
Sunday, 4 April 2010


Christianity is on its way out and Islam will sooner or later fill the vacuum.

If you can't beat them, join them.

There is no need to take Islam lock, stock and barrel or hook line and sinker.

What you do is control the interpretation of the Koran,

In fact, all you need to do to have a kind of Islamic State that would be acceptable even to atheists like me is to require that all law students pass an exam in Koranic knowledge and principles as well as the current core subjects.

No need for beards and burkas at all.

I would disestablish the Church of England and re-establish a Mosque of Britain with the trinity and Communion decisively excised. Hymns and carols can stay, unchanged even, though there will be constant reminders that the new state religion is a UNITARIAN one which denies the divinity of Christ.

It would also welcome atheists who will be invited to agree that if God did in fact exist, He would embody the qualities of Truth, Reason and Reality, which all must submit to, eventually.

Sermons will be based on both the Bible and the Koran.

The clerical clothing will remain the same eg mitres, sceptres, dog collars, cassocks etc.

British butchers will sell halal pork, bacon and ham.


1 comment:

Pericles said...

I could be wrong but I think you're searching for a British equivalent to the American Civil religion - Ceremonial Deism.

If a true and direct democracy is going to have a new state religion it really should be Civic Religion.

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