
Tuesday 15 October 2024

A replacement for Christo-Liberalism? 

2:00  Atheist Jews use the Talmud?

3:00  Leon Trotsky

4:00  Karl Marx grandfather was a rabbi and was related to the Rothschilds?

5:00  Protocol of the Elders of Zion

Difficult to establish intent of Jews.

Frederick Engels?

7:00 Harry Waton

8:00  Financing the Russian Revolution

10:00  International Brotherhood of Man v blood and soil nationalists

11:00  Morality came from the Jew?

13:00  Honorary Palestinian

16:00  CLAIRE KHAW joins to discuss Europa.

17:00  "Antisemitism is very popular these days."

Kim Dotcom

18:00  Stalin had a Jewish wife. 

24:00  Hitler and the Havara Agreement
29:00  The 6 million in labour camps
30:00  Winston Churchill
The invasion of Poland
31:00  WW2 was  the Second Thirty Years War. 
32:00  The Japanese and Chinese did not use chemical weapons. 
33:00  WW1 was an amoral war. 
34:00  Inferring the intent of the France and Britain after Germany made peace proposals in WW1
37:00  Possession is nine points of the law
Franco-Prussian War 1870
38:00  Map after WW2
Why did the Nazis use xyklon B gas when they could just have used mustard gas to gas the Jews?
41:00  50 degree floor
45:00  6 million is metaphorical figure for Jews saying lots and lots.
47:00  Reichsmark
49:00  National Socialism
50:00  Natalist Nazi economic and social policies
51:00  Nazis invested in the German people
52:00  25 points of Nazism
7 Noahide laws
55:00  Christianity and paganism
57:00  The notion of National Socialist Christians and Muslims entertained.
What about National Socialist Jews?
59:00  Spartan and Nazi eugenics
1:01:00  Hitler had to reassure Christians that he was not a pro-pagan Odinist.
1:02:00  Medieval paganist
German mythical spirit
1:07:00  Mathilde Ludendorff
1:08:00  Erich Lundendorff
1:09:00  Beerhall Putsch
1:10:00  Triumph of the Immortal Will
1:12:00  Platonism
1:13:00  Immanent deity
1:14:00  Hitler had an evolving attitude towards Jews.
1:16:00  Political affiliations of Jews
1:18:00  Cuban Communism
1:20:00  Javier Milei
1:23:00  Assimilation or expulsion?
1:24:00  Entryism instead of a Big Daddy figure is the adult way.
1:25:00  Spearhead
Decentralised power
1:26:00  Democracy has been a failure.
1:30:00  Centralised sources of finance
1:31:00  NRA and BLM
1:32:00  Hart Cellar Act
1:33:00  American Empire would be cancelled,
1:35:00  Multi-ethnic National Socialism
1:36:00  Unmarried parents and Balkanisation
1:37:00  Israel's Seven Border checkpoints
1:38:00  Segregation
1:39:00  Apartheid?
1:40:00  Neighbourhood buffer zones between races
1:41:00  Miscegenation
Christians would not marry Christians not of their denomination.
1:43:00  Ancient India
1:44:00  Hindu Caste System
Light and dark-skinned Indians
1:45:00  Minorities can become mainstream.
1:46:00  Mass migration
Machete-wielding cannibals
1:47:00  Jewish problem
LGBTQ is associated with anti-natalism.
1:49:00 Gay pride
1:51:00  Transgenderism is being encouraged by the government.
1:52:00  Transgender people are more likely to commit suicide. 
1:56:00  Mental illness
1:57:00  PAYPAY joins.
1:58:00  Over-regulated Germany AKA Germanistan
2:00:00  AfD
Conspiracy theorist and great replacement theory/Kalergi Theory
2:01:00  The Green Party
2:02:00  Destroying the nuclear weapon
2:03:00  Masculine, Feminine, Neuter
Taking schoolchildren to mosques on school trips
2:06:00  No First and Second Amendment rights for Germans.
2:09:00  Jews funding mass migration to the West?
2:11:00  "ISIS is a Jewish organisation." 
2:12:00  "Jewish behaviour causes expulsions." 
2:13:00  Islam is the broom of God. 
2:14:00  Clean up trash in India to create a island for Jews
2:16:00  Ghulam and Messiah clash.
2:17:00  Invasion of Poland
Zelensky and Putin
2:20:00  Lebensraum
2:21:00  Ukraine
2:22:00  Indian National Socialist
2:25:00  Noahide laws and beheading
2:26:00  Codification of National Socialism?
2:27:00  The Dissident Right have no ideological cohesion. 
2:28:00  What Jews and Muslims have taught Vincent about legal systems.
2:29:00  Pakistan expelled their Jews.
2:30:00  Muslims have a head start on Christians. 
2:31:00  National Socialism does need to be codified. 
2:32:00  The banning of usury
2:33:00  No dual citizenship for US citizens.
2:34:00  How Jews would choose if they had to press a button to kill ten people
2:35:00  Transgenderism to be banned. 
2:36:00  Automatic migration moratorium
National Socialist capitalism
2:37:00  Jeff Bezos, Soros and Rothschild
2:38:00  Income inequality
2:41:00  Trump and Israel
2:42:00  Trump's unwavering support for Israel is "literally treason"
2:43:00  Kamala Harris
2:44:00  CK becomes co-host. 
2:45:00  Socialism with Chinese Characteristics
2:46:00  Trump would abolish the political parties if allowed to take office. 
Israel is a US colony.
2:47:00  Israel is the ultimate status symbol of anyglobal empires. 
2:49:00  Ukraine
Constitutional Amendments to protect gentiles against Jews
2:50:00  What is the moral system of the West?
2:52:00  Hitler only suspended the Weimar Constitution.
2:54:00  J D Vance and his military connections
2:56:00  Sharia would deal with the Jews.
Sharia won't work under monarchies.
2:57:00  Rejecting monarchy and Christianity made America great. 
2:58:00  Benjamin Franklin did not believe in Jewish emancipation.
2:59:00  Christians and deists
3:00:00  Thomas Paine's Common Sense
Oliver Cromwell
Thomas Hobbes
3:03:00  Racial liberals in Weimerica
Prussian socialism and Oswald Spengler
3:04:00  George Washington's farewell speech
3:13:00  The one-party state is a Washingtonian idea.
3:14:00  Mein Kampf on parliamentary democracy
3:15:00  Hitler's war speech
3:16:00  Hitler better than George Washington because he was not a Mason?
Alexander Hamilton
3:17:00  "Democracy, republicanism and classical liberalism is a Hebraic poison which needs to be wiped out."
3:18:00  The Bible and the Jefferson Bible
3:19:00  Liberty, Equality and Fraternity
Jewish Emancipation and Oliver Cromwell
3:20:00  Jews were permanent residents  of Christian kingdoms. 
3:21:00  Subjects of the monarch were not allowed  their own religion. 
3:22:00  Classical liberalism
3:23:00  Industrial Revolution
3:24:00  There is no guidebook to Liberalism or National Socialism
3:25:00  The power of organised religion
Esther Galante

3:26:00  The Mythos of the American Empire is that it needs to maintain its presence in Israel to protect the Jews when what they really want to do is keep an eye on the oil and Arabs whom they actually want to fight Jews to give America a continuing reason to maintain an American presence.

Israel is a US colony.

John Locke on Classical Liberalism

3:27:00  "America is a colony of Israel."

3:28:00  Jews are not properly in charge of their country.  

3:29:00  Liberal democracy is the problem. 

Jewish generals and admirals

3:31:00  Equal citizenship for Jews and gentiles

An official moral system

3:32:00  Not a Classical Liberal

3:33:00  STEPHEN BROUGHTON joins.

3:35:00  Heretical Jews should be considered dead to Judaism.

3:37:00  "America is the terrorist."

"America is not a nation."


3:40:00  Russian psy-op

3:41:00  Bot attack warning

BEN PAIN joins. 

3:42:00  Stupid threat to kill Stephen Broughton.

3:43:00  BEN PAIN talks nonsense.

3:47:00  Talmudic Torah Judaism

Atheist Jews are not part of Judaism?

3:48:00  Oliver Cromwell etc

3:49:00  Heretical Judaism is not Judaism.

Power dynamics and theology

3:50:00  Theology and Jehovah's Witnesses
3:51:00  Should secular Jews be supposed to represent Judaism and should Judaism therefore be blamed for Communism?
3:52:00  Jews think they are superior which is a hanging offence for Ben. 
3:54:00  Communism is not Judaism.
3:55:00  Vincent's compassionate view of Jews
"Hardcore Jews"
3:57:00  Communist Jews are not Talmudic Jews.
Black Hebrew Israelites
3:59:00  Jews have moral system.
4:00:00  Kazhar theory
Who looks like us?
4:01:00  National Socialism
4:02:00  Noahide laws
4:03:00  Ben Pain admits to "being in a drunken state".
4:04:00  Racial separatism
Admits to being an ethno-nationalist
4:05:00  Wanting a hug
4:06:00  Republican and leftists should separate.
4:07:00  Uniparty
Lowering IQ of the West
4:08:00  Bluegrass not voting for Trump.
4:09:00  Anti-Torah
4:10:00  Totalitarian rule
4:00:00  Viking ancestry
4:12:00  Black Israelites
4:13:00  Who is in power?
4:14:00  Who is not in power?
4:16:00  Ben is holding back the rest of the class. 
4:17:00  Thinking their arms are long enough to box with God
4:19:00  Jewish leaders who were Communists
4:20:00  Mossad
4:21:00  Suicide
Ben is said told he is holding back the rest of the class.
4:23:00  Noahide laws
4:24:00  Yemen
Ethiopian Jews
4:28:00  Noahide laws against Christianity
4:29:00  Torah theocracy
4:30:00  Sexual immorality
4:31:00  Noahide Courts
4:32:00  George tries to reassure Vincent about the Noahide laws.
4:33:00  Jews are supposed to promote the Noahide laws. 
4:36:00  Whose authority will gentiles accept?
4:37:00  King James Bible
4:38:00  Crime and punishment 
613 laws
No need to set up special courts.
4:39:00  Judaism is not an organised religion. 
4:40:00  Jews are under no organised and official hierarchy.
4:41:00  ESTHER GALANTE joins.
4:42:00  The 36 capital offences of the Torah
4:44:00  A Jewish conspiracy
Israel is gay-friendly.
4:45:00  Chesed and America
4:46:00  Christopher Columbus Day
4:47:00  Fear of extinction
4:48:00  Gays flee to Israel for safety.
4:49:00  Chabad and the Noahide laws
4:53:00  Israel is not a Torah theocracy but a liberal democracy.
Public decency
4:54:00  Punishments harsher for Jews than gentiles?
4:55:00  Sharia law for the US?
4:56:00  Book of Isaiah
Imperial peoples were Arabic, Anglo Saxon and Russia.
4:57:00  Vincent says he fears Christianity and Islam too. 
4:58:00  Iran
4:59:00  Cults
5:00:00  The death penalties for breaking the Noahide laws
5:01:00  Doooovid is a larper and fake Jew. 
5:03:00  Muslims are pushing sharia law harder than Jews are pushing the Noahide laws. 
5:05:00  Noahides
Genesis 9:13
5:07:00  DOOOOVID joins.
5:09:00  Haredi who stabbed someone in a gay pride parade
5:13:00  Jews and Mormons
5:14:00  5% of Israelis want to take away the rights of LGBT.
5:17:00  Gay family members
5:18:00  The majority of Jews are pro-LGBT rights.
5:19:00  Sodomites are also Jews. 
5:20:00  Chabad on who is a Jew
5:22:00  Ariel said Esther was not Jewish.  
5:23:00  Immigration to Israel is not based on Halakha. 
Jews can lose their right to return to Israel if they convert to Christianity.
5:24:00  Jewish trauma
5:25:00  "Jews are an ethnic tribe." 
5:26:00  Ethnicity and race
"Jew is a social construct."
The difference between ethnicity and race
5:27:00  Doooovid on the Adam Green Show
5:29:00  Race is colour.
5:30:00  Whiteness
Who is a Jew?
5:31:00  Group strategy
5:32:00  Grandfather law
Israel's liberal laws
Rabbis control marriage in Israel.
5:33:00  Noahides
Who is a Jew is defined by halakha.
5:34:00  Different kinds of Jews
Noahidism and Messianism
5:35:00  Zionism and Noahidism
Is race a social construct?
"Is the colour of your skin your history?"
5:38:00  Nationality is an ethnicity.
Social construct
Race and ethnicity are social constructs.
5:39:00  Kurds and Hindus
5:41:00  Doooovid is doubting the idea that Jews are a people.
5:42:00  Jews are not a religion?
5:43:00  Are Italians European?
5:44:00  Chinese people in America

5:45:00  ESTIVAL joins to discuss social constrcts.
5:48:00  Subdivisions of Jews
5:49:00  Anglophones
5:50:00  Gilad Atzmon and the Dutch
Norman Finkelstein
5:51:00  People who want to be with people not of their ethnic group
5:53:00  Phenotypes
5:55:00  Checking "Other"
5:56:00  Social construct
5:57:00  Columbus Day - was he Jewish?
5:58:00  Gabriel from France speaks.
5:59:00  47 year old father
6:00:00  History repeats itself. 
6:01:00  How to be happy?
6:02:00  Jewish identity
6:03:00  Spinoza was excommunicated.
Jesus was a Jew.
6:04:00  Yazidis
6:06:00  Group conflict
"Communism is Judaism."
6:08:00  What's your religion or ism?
6:09:00  Jews are good with ideas.
6:10:00  Christian
6:11:00  "We are meaning machines."
6:12:00  Hypothetical Yazidis
6:13:00  It depends on why these Yazidis what they did. 
6:16:00  Kabbalists
Communism is Judaism.
Should atheist heretics be allowed to represent Judaism?
Communism and Islamism is the Red Green Alliance.
6:17:00  Jewish friendly societies
6:19:00  Traditional values
6:20:00  "In France, we are everything and nothing."
6:23:00  The annoying thing about Jews
6:24:00  Noahide laws < Sharia
Vincent's moral manifesto
6:25:00  Compulsive polytheism
Vincent's extremism
6:26:00  Polytheistic totalitarianism being proposed by Vincent
6:29:00  National Socialism
6:30:00  Adolf Hitler
Are Jews responsible for Communism?
6:31:00  Everything is Jewish?
6:32:00  Race is not free will.  
6:33:00  Jewish value
6:34:00  Rockefellers are not Jews. 
6:35:00  Expulsion of Jews stripped of their assets, Esther confirms. 
6:36:00  Swiss banks are the usurers.
6:38:00  Rockefellers were Baptists.
6:39:00  Heretical Jews should be considered dead to Judaism. 
6:40:00  King Solomon had 300 concubines and 700 wives.
6:41:00  Refuge for Jews in China
6:42:00  Esther is a Sephardic Jewess.

6:43:00  CK becomes co-host again.
6:44:00  Esther refers to me saying Jews were kicked out by their debtors. 
6:45:00  Banning usury
6:47:00  Thomas Sowell on Jews
6:51:00  Having your history stolen
6:53:00  Christian prophecy
6:54:00  Why would Jews unleash Christianity and Islam on themselves?
6:55:00  Christian Zionism
6:59:00  The Torah was given to Jews on Mount Sinai.
7:01:00  DEEDEE SUMMERFIELD on Hebrews and Israelites
7:02:00  The Koran
7:03:00  Ten Commandments
"Jews did not invite Christianity."
7:07:00  White Supremacist
7:09:00  Christianity
7:10:00  Roman Empire
7:14:00  Elon Musk
7:15:00  Messianic religion 
Life of Brian
7:16:00  Cultural appropriation of Judaism by gentiles
7:20:00  Christianity has that "negative flavour".
7:22:00  J K Rowling and J R Tolkien = Old and New Testament
7:24:00  Messianic Jews
7:28:00  Vincent is in triple jeopardy of being an idolatrous, blasphemous sodomite. 
7:32:00  Flatbush
7:34:00  Noahide laws
7:36:00  Idolatry and blasphemy
7:43:00  Surrogacy and sodomite parenting
Artificial wombs
7:45:00  Human history run by heterosexuals.
7:46:00  Vincent admits to idolatry but  not to nihilism. 
Vincent is not sure if he is a pantheist. 
7:50:00  Europe - the Last Battle
7:52:00  Doooovid confusing Judaism with just stuff Jews do. 
7:53:00  Jewish critique on Europa - "a Nazi recruitment film"
7:55:00  Jewish ghettos 
Ghetto means Jewish lodging.
7:56:00  Betty Friedan and Martin Luther King Jr
The Civil Rights Movement
Jews and blacks
7:57:00  Heretical Jews should not be considered Jews. 
Jews are being let off the hook by Vincent because he does not blame liberal Jews. 
7:59:00  Telling blacks/Hindus/gay people they are not really black/Hindu/gay.
8:00:00  Is Vincent the Goyim TV guy?
8:01:00  Vincent says he does not include heretical Jews. 
8:03:00  Leviticus 20:20
8:04:00  Hitler
8:09:00  Weimar Germany
8:10:00  Noahide laws
8:13:00  Hinduism
Is God immanent or transcendent?
8:14:00  Vincent's belief system
8:15:00  Vincent is non-doxastic.
8:20:00  Muhammad
8:21:00  Hinduism
8:22:00  Sodomy
8:23:00  Christianity and Islam
8:24:00  "What's your moral history?"
8:25:00  Second Temple and Blood Libel
8:26:00  Talmud
8:27:00  Tell us about your  history.
8:28:00  Esther reads a list of historical tragedies.
8:30:00  Columbus was a Jew.
8:31:00  They sold our book.
8:32:00  Palochet
8:33:00  Jewish moneychangers
8:35:00  "Christians hate Jews but made a Jew God."
Esther Galante: "Jesus was a Muslim Palestinian."
8:36:00  "Jesus was a white man."
8:42:00  Amalek
8:47:00  My people who ride kangaroos
8:49:00  Jeremiah 23
8:50:00  Muslims and the melting pot
8:51:00  Jesus bullshit
8:55:00  Marriage, families, communities and patriarchy come from marriage.
8:56:00  The institution of marriage
8:57:00  John the Baptist
8:59:00  Deuteronomy 6:5
9:01:00  Foreskin shortage?
9:02:00  Antisemitism illegal in the USSR?
9:03:00  Sins of the fathers
Vincent doesn't go for religious men. 
9:05:00  Why do you follow Jews?
9:06:00  Male circumcision
9:07:00  Gaza
9:08:00  Male infant circumcision
9:09:00  Drinking the blood of Jesus and eating his flesh
9:11:00  The goyim were barbarians until the Torah came.
9:17:00  Ottawa, Canada
9:19:00  Esther's drawings
9:21:00  Pathway to peace
9:22:00  Polar bears in Canada and koala bears in Australia
9:26:00  Filipino driver
9:27:00  Esther leaves.
9:28:00  Converting to Judaism through Esther
9:30:00  How Vincent feels about Jews
Noahide laws
9:31:00  Aryan Brotherhood
9:33:00  Africa
9:34:00  Crime statistics
9:35:00  Low IQ blacks
9:36:00  Infrastructure provided by Western imperialism
9:38:00  "We don't like Muslms!"
9:39:00  Kamala Harris
Would the world be a better place with or without white people?
9:40:00  No space travel without white people.
9:41:00  Labour and immigrants
9:42:00  Jewish bankers
Muslims and Jews in the slave trade
9:44:00  Ukrainians and Zelensky
9:45:00  Jewish or gentile wars?
9:46:00  Texas
9:47:00  African practices
9:48:00  Socialism with Chinese Characteristics
9:49:00  South Africa
9:50:00  Rape
9:51:00  Illegitimate offspring of whites
9:52:00  Black crime and unmarried mothers
9:53:00  Slavery and food stamps
9:54:00  Watermelon and black people
9:55:00  Black farmer
9:56:00  Vincent refuses to delete his recorded Space.
9:59:00  Oers Linda

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Chinese Noahide having his ears bent by Zionist Jews — Mikey007🎗 /טוביה בן יהודה (Toviyah Ben Yehuda) (@Mikey007007) October 14, 2024 9:00  Kaifeng Jews  13:00  Christi...