
Thursday, 28 April 2011

Tweeters who have stopped me from following their tweets

List of twits who have blocked me from following their tweets.

  1. @davidyelland!/davidyelland
  2. @MASieghart!/masieghart
  3. @TimMontgomerie!/timmontgomerie
  4. @IainDale!/iaindale
  5. @jennyeclair!/jennyeclair
  6. @domjoly!/domjoly
  7. @RealRobertWebb!/realrobertwebb
  8. @JohnRentoul!/johnrentoul
  9. @RuthieGledhill!/ruthiegledhill
  10. @Marthakearney!/marthakearney
  11. @laurenlaverne!/laurenlaverne
  12. @whjm!/whjm
  13. @isaby!/isaby
  14. @krishgm!/krishgm
  15. @paulmasonnews!/paulmasonnews
  16. @GuidoFawkes!/GuidoFawkes
  17. @JamesDelingpole!/jamesdelingpole
  18. @His_Grace!/His_Grace
  19. @tfa4freedom!/tfa4freedom
  20. @simplysimontfa!/simplysimontfa
  21. @alaindebotton!/alaindebotton
  22. @frasernelson!/frasernelson
  23. @scots_subrosa!/scots_subrosa
  24. @suzanne_moore!/suzanne_moore
  25. @hugorifkind!/hugorifkind
  26. @jameskirkup!/jameskirkup
  27. @SamiraAhmedUK!/SamiraAhmedUK
  28. @johannhari101!/johannhari101
  29. @indiaknight!/indiaknight
  30. @bindelj!/bindelj
  31. @DAaronovitch!/DAaronovitch
  32. @TomHarrisMP!/TomHarrisMP
  33. @DouglasCarswell!/douglascarswell
  34. @paulwaugh!/paulwaugh
  35. @juliahobsbawm!/juliahobsbawm
  36. @commentisfree!/commentisfree
  37. @toadmeister!/toadmeister 
  38. @GoodwinMJ!/GoodwinMJ 
  39. @TimHarford!/timharford 
  40. @graemearcher!/graemearcher 
  41. @williamcrawley!/williamcrawley 
  42. @vicderbyshire!/vicderbyshire 
  43. @sunny_hundal!/sunny_hundal 
  44. @Phillip_Blond!/Phillip_Blond 
  45. @Miss_Snuffy!/Miss_Snuffy 
  46. @susanhillwriter!/susanhillwriter 
  47. @mrspouncer!/mrspouncer 
  48. @bbcrobinlustig!/bbcrobinlustig 
  49. @holysmoke!/holysmoke
  50. @Pippyz!/Pippyz
  51. @polblonde!/@polblonde 
  52. @RebeccaJBradley!/RebeccaJBradley 
  53. @ClareKirkp!/ClareKirkp  
  54. @andrewcopson!/andrewcopson 
  55. @DavidAllenGreen!/DavidAllenGreen
  56. @JackofKent!/JackofKent  
  57. @PPeterthompson!/PPeterthompson   
  58. @riveninside!/riveninside 
  59. @rossaverde!/rossaverde 
  60. @pangallion!/pangallion 
  61. @indigojo_uk!/indigojo_uk 
  62. @pperrin!/pperrin 
  63. @VirtualResistan!/VirtualResistan 
  64. @ianbirrell!/ianbirrell 
  65. @Lefty_Lisa!/Lefty_Lisa 
  66. @margotjamesmp!/margotjamesmp
  67. @vivizaraz!/vivizaraz 
  68. @_millymoo!/_millymoo 
  69. @Tim_Aker!/Tim_Aker 
  70. @southwestbriton!/southwestbriton 
  71. @HarryAldridge!/HarryAldridge 
  72. @ArnieEtc!/ArnieEtc 
  73. @renarde!/renarde
  74. @BethanyBlack!/BethanyBlack
  75. @OwenJones84!/owenjones84
  76. @LDNCalling!/LDNCalling
  77. @legalaware!/legalaware
  78. @cherrigilham!/CherriGilham
  79. @tom_watson!/tom_watson
  80. @BHAnews!/BHAnews
  81. @LouiseMensch!/LouiseMensch
  82. @KevinBrennanMP!/KevinBrennanMP
  83. @iainmartin1!/iainmartin1
  84. @DoctorCuriosity!/DoctorCuriosity
  85. @clairefrilly!/clairefrilly
  86. @edwestonline!/edwestonline
  87. @TomChivers!/TomChivers
  88. @langtry_girl!/langtry_girl
  89. @enternoon!/enternoon
  90. @DamoclesBDA!/DamoclesBDA
  91. @dlknowles!/dlknowles
  92. @greebstreebling!/greebstreebling
  93. @the3rdgirl!/the3rdgirl
  94. @bloggers4ukip!/bloggers4ukip
  95. @HelenW71!/HelenW71
  96. @nthenry!/nthenry
  97. @richardcalhoun!/richardcalhoun
  98. @SAHDandproud!/SAHDandproud
  99. @JessieMiller1!/JessieMiller1
  100. @corrie_corfield!/corrie_corfield
  101. @janegarvey1!/janegarvey1
  102. @SteveBakerMP!/SteveBakerMP
  103. @MsAlliance!/MsAlliance
  104. @PaulLewis!/paullewis
  105. @daisynewman!/daisynewman
  106. @GuardianJoanna!/GuardianJoanna
  107. @BBCWomansHour!/BBCWomansHour
  108. @A_C_McGregor!/A_C_McGregor
  109. @edward_quigley!/edward_quigley
  110. @HackneyAbbott!/HackneyAbbott
  111. @PennyRed!/PennyRed
  112. @Ellwynnnnn!/Ellwynnnnn
  113. @Baddiel!/Baddiel
  114. @JamesSmartIII!/JamesSmartIII
  115. @AngusDuncan!/angus_duncan
  116. @davideyre!/davideyre
  117. @EVAWhd!/EVAWhd
  118. @russ_e_jones!/russ_e_jones
  119. @Future_of_West!/@Future_of_West
  120. @ciderdave!/ciderdave
  121. @mrsnickyclark!/mrsnickyclark
  122. @moewytchdog!/moewytchdog
  123. @GrantTucker!/GrantTucker
  124. @emmaboon!/emmaboon
  125. @ajcdeane!/ajcdeane
  126. @GavinFreeguard!/GavinFreeguard
  127. @TheOrwellPrize!/TheOrwellPrize
  128. @SlutwalkLondon!/SlutwalkLondon
  129. @DPJHodges!/DPJHodges
  130. @nickgriffinmep!/nickgriffinmep
  131. @MattHopeNotHate!/MattHopeNotHate
  132. @slaurencecowley!/slaurencecowley
  133. @cuffsl!/cuffsl
  134. @lucyann_7!/lucyann_7
  135. @SplinterSunrise!/SplinterSunrise
  136. @ascotsmanabroad!/ascotsmanabroad
  137. @MissLButtercup!/MissLButtercup
  138. @poochalot!/poochalot
  139. @saminus!/saminus
  140. @Glinner!/Glinner
  141. @MPACUK!/mpacuk
  142. @CatHam75!/CatHam75
  143. @AsifMalik1977!/AsifMalik1977
  144. @Siobhan4Mayor!/Siobhan4Mayor
  145. @sianwilliams100!/sianwilliams100
  146. @sadesarla!/sadesarla
  147. @obreption!/obreption
  148. @lindasgrant!/lindasgrant
  149. @MoAnsar!/MoAnsar
  150. @lisaansell3!/lisaansell3
  151. @MirrorJames!/MirrorJames
  152. @tobyharnden!/tobyharnden
  153. @happy_slimer!/happy_slimer
  154. @rangerstaxcase!/rangerstaxcase
  155. @BrianCathcart!/BrianCathcart
  156. @iamamro!/iamamro
  157. @Jezzebela!/Jezzebela
  158. @LordOtter!/LordOtter
  159. @specialdelia!/specialdelia
  160. @Rubovia!/Rubovia
  161. @NadineDorriesMP!/NadineDorriesMP
  162. @MerrynSW!/MerrynSW
  163. @clogmuso!/clogmuso
  164. @maleghast!/maleghast
  165. @AnneBillson!/AnneBillson
  166. @fleetstreetfox!/fleetstreetfox
  167. @Lunarteddy!/Lunarteddy
  168. @UKIPNorthEast!/UKIPNorthEast
  169. @caelainnbarr!/caelainnbarr
  170. @britishchambers!/britishchambers
  171. @CBItweets!/cbitweets
  172. @mockduck!/mockduck
  173. @Mr_Chas!/Mr_Chas
  174. @jwscullis11985!/jwscullis11985
  175. @HarrietSergeant!/HarrietSergeant
  176. @edwardlucas!/edwardlucas
  177. @londonistar!/londonistar
  178. @byameliahill!/byameliahill
  179. @NUTonline!/NUTonline 
  180. @The_IoD
  181. @ProfBrianCox
  182. @HenriBest1995
  183. @BillWongOT
  184. @deborahbowman
  185. @Ermintrude2
  186. @EverydaySexism
  187. @anjinanhut
  188. @faineg
  189. @DawnHFoster
  190. @marcusjdl
  191. @pierrenovellie
  192. @lisagoodchild
  193. @Robertsthegreat
  194. @billymclean87
  195. @Adrian_Hilton
  196. @travellingcoral
  197. @chrissiemanby
  198. @LeeJohnBarnes
  199. @StillersFanInFL
  200. @Miss_Tyeshia
  201. @ChristianJonas
  202. @akajesseb
  203. @mike1101011
  204. @Vote_UKIP
  205. @Cherrym_1982
  206. @TShortley
  207. @Bigchris_BRFC
  208. @hprw
  209. @JaxMay1972
  210. @SegaSky
  211. @stephenleather
  212. @Donna_Gallers
  213. @WeekWoman
  214. @sazza_jay
  215. @NadiaKamil
  216. @madeby_millie
  217. @UKIPNorthEast
  218. @ukiptandw
  219. @CaptainUKIP
  220. @FionaLister
  221. @star_pumpkin
  222. @RedHotSquirrel
  223. @HeanorPatriot
  224. @VixxyLix
  225. @johnjoeoregan
  226. @thomdyke
  227. @cake_not_hate
  228. @PopeBXVI
  229. @OfficialF4J
  230. @NadineOC
  231. @MattGOConnor
  232. @TradBritGroup
  233. @Paulflynnmp
  234. @ShirlWhiteside 
  235. @paul rogers002
  236. @londonmuslim
  237. @JacintaOC
  238. @Fraloob
  239. @mhd_bass
  240. @sarramanning
  241. @AWOT_UK
  242. @Boopetta
  243. @scroeser
  244. @missaleksia
  245. @RedHeadFashion
  246. @TheRealRoseanne
  247. @corrie_corfield
  248. @RevDavidOldham
  249. @AndrewGraystone
  250. @frsimon
  251. @thechurchmouse
  252. @FaithinConflict
  253. @suepritch
  254. @thetobymichaels
  255. @disorganic
  256. @racybaldhero
  257. @freiahill
  258. @KJX33
  259. @JoshuaRozenberg
  260. @WelshDalaiLama
  261. @BethEleri
  262. @JonathanHaynes
  263. @SallyHitchiner
  264. @ZASaunders
  265. @WinstonMcK
  266. @marcusbrig
  267. @peterburrows101
  268. @AbiHaworth
  269. @TheMrGrumpy
  270. @TheCommentator
  271. @stegan
  272. @sapienist
  273. @AbiWBC
  274. @BenCPike
  275. @AllyFogg
  276. @jimalkhalili
  277. @planetcath
  278. @CathElliott
  279. @Mancman10
  280. @billymclean87
  281. @fuelled_by_pies
  282. @benlovell
  283. @timstidham
  284. @brian_kelly67
  285. @NF_activist
  286. @RichardLoweUK
  287. @iaincollins
  288. @blondygirl1
  289. @Hossylass
  290. @georgegalloway
  291. @mrburlesk
  292. @BaronessDeech
  293. @ManicGG
  294. @rebeccakesby1
  295. @bananarahmana
(If you feel you should be on the list and have not been included it is because I have forgotten all about you.)

What do they all have in common?  Fear of discussing feminism perhaps?  The women are clearly reluctant to discuss any reduction of their legal privileges.  The men are too frightened of offending women because they don't want to lose their jobs, be divorced by their wives, lose half their property, be unjustly deprived of their children, have their wives bring unsuitable lovers into the former matrimonial home to perhaps corrupt their children and even to sexually abuse them ...


Simon Brighty said...

I appear to be on this list for being repulsed by your ill-informed and frankly childish opinion of people with autism. What was it you said? Weird and stupid? And then you wouldn't stop harassing me, so I blocked you. Anyone fancy a slice of fruitcake?

Jenny MacKinnon said...

You've harassed so many people that almost 300 of them have blocked you? Why would that be something to be proud of? This doesn't make you a thought leader, it just makes you a troll.

Claire Khaw said...

It means that they have noticed and reacted to me.

If Socrates were alive now he would be called a troll, would he not?

Peter Hadlowe said...

No. Neither would he be called a cunt, you cunt.

Anonymous said...

I think I'll get a twiter account so I can join this list

Is Trump Good?