
Wednesday, 19 September 2018

Hitler's category mistake

The passage from Mein Kampf that I read out that attracted a strike from YouTube:

The more I debated with them the more familiar I became with their argumentative tactics. At the outset they counted upon the stupidity of their opponents; but when they got so entangled that they could not find a way out they played the trick of acting as innocent simpletons. Should they fail, in spite of their tricks to logic, they acted as if they could not under the counter arguments and bolted away to another field of discussion. They would lay down truisms and platitudes; and, if you accepted these, then they were applied to other problems and matters of an essentially different nature from the original theme. If you faced them with this point, they would escape again, and you could not bring them to make any precise statement. Whenever one tried to get a firm grip on any of these apostles one's hand grasped only jelly and slime which slipped through the fingers and combined again into a sold mass a moment afterwards. If your adversary felt forced to given in to your argument, on account of observers present, and if you then thought that at last you had gained ground, a surprise was in store for you on the following day. He would be utterly oblivious to what had happened the day before, and he would start once again by repeating his former absurdities, as if nothing had happened. Should you become indignant and remind him of yesterday's defeat, he pretended astonishment and could not remember anything, except that on the previous day he had proved that his statements were correct. Sometimes I was dumbfounded. I do not know what amazed me more - the abundance of their privilege or the artful way in which they dressed up their falsehoods. I gradually came to hate them.

A category mistake (or category error) is a logical fallacy that occurs when a speaker (knowingly or not) confuses the properties of the whole with the properties of a part. It contains the fallacy of composition (assuming the whole has the properties of the part) and the fallacy of division (assuming the part has the properties of the whole).

It is an imprecision fallacy and an informal fallacy.


  1. Confusing (knowingly or not) the Muslim immigrants in their country whom they hate with a book they will never read ie the Koran. 
  2. Confusing (knowingly or not) Muslim immigrants in their country whom they hate with the terrorists that they fear who have been provoked by the imperialistic foreign policy of their governments.
  3. Confusing (knowingly or not) the consequence of following clear instructions badly or not at all with the correctness of the instruction. (Is your doctor a bad doctor if you do not follow his orders? Is your satnav faulty if you ignore its directions? Is your map wrong if you misread it?)
  4. Confusing (knowingly or not) the symptoms ie immigrants with the disease ie feminism.  



To whom was Hitler referring - Jews or liberals? It is hard to tell, isn't it?

Anyone who has looked into Judaism would know that it is neither Liberalism nor Marxism. Therefore any Jew that was actively promoting Liberalism or Marxism was going against his religious principles and therefore a bad Jew and perhaps guilty of CHILLUL HASHEM (desecration of the name of God) which should attract a punishment called HEREM (censure).  For some reason this option is no longer available in the 21st century, probably because Jews have split themselves up into Orthodox and Reform Jews, with the Orthodox telling each other to distance themselves from the Reform variety of Jews. 

Perhaps this division between Jews will only be resolved when the governments of the West restore their patriarchy which establishes the rule that the correct behaviour expected of everyone is not to have extramarital sex. This would be a society that privileges married over unmarried parents and treats unmarried parents as sex offenders - a society whose laws support marriage and family values without which a patriarchy cannot exist.

For nationalists who baulk at the prospect, it has to be pointed out that it is only under a patriarchy that enough good strong men would be produced to defend the national interest.

Why, in Europe, are only Poland and Hungary capable of standing up to the European Union and saying NO to unwanted migrants? It is because they still retain their patriarchy, while the rest of Europe is headed by childless female leaders or, in the case of France, a childless male leader whose wife is old enough to be his mother.

Make no mistake: the West is a matriarchy. Make no mistake that Weimar Germany must also have been a matriarchy. (The film Cabaret seems to make this point rather well.)

Situated in Berlin during the Weimar Republic in 1931, under the presence of the growing Nazi Party, the film is loosely based on the 1966 Broadway musical Cabaret by Kander and Ebb, which was adapted from the novel The Berlin Stories / Goodbye to Berlin (1939) by Christopher Isherwood and the 1951 play I Am a Camera adapted from the same book.

It was described by contemporary writer George Orwell as "brilliant sketches of a society in decay". 

While you can argue that an observant Jew is nevertheless a Jew,  it would be just as wrong for gentiles to tar all Jews with the same liberal brush the way it would be wrong for all non-whites to tar all whites as liberals spreading the abomination of gay marriage all over our global village and punish them harshly, even if most of them are indeed liberal.

The true figure is probably a slight but increasing majority of Western citizens who are nationalists and populists ie Trump supporters and Brexiteers over white people - the liberal elite, always fewer than the non-elite and non-affluent - who hate Trump and want to remain in the EU.

If there are white gentiles who want to blame Jews because of the political activities of liberal and assimilated Jews, should gentile white people who are Conservatives and Nationalists also be tarred with the same liberal brush?  Should all white people be lumped together as degenerate sexually liberated liberals who have destroyed the patriarchy just because the majority of white gentiles are indeed liberal? This seems to me to be unfair if we are talking in terms of more than verbal censure being meted out.

While the Conservatives are perhaps to blame for letting things get so out of hand without taking effective action, they should be given a chance to correct themselves before being collectively punished for all the sins of their governments, present and past.

Why do Jews not remind and warn gentiles when they see that gentiles have fallen below these minimum moral standards as it is their duty to do? Probably because the gentile will always get nasty and use his majority to intimidate, persecute, harm and injure people who say things they dislike, especially if they are only a minority who can easily be targeted.

Thus we now live in a society where people are afraid to exercise their right to free speech when it exists officially. What about the media?

Here too is a chance for the media to correct themselves and henceforth cease and desist from suppressing the truth and not reporting the news if it is not in harmony with the liberal narrative.  If the media again performed its duty of reporting the truth and what is newsworthy, things might yet be corrected and disaster averted. There can be no peace without justice, and there can be no justice without truth.


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"I was pointing out that HITLER MADE AN ERROR in conflating Jews with liberals. Or are you saying that Hitler cannot be mentioned at all?"

An appeal to British Jews who believe in free speech and are prepared to help the gentile


RB said...

Interesting far we have fallen...the rot is deep...amputation can possibly only correct the rot...the time for debate and reason seems passed a long time ago...maybe this was all by design...

Claire Khaw said...

My mother argues like a Jew then!

RB said...

Perhaps but Mothers are very wily..

Claire Khaw said...

She would initially agree to the facts my arguments were based on, and, just as I had set out all the arguments for or against something based on those facts, she would deny the validity of those facts, right at the end.

RB said...

Yes, i know that tactic well. The tactics of the confused and exasperated. My mum uses that tactic as well. Or just blatantly ignores the conclusions and moves the conversation along to food and meal times...hahaha

BN said...

I saw it go up and go down all in under an hour, you said nothing wrong! I can go on an other channel and listen to the entire book you were quoting. Very weird, scary, Orwellian. Create a backup channel just in case. Good luck.

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