
Friday 26 July 2024

According to the Abrahamic God, marriage is the only morally acceptable way to have children

5:00  There is no such thing as supremacy.

7:00  Rabbi Harry Waton

9:00  "Gays need to mutate."

10:00  "Islam is the greater power."

11:00  What makes you so sure homosexuals are morally superior to heterosexuals? When you say homosexuals, do you include or exclude lesbians? How is the moral worth of any group measured? The fact is that LGBTs are parasitic on heterosexuals.

There are five world religions. Hinduism and Buddhism are the Eastern religions less successful than the Abrahamic religions. Jews are the world's most ancient and powerful tribe, Christians have acquired three global empires.

All five world religions forbid extramarital sex making those who have had it sex offenders. Clearly, sodomites cannot sexually reproduce with sodomites nor lesbians with lesbians. All LGBTs are the product of heterosexual intercourse and should know their place.

Because sodomites cannot sexually reproduce with sodomites nor lesbians with lesbians, they are unmarriageable. To be a sodomite or a lesbian means one is unmarriageable if you define the purpose of marriage as for having legitimate offspring.

Marriage is eugenic because its purpose is to have legitimate offspring. The oppose of eugenics is dysgenics when your society suffers from degeneracy ie when your society prioritises the preferences of unmarried parents over that of married parents.

You keep talking about the mess heterosexuals have made of the world while being unable to produce any evidence of successful civilisations or empires in existence or the past founded by groups of sodomites or lesbians.

There is no such thing as "gay eugenics" because to be  a society that does not criminalise sodomy means you are already degenerate matriarchy and therefore dysgenic, which is what the West is.

As groups, sodomites and lesbians can never be morally superior to married parents because married parents are the highest state of parenting. Both married and unmarried parents are clearly better at producing offspring than sodomites or lesbians incapable of sexual reproduction.

12:00  Surrogacy, artificial insemination and artificial wombs

13:00  How are gay men better than heterosexual men? Who agrees with you? Would women agree with you? Is the fact that you know heterosexual women will never agree with you that gay men are superior to straight men why you want to make women extinct?

If the measurement of morality is the ability to remain in existence as a group, then religious groups that forbid extramarital sex ie adultery, fornication, sodomy, bestiality and masturbation have an unbeatable advantage over those who indulge in extramarital sex.

13:00 Cleanliness, good presentation, perfectionism, tidiness, organisation, kindness, empathy, environmental concern, eloquence, refinement, being polite, artistic and well-read are characteristics not exclusive to gay men. In any case, not all exhibit such characteristics.

16:00  Gay men know what to do if they want to be married fathers - the only morally acceptable kind of father to be. If they are not up to it, nobody is forcing them. If Vincent gets what he wants, gay men would be forced into childcare just to keep the human race going.

16:00  "Random breeding" ie having children without a marriage certificate can be easily criminalised with

18:00  What kind of woman would agree to be an unmarried mother with a man historically regarded as a sex offender? Not a moral woman!

18:30  How can you prove that a gay man would have higher standards of parenting when he cannot even bring himself to be a married father?

19:00  What makes you think men straight or gay have a queue of women to choose from to marry or have sex with?

19:15  Couples get divorced because divorce is no longer stigmatised in their society which is a matriarchy prioritising the preferences of unmarried parents who casually conceive and parent their illegitimate offspring.

19:30  If love is not enough to create a long term relationship for the joint enterprise of parenting legitimate children, what is?

19:45  For some reason, you do not seem to understand that marriage - which the government should support - is more than a business partnership. The couple should love each in order to make them more likely to stay together for the sake of their children.

20:00  What kind of woman is likely to agree to a contract to rent her womb to bear the child of a sodomite with no intention of marrying her? Not a sane or moral one.

21:00  What types of human breeds do you have in mind?

21:30  Does society want the "industrial reproduction" of rent a womb babies of gay men?

22:00  A centre of rent a womb women would be organised to be impregnated by gay men.

24:00  If you were a child sex offender, wouldn't you and your associates be attracted to precisely this kind of care home for the illegitimate offspring of gay men who would be mostly absent fathers happy to leave their offspring in the care of strangers?

26:00  Raymond Cattell

28:00  What kind of child would you be looking to produce?

29:00  What kind of culture do you have in mind?

30:00 Why do you want to create more groups and cultures that would be competing against each other when there are already your society is already so divided?

31:00  We already have artistic and scientific children or children who could be encouraged by their schools to excel in art and science.

32:00  Matilda Ludendorff was too antisemitic for the Nazis. 

39:00  Society finches

43:00  CLAIRE KHAW joins.

44:00  Belief in God has utility in maintaining public and private morality.

46:00  Vincent claims he has never had his prayers answered.

47:00  God is supposed to take away all your troubles.

48:00  The Abrahamic God is one-stop shopping.

48:30  God's existence cannot be proven, only inferred. You refuse to make the inference that because there was a Creation, there must have been a Creator.

49:00  Does Judaism protect Jews?

50:00  Jews were punished very severely the last time they assimilated. 

51:00  It ain't over till the fat lady sings.

52:00  Antisemitism

53:00  People who want to be envied

54:00  God keeps Jews in existence to make an example of them. 

55:00  Would any group behave better than Jews?

56:00  Is God protecting homosexuals?

58:00  Losing our identity

59:00  Transgenderism

1:00:00  Being parents of legitimate offspring

White people are being replaced.

1:01:00  No leadership

1:02:00  A hypothetical supreme authority

1:03:00  Kamala Harris

1:03:00  There is no one in charge.

1:06:00  Jewish privilege

1:07:00  God is not a genie.

1:08:00  People need to believe good will be rewarded and evil punished.

1:09:00  The Fourth Estate could make us believe.

1:10:00  Belief and obedience can be perpetuated by incentives.

1:11:00  A self-reinforcing moral system

1:12:00  The story of Abraham God

1:13:00  Animism

1:14:00  If God exists, we want to feel a connection to Him.

1:15:00  Was God protecting Trump?

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