to ask for shared custody that's not the fault of the mothers.

SM said...

it is denied by teh courts and now we men cannot be bothered any more with you

it is a waste of time to commit to anyone of you since you lack the basic understanding of what a compromise means...hence we cut you loose...children can also be adopted and surrogacy is cheap today

CH said...

If it's denied by the courts that means the courts determined that the parent in question is either a shitty parent or can't financially support the child as well as the other parent.

SM said...

no that is not how it works

otherwise 99% of cases would favour the man and not the useless unemployed wife

CH said...

that's how it works here. Also, they are not about to award adoption rights to a single man. Isn't surrogacy illegal and more difficult in Europe, which is why a lot of rich Europeans do it here in America?

SM said...

I would invest in Purina Petfood and Julio Gallo wines because this is what you ladies will buy most of the time lol

CH said...

Most women here in America aren't unemployed.

SM said...

they are as lazy as any western women

CH said...

Most western men are beta losers with nothing to offer any woman, so you give no incentive for us to offer you anything. This is why so many western women are welcoming in refugees from Arab countries.

SM said...

please...feel free to knock yourself out and up lol we western men can have any woman on the planet and will enjoy the variety gladly...the arabs can have you all for all I care

actually we get laid more often and with more women than married betas lol

fucking the same women over and over again is is animal husbandry

so better less sex with more women than more sex with the same women you are not even interested in anymore

JE said...

Marriage is the foundation of civilization but since marriage is now unappealing it has become a prison for men, either this needs to be fixed or western civilization is gone

Claire Khaw said...

Western civilisation AS WE KNOW IT will be gone.

SM said...

that is like saying: without the printing press and steam machine the western economy is gone

JE said...

Marriage helps keep morality and gives a goal for men and women, women naturally want marriage and that is why white women convert to islam to marry a man since islam has an appealing marriage system

My solution to the marriage problem is to make it appealing again. So legalise polygyny and make adultery and fornication a crime and educate men and women to be more traditional. Maybe we'll have to import thai ladyboys from thailand to teach women to be more feminine again?

CH said...

Most western men are beta losers with nothing to offer any woman, so they give no incentive for women to offer them anything. This is why so many western women are welcoming in refugees from Arab countries I guess.

SM said...

a woman that needs to be bribed into a relationship is useless and not interesting...any prostitute is more honest

work is civilization, science is civilization...islam is not civilization and marriage also not

you guys have an obsession with who men fuck...that is almost pathologic

JE said...

Islam is not civilization? So a religion that created a great empire is not civilization?

SM said...

what empires, empires of poverty, hate and violence

Why does a woman need to be bribed?

you want to bribe women into marriage, not me

Claire Khaw said...

Because there is no such thing as a free lunch.

JE said...

The islamic empire under Prophet Muhammad, Abu Bakr and Umar and uthman were probably some of the finest times in human achievement considering Muhammad turned a primitive people into an empire

SM said...

useless pedophiles that obstructed human progress and to this day live off of the foundation of previous cultures

if it was not for the Byzantine-Sassanid wars they would have never made it to the Yarmuk river

JE said...

Did they obstruct human progress? They created an advanced civilization and a golden age in science

Yes they took knowledge from previous civilizations and took advantage of the Byzantium and persian wars and that is to be admired since that is how you build an empire

SM said...

they had nothing to offer, they added nothing

JE said...

I don't see how taking other people's science and taking advantage of their weaknesses is condemned, it is pure common sense to do that, civilization is survival of your people not a saturday morning cartoon

SM said...

and the best proof is the 1400 years of stagnation, incest and poverty

JE said...

1400 stagnation? Islam was most powerful from after 630s to 1750s, hardly 1400 years stagnation and stagnation from the 1700s

The Muslims created an advanced civilization that lasted over a thousand years but they became corrupt and collapsed like any civilization. The point is that religion brings unity and morality

SM said...

islam is as outdated and over as is your defunct nuclear family...even in Iran people rebel and their women throw away the chador as soon as they left the eyes of the mullahs

the same goes for many Turkish in my city they offer anal for 40 EUR per

JE said...

Iran is a bad example since Islam has not revived yet, Islam has fallen into a dark age,

SM said...

divorce is also rampant and islamic women are the most lazy of all

JE said...

Turkey is a secular state so why are you saying islam when you should be saying secularism?

SM said...

rest assured: all religion including islam is already a foul existince

JE said...

Yes and? Like i've said, Islam has fallen into a dark age. They need to revive, once women stop getting honour killed and the corruption is dealt with Islam will become a threat once more

Religion is necessery for a moral society. If a society is atheist it needs a atheist religion for morality

SM said...

religion is useless...only children, imbeciles and willfull ignorants believe in these fairy tales

this is like abolishing modern medicine for its flaws and trying to cure people with "magic"

Claire Khaw said...

Religion is the only thing that would make people respect the institution of marriage again.

SM said...

go to hell with your marriage lol nobody wants this anymore

it is easier to sell rotten apples

Claire Khaw said...

Because our laws do not support marriage.

The best way of supporting marriage is to forbid and punish extramarital sex as 24:2 of the Koran prescribes.

SM said...

blablabla...then go on and punish all people lol nobody is listening to your ideas not even young mudslimes

JE said...

Religion is useless? The mormons are self-sufficent and do not rely on governemnt for welfare and you tell me that this is useless?

SM said...

they run a tax free ponzy scheme

JE said...

What are you on about? Religion and science can co-exist with no problem.

SM said...

no they cannot....religion is dying therefore everywhere

JE said...

And? Taxation is a form of theft and taxes should be low anyway

SM said...

yes, but good enough to steal from working is a local phenomenon and even they will die

JE said...

when religion dies everywhere the extinction of humanity will be a blessing on people since they'll be miserable without religion

Atheism has no moral foundation. People need to believe in supreme being to have a reason to exist. When an atheist realizes that morality is not universal and life is pointless he or she takes it to a natural conclusion and commits suicide

SM said...

morals are arbitrary...

if you need an invisible magic friend in order to not kill yourself I must really wonder about the state of your maturity

JE said...

I have no faith in humanity at all, humans need to be controlled or we destroy each other with basic instincts, that is why religion is needed to control the beast that is man

SM said...

and you are the one to control them? no...humans need freedom and need to be held accountable...control is for the individual

JE said...

I have no interest in controlling people but a great leader can do that. Religion creates self-control for people and creates a community spirit to unite people

SM said...

it creates lunacy and economic malaise

everything that is not 100% rational will fall

JE said...

What exactly is 100% rational? marxism claimed to be rational and the future yet it created a nightmare that broke mass murder records. Which ideology can claim to be 100% rational and 0% faith?

Claire Khaw said...

Secular Koranism is the ideology that claims to be 100% rational and 0% faith.

SM said...

what created the mess were people who took morals and zealotry as justification to press people into their designs

that is per definition not rational

Claire Khaw said...

That's just politics.

SM said...

that is lunacy

Claire Khaw said...

Religion is about instilling morality, and morality is about creating and maintaining social and group cohesion to maintain the existence of your civilisation.

SM said...

religion is about bullshit...again...rotten apples nobody will buy

Claire Khaw said...

The distinction between religion and politics is a distinction without a difference.

SM said...

as I said: nobody buys your product, so leave it

Claire Khaw said...

We just need a charismatic leader capable of persuading most people.

SM said...

lots of "ifs"...maybe you need a leader...most peopel don't

Claire Khaw said...

Someone who wants to go down in history - an alpha male - would pick up my idea and run with it, but I know there are no alpha males in the West any more.

SM said...

sure...a real alpha would pick up your ideas lmao

Claire Khaw said...

Like I said, there are no longer any alpha males in the West.

SM said...

the thing is that you do not even get decide what a man or alpha is

Claire Khaw said...

An alpha male is the leader of beta males, CHOSEN ONLY BY THEM. That is why no mainstream politician will do it: because they are all mediocrities, cowards, and are too terrified of alienating the female vote.

SM said...

t is 2016...time you arrive in the reality and in the present

Claire Khaw said...

The reality is that the West is degenerate and Western men are effeminate and emasculated beta males with no alpha male to lead them because of indiscriminate universal suffrage which is a sacred cow they still worship.

While Western man worships sluts and indiscriminate universal suffrage, Muslims worship an omnipotent and morally perfect God who has already taken the trouble of putting the laws He thinks they should follow in the Koran.

SM said...

blablabla...then why don't you convert then? lol

Claire Khaw said...

Because I am a Secular Koranist and Secular Koranism is a legal system, not a belief system.

SM said...

what a nonsense

Claire Khaw said...

It is not nonsensical to predict that if sluts were shamed, the supply of slut sex would dry up for men like you.

When slut sex dries up men who want children will suddenly see the point of marriage again, because men will do anything for sex and status.

SM said...

if, if, if, analysis of society, just "if the world was like I wish it to be"...I wish birds would shit out gold so we would have no poverty..smh

Claire Khaw said...

I have told you what the problem is. You cannot deny that if decent women refused to have premarital sex with you, you would be forced to become gay or just use prostitutes all the time, if you want to have sex with someone you are not married to.

SM said...

your "analysis" of the problem is crap then

Claire Khaw said...

What is your analysis then?

SM said...

deregulate the mating market, let market forces establish an equilibrium on its own than trying to fiddle with it and make things worse

Claire Khaw said...

What do you mean by that?

SM said...

cancel all entitlement, all relationship related laws and entitlements and let people negotiate the outcomes

Claire Khaw said...

You would just get the marriage contract, which is what Muslims already do!

SM said...

let people decide...a muslims wants to bribe his restored virgin wife with money...please feel free....another man wants to have kids but no marriage....fine as well

Claire Khaw said...

What would be the purpose of having children but not marrying the mother?

SM said...

to have kids...they need help, the woman can look after herself

one week her, one week they already do that...and money, nothing

Claire Khaw said...

If you were female, would you choose a man prepared to marry you or one who would not?

SM said...

I am not a woman, so I do not really care

but a woman that works on her own career might find this even an attractive proposition, especially since she can have kids and career...and men can finally be fathers and relax more

Claire Khaw said...

Career women don't really want to be single mothers.

SM said...

of course! the more a woman earns the more likely she divorces...

it is ok..we look for different things in a parental partner and in a sexual partner

Claire Khaw said...

There are men who want children but don't want to bring them up themselves, believing that the best person to look after them would be their mother.

If we cared about the quality of the next generation, we would have to accept that the best environment for the next generation is for it to live with both its married parents.

SM said...

sure...if they can afford to pay her taxes, social security, want a nanny? then pay for it

I want a chauffer for my Bentley...should the taxpayer support my wishes?

Claire Khaw said...

No, because the long term national interest does not require that anyone else make sacrifices for your desire to have a chauffeur for your Bentley.

Of course, a government that cared about the long term national interest would pass laws supporting marriage, but we know that being democratic politicians they are just a bunch of short termist cowards afraid of saying anything to alienate the female vote.

SM said...

the government has no place in relationships

neither does the national interest require women to be unproductive

Claire Khaw said...

The purpose of government is to legislate in order to provoke the long term national interest.

If women are bringing up the next generation and looking after the home and their husbands, then they are doing something useful, aren't they?

SM said...

you always want a free ride lady, don't you?

and you call it national interest so some sucker can slave away for you and your spoiled brats

no that is not enough...that is not work

only taxable income is work...that is like: I am scratching my ass, so why don't you pay me for my work?

I gotcha! you want to engineer a way around work, so you can stop thinking and pushing yourselves...ain't gonna work...the reality and in future even more so it is: off to work ladies

Slave and Master morality

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