
Saturday, 29 June 2019

Why does Church of Entropy waste our time?

If I did not enjoy solving problems and mysteries, I would have been driven by mad by Jen Scharf by now. Nothing worthwhile was said in this stream with Jen and her spergs because it was group hug and group therapy for them while the dialogues between Jen and me without the spergs were rather more challenging for her. She tired of my interrogations and retreated into group therapy. I now trust that she has sufficiently recovered her spirits to start again, alone with me, without the distracting outpourings of emotionally incontinent men who understandably wish to be spoken to kindly by a woman they find attractive.

Jen used to put on her best behaviour voice for me, but no longer. I do not repine, for she is the source of my martyrdom. The insults, mockery and abuse I endure from her are the building blocks of martyrdom, to show how much I care for leaderless white men with no one intelligent, articulate and honourable with any moral standing whatsoever to represent their interests.

It is evidence of their degraded state that they are now forced into accepting my ministrations because there is no one else around to speak the truth to them, propose practicable solutions and make representations on their behalf.

As I have said before, Church of Entropy represents to white men an oppressor class. Even while claiming to want to help them with her idea of a scientific theocracy, she regresses into behaviour and ideas that are against their interests because she cannot stick to the principles of Truth, Logic and Morality, while I am known for my persistence and consistency.

While her ideas are vague, incoherent and difficult to explain, mine are detailed, easily understood and compelling to the extent of being hated and feared by those who cannot take too much of the truth.

For a few happy months, Jen thought she could seduce me into accepting a senior role in her cult repaying the honour with my compliance and support. When she saw she could no longer win the argument, she assembled an entourage to keep me at bay refusing to engage with me except in the most superficial and cursory manner to avoid any exchange that might be seen as an argument that she is seen to lose.

This has of course retarded the cross-fertilisation of our ideas, but it is happening as you read this because we are inextricably linked now through our quantum entanglement. Whoever would have thought that quantum physics could sound almost romantic, eh?

My view is that ideas - which are immaterial - are what link both of us together because we both categorise our ideas as theocracy.

She wants us all to accept the "truth" of reincarnation. Apparently, how the process takes place hinges on our acceptance of the Quantum Mind theory. However, if we accept the existence of the Abrahamic God and His ability to do what an omnipotent God is supposed to be able to do, then we already have a ready-made explanation for consciousness and need not trouble our heads any more about the hard problem of consciousness. Since Jen says she believes in God, what is the problem with this?

But she rejects the Abrahamic God because it is the Abrahamic God, because He is Jewish. Her intransigence and outrageous antisemitism - since this must be what it is - is breathtaking, but there it is. She will no doubt protest that she is not an antisemite and feels no personal hatred against Jews as individuals, and then accuse me of lying about her. But what is one to infer from her intransigence? I am not saying that Jen is hate-filled. In fact, I decided a while back that she is in fact quite well-meaning and even likeable, and I do in fact like her. It is just that she does not see the implication of holding certain views and the inferences to be made from them. Of course she should have the right to dislike whichever group she dislikes for whatever reason. I know enough about white people that antisemitism - whether conscious or unconscious - is rarely far from the surface and is very easily triggered. While some gentiles might say "Some of our best friends are Jews," I find myself saying that some of my best friends are Jews but some of them are indeed antisemites.

I suppose she avoids me now because I do make these inferences and then write about them, and she thinks I get her into trouble, but since I have no choice other than to pursue this, this leads her to think I am obsessed with her, which I suppose I am because I will keep asking these questions until I get the answer, known for my terrier-like qualities as I am. If they are not answered, predictable inferences will be made.

The questions I wish to ask Jen are these:

  1. In what way is the unique deity you worship different to the Abrahamic God? 
  2. If there is only one unique deity in the universe, then surely the Abrahamic God and the unique deity you claim to worship must be one and the same?

Jen makes a point of denying the Big Bang because the Abrahamic God is deemed to be responsible for it. Her view is that the Universe had always been there. 

Because the Abrahamic God is personal, she rejects the idea of a personal deity on the ground that it is Jewish. But surely a personal deity is more powerful and seductive as an idea than an impersonal and less powerful deity? Is she rejecting the better option just because it is Jewish? It would appear so.

She also thinks Christianity and Islam are false Jewish religions cooked up by Jews to corner the market in usury.

She remained unmoved when I explained that Christians were pretty horrid to Jews conducting the Inquisition and waging the Crusades and for this reason Jews most probably didn't invent Christianity as part of a Jewish conspiracy to do down gentiles. She also believed in the blood libel - which she has every right to - even after I explained to her that Jews are always fussing about their food and would never want anything as unclean as the blood of gentile children to use in their religious ceremonies. She deleted the video in which this exchange took place, but did not formally state she had changed her mind on this. She did however blame me for causing her to delete the video.

Am I forbidden from making the obvious inferences from her positions?

  1. She rejects the Abrahamic God because He is Jewish.
  2. She rejects all the Abrahamic faiths because they are all Jewish.
  3. She rejects Christianity because Christ is Jewish.
  4. She rejects Islam because she believes it was a religion created by Jews to stop gentiles from practising usury so they could retain their monopoly on usury.  
  5. While she claims to believe in a unique deity, it is not a personal deity ie it is one that is indifferent to her existence. She prefers to worship a deity that is impersonal because the idea of a personal deity is Jewish. 
  6. Even if something is better but Jewish, then it must be rejected because it is Jewish and the inferior one preferred. 
  7. A personal deity is surely more powerful and appealing than an impersonal and less powerful one, so why choose the lesser deity? Because the more powerful deity is Jewish and the lesser is not Jewish. Her policy of rejectionism means that she would rather have an inferior deity because it is not Jewish than have the benefit of a more powerful one that is. This is of course her right, but it seems to me to be obviously antisemitic to an extreme degree. I don't think she realises what she is saying, and would like to clarify this. This may be the reason why she was avoiding me.  
  8. She refuses to read the Koran because she does not want to be confronted by the possibility that she might find it acceptable. 
  9. Must we reject every idea because it is not ours and held by the people we dislike?
  10. Hasn't Dooovid, a Jew, helped her by getting her an appearance on the JF show?

Jen and I are associated with the alt-right ie the leaderless marginalised white men of the West abandoned by their governments. Predictably, such marginal men cannot be expected to display competence, charm, courage, principled behaviour and wisdom but instead buffoonery, anger, nastiness, cowardice, hypocrisy, ignorance, stubbornness as well as extreme and persistent stupidity.

The trouble with Jen is that she recruits her supporters from the worst of them while I make a point of seeking someone above me who is influential and honourable to whom I must pass what I think is the solution.

While Jen prefers to happily bump along at the bottom with her low status males, I find myself unable to refrain from feeling visceral disgust at this spectacle, tinged with concern about what is appropriate for a woman of her class and background. While they are the willing receptacles of her so far thwarted maternal instincts, they are the opposite of her social equals and I rage that she suffers to be dragged down by them just to keep me at bay because she is afraid of my questions and arguments, which we both know represent an existential threat to hers.

She should just submit to Truth, Logic and Morality by admitting that my ideas are better and stronger than hers instead of pretending that I want to exterminate and persecute idolaters.

She is so unprincipled that she has set herself up as Lady Protectress of Idolaters while at the same time claiming to be the incarnation of a Hindu sage who opposed idolatry.

And so this is where we are now. Further dialogues would clarify both our ideas, but Jen prefers not to, probably for reasons of self-sabotage. She would rather be wrong than right, if being right means being a Secular Koranist. So much for the Truth, Logic and Morality she claims to believe in.

Actually, I would rather she submit written answers to my questions so we have a record of it.

I know she will be angry with me again, but I have no choice but to ask these questions if I am to advance the cause of Secular Koranism, the only idea strong enough to restore the patriarchy.

Only under a patriarchy would enough good strong men be produced to defend the national interest.

Familiarity — Again, people like to be consistent. We even tend to choose consistency over our own contentment. If you’re used to being or feeling overlooked, mistreated, or exploited, it’s strangely reassuring to put yourself in that position. You’ve probably been there your whole life, and while you may not be happy, that which you know is preferable to the unknown. 

So how can you stop sawing off the tree limb you’re sitting on? Look at the proverbial root. However your self-sabotage materializes, beat it at the root: fear of failure.

I get a lot of raised eyebrows when I say that: Most people think of self-demolition as fear of success. But deep down, despair over achievements isn’t truly a fear of ambition and your own worth — it’s a fear of trying one’s best and not succeeding, of being personally let down and publicly humiliated as we worry that our best just might not be good enough. It’s enough to make us take refuge in DIY spice racks.


1:38:00  I don't even know what quantum psychology is.

Tyrone doesn't say anything.

I am neutral about Quantum Mind.

Babs does a better imitation of me. I don't sound like everybody's idea of Lady Bracknell.

I have already dealt with the problem of succession. A one party state is the answer. The next national leader would come from the Politburo.

What were you so mad I wouldn't agree with you about? You started to self sabotage after we had a particularly good stream on Quantum Mind is my memory of events.

What's the point of believing in Quantum Mind? What happens if you do? What happens if you don't?

Talking to Zac Miller later  at

1:50:00 Someone with a religion cannot be said to be nihilistic.  Don't call people nihilists just because they don't share your worldview. I am the opposite of nihilist. Zac is one of the better guests you've had. I am the best, Gandalf is the absolute worst and drags you down, and is part of your self- sabotage.

1:57:00 I hadn't notice you trying to teach me Quantum Mechanics before you disengaged. I remember being keen to know more but you self sabotaging after a particularly good stream for which we received the most enthusiastic praise. from 3:24:00

2:03:00  "You get a theocracy no matter what you do." Not everything is a theocracy. Liberalism, Nazism, Communism and Socialism are not theocracies. Why do you keep using the wrong word, confusing people and wasting their time?

2:04:00  What you call your "personal religion" is just personal. How interesting that you and Jay Walker (who will be here presently because I have told him about the most noticeable thing that you both have in common) are making the same category error.  What you do and believe - which nobody else does - is not a religion. A religion is what is practised by a group of people, the smallest of which is a tribe eg the Jews. You have made a fundamental category error. I have corrected him on this, but have only just discovered your error.

2:05:00  Con Opps

2:06:00 Your coloured playdough balls are actually not what most people would call "pretty", I am sorry to have to tell you, sweetheart.

2:07:00  I sometimes love Con Opps too.

2:08:00  A quantum of solace .... Will I even have that if Jen does not become a Secular Koranist and I fail to save Western civilisation from self-sabotaging practitioners of displacement therapy (which is what you lot are, basically)?

2:10:00  Why do you want to debate Jay Dyer anyway? He is such a bore. You have already debated with the best and bear the scars of your battles with me ...

2:15:00  Claire and Jen do the best bloodsports. Your best is behind you, Church of Entropy. This is so sad for a woman who can still be described as youngish ....

2:20:00 Jen is definitely not Jewish because no Jewess would conduct herself in such a way. My best friend is an Orthodox Jewess, and I was at school with a few of them.

Can it really be true that nothing worthwhile is said on this stream because Jen chose to let her spergs fuck me around and keep me waiting and waiting while they sperged and sperged their vacuous nonsense for ages and ages until I, the exemplar of patience and perseverance, decided to retire? I didn't think it would actually be true that nothing worthwhile at all would be said, though it is of course worth commenting on their confusion and error so that others may learn.

2:25:00  I am sure plenty of these spergs would be more than happy to embrace you, Jen.

Ah, how delicious to hear an expression of wistful regret!

But why do you lie about me? I was so bored with the debate I didn't even listen and just played in the chat which was mostly personal and unflattering comments about you rather than the subject being discussed, which is of course a bad sign. I am just outraged that a man claiming any respectability could be so rude about someone in public that he has just interviewed who was on her best behaviour, but I guess that is what passes for acceptable behaviour now in our degraded times. It will only get worse if the trajectory of Western civilisation remains unchanged.

Ditch the spergs, Jen, and stop self-sabotaging your channel to be my streaming partner again, me the leader of the alt-right! You know it makes sense because you know I actually want to know why you think the way you do and have not quite worked out the twists and turns of your quantum mind with which mine is inextricably entangled, apparently. DITCH THE SPERGS and stop using them as a cordon sanitaire to keep me away. What are you afraid of? Little old me who is only the leader of the alt-right from yesterday?!

2:26:00 Prove you have "the monopoly on truth" and that you are "a moral authority", Jen, when you now refuse to debate with me. You can't be Heavyweight Boxing Champion of the World if you refuse to go into the ring.

2:27:00  Will aspires to be nationalist philosopher, but so do I. But he won't debate me.

It is so weird that you want to be athletes but refuse to train or accept challenges.

The problem, as Will should already know by now, is that no one submits to Truth, Logic or Morality. You may win the argument, but you still can't win unless you can have an army to back you up if people won't concede when they have lost the argument. I would have thought that Will would want to change the situation by engaging in debate with me, but he refuses. "We don't want to, and you can't make us" is the predictable refrain of infantilised men and women when they ignore Truth, Logic and Morality.

2:37:00 You have given up forming your opinions according to the truth, because you no longer engage with me but instead surround yourself with your entourage of spergs. You lied when you said I wasn't interested in your Quantum Mind theory.

2:42:00  "We're tired of debating with you, we just want to debate with each other" - it's group hug time!

2:43:00  I am analysing your behaviour. You too want to be spanked, it seems.

2:46:00  "I don't want this stupid shit any more," says Gandalf.  Jen chuckles indulgently at this sperging.

2:50:00  You all fit into the box for spergs, but Jen is the one I want to talk to. You need to ask yourself why you keep wanting to self-sabotage.

2:56:00 OV was OK the other day at from 50:00

3:05:00  The Contest of Credibility between you and me has been fought and won many times, Jen. So you should do the honourable thing. Why won't you?

3:13:00  I compose my prayers like a term of contract.

3:18:00 What has the Quantum Mind to do with psychology? I am neutral about it and have worked out the cause of your collective paralysis. Come on, Jen, explain this on my stream without your cordon sanitaire of spergs. We have already wasted enough time. Western civilisation won't save itself!

3:24:00 Yep, you are all suffering from mass hysteria. Not me though. You, Jen, will stop suffering from mass hysteria when we have a proper conversation again, without your entourage.

3:30:00 I have just realised that this is a group therapy session. It is just stupid to talk politics and philosophy when you are in group therapy and group hug mode. When you are ready again for a proper dialogue, get in touch.

3:33:00  Aren't you talking about the thing that I do that you are always complaining about ie ascribing motives and being Mistress of Mind-reading? The bit when you said you would give them so much information about themselves that they are shocked, awed, silenced, compliant and respectful are precisely my methods. However, they don't work on intellectually dishonest people who lie even to themselves and  immediately call them "ad homs", "false accusations", "bad actor" etc.

OMG. I am not just a political activist, I am the therapist for the whole Western world which is deeply neurotic if not actually catatonic.

You are nothing without me analysing your videos because you have very little self-awareness.

Despite the fact that nothing worthwhile was said on this stream because I did not get the link in time, the reason for your confusion, irrationality, self-sabotage and paralysis has become clear to me.


NA said...

You write articles about her, you can't stop talking about her, you're obsessed with her, you say how your quantum entanglement to her is almost romantic... Do you feel an attraction for her? I'm wondering if you and her are bisexual. Your streams start to sound like this: "jen jen jen jen jen secular koranism jen jen jen jen jen secular koranism jen jen jen jen jen secular koranism jen jen jen jen jen secular koranism"

Claire Khaw said...

I did a marriage preparation course that said people can in theory be bisexually attracted.

We are good for each other for propaganda purposes.

NA said...

admit it, you're in love with her? lol. Seriously, of course some people are in practice bisexual. I wonder if you're so interested in her only with the purpose of channel growth (more views) or on top of that, you're attracted to her on a sexual/emotional level too.

Claire Khaw said...

Perhaps I should get into the spirit of things to make the narrative more compelling.

It has been said that the alt-right is now a walking talking soap opera. I like to think I made a contribution to this phenomenon.

NA said...

as expected, you don't answer directly, leaving the suspicion in the air that you and Jen, Jen and you. Maybe something is going on there lol. You're the self-proclaimed leader of the alt-right, whatever that means? If that title makes you happy lol. I don't see any of those people who debate with you on your channel in this facebook group. Perhaps they hang around in one of your other 938453945 groups. The many mysteries of Claire Khaw.

What is Claire Khaw's position on the Noahide laws?

Claire Khaw, a British blogger and YouTuber known for promoting her ideology called "Secular Koranism," has expressed a complex st...