
Friday 18 October 2024

Does Jewish Leftism, Feminism, LGBTQ come from the Talmud/Kabbalah?

3:00  What do you mean by Jewish?

4:00  Jews are like a leaderless political party that cannot expel any of its members.

6:00  Hypothetical situation

7:00  Register of Jews

10:00  E Michael Jones

11:00  Neither Judaism nor Sunni Islam are organised religions.

13:00  Secular Jews are more powerful than religious Jews.

14:00  Heretical Jews should not be considered to represent Judaism.

15:00  "Take me to your leader."

16:00  Righteousness

17:00  Noahide laws

18:00  Working out the pecking order of Jews

Are only observant Jews righteous?

19:00  Saying Liberal/Conservative Jews are heretics will offend the gentile. 

20:00  Heretics are still ethnically Jewish.  

23:00  ESTHER joins.

24:00  E Michael Jones

2:34:00  CLAIRE KHAW rejoins to ask how Jews can tell the Torah is better than the Koran if they refuse to read the Koran. 

What has Secular Koranism to offer Christians?

4:00  Space begins.

My usual spiel on immigrant controls.

8:00  Nothing is more a death cult than unsuccessful imperialism.

9:00  Vested interests in representative democracy

10:00  White Africans embody more noble white virtues than indigenous whites in Europe and America.  

12:00  Traditional values necessary for group survival

13:00  Patriarchy/social conservatism/no sex outside marriage

14:00  Islam is a better replacement to Christo-Liberalism.

15:00  Jews and Christians never enjoyed freedom of belief. 

16:00  The First Amendment is an Islamo-American achievement. 

17:00  The Koran does not mention blasphemy at all. 

18:00  The Koran protects our inalienable rights. 

19:00  Breaking our own rules

What are the rules?

20:00   The New Testament does not contain the Word of God. 

21:00  The Torah is now too hard for Jews to follow. 

Liberalism is Satanic. 

22:00  Sharia is eugenic.

23:00  What the marriage license licenses couples to do

24:00  The badges of identity

25:00  The Fourth Political Theory

26:00  Nationalism is government in the national interest.

Liberalism remains uncodified.

27:00  The law

28:00  Countries under God and sharia

29:00  LURKER joins.

31:00  Setting a universal minimum moral standard

32:00  South Asian in Canada being rude to Canadians

34:00  The repellence and appeal of Islam

35:00  No tone policing

36:00  Choosing the best moral system for our group

37:00  God is the law-giver.

Dead men

38:00  Hypothetical Supreme Authority

39:00  Reasoning which moral system to choose

40:00  The British do not have a constitutional at all.  

The Doctrine of Parliamentary Supremacy

41:00  Race

45:00  Converting to Islam

46:00  The rules

47:00  Religions with divine revelation

48:00  Christianity has run out of steam. 

49:00  If God exists, we are His slaves. 

Rules returning us to a high trust society

51:00  Arabs

53:00  The Church was always a Creature of the State. 

54:00  The Fourth Estate

55:00  The Council of Nicaea

56:00  Arianism v Trinitarianism, Catholicism v Orthodox Christianity, Catholicism v Protestantism

57:00  The rules of good legal draftsmanship

58:00  Edward  Wightman executed 1612 and Thomas Aikenhead executed 1697

59:00  The rebellion of monarchs

1:00:00  The historical inevitability of the Reformation

1:01:00  Annulment of marriages

1:02:00  Polygamy

1:03:00  Monogamy

1:04:00  Patriarchy

1:05:00  Islamic polygamy could have protected the indigenous British racial stock after WW2 if the British had been Muslim.

1:06:00  Die a spinster, share your husband or be an unmarried mother/

1:07:00  Primogeniture v Islamic rules of inheritance

1:09:00  Catholic Revolution imposing Catholic supremacy

1:11:00  Christianity could only be imposed through absolute monarchy.

1:12:00  Holy Roman Empire

1:13:00  Islamic logic

1:14:00  The Creation and the Creator

The Penguin Koran

1:16:00  Christians and Muslims do not deny the historicity of Jews.

1:17:00  Without the first, there can be no final. 

1:18:00  We live in the best of all possible worlds.

1:19:00  This life is an examination hall.

1:21:00  Idolatry

1:24:00  Catechism

The Nicene Creed

1:25:00  For the glory of God

British foreign policy

1:26:00  God is dead.

1:28:00  Why did God give divine revelation to low status people?

1:30:00  The rightly guided Caliphs were not kings. 

1:31:00  Thomas Cranmer

1:34:00  Shia Islam

1:36:00  Slavery and prostitution not forbidden by Koran


1:41:00  Rahab

1:41:00  Redemption

1:42:00  Book of Jeremiah

1:44:00  The biggest suppliers of sex to men are fornicatresses who are neither wives nor prostitutes. 


1:50:00  A more moral campaign for more honest sex

1:52:00  Strippers

1:58:00  Single mother

1:59:00  Male feminists

2:00:00  Virgin brides

2:02:00  Casual sex

2:06:00  The Rob and Claire Show

Patrice O'Neal

Thursday 17 October 2024

Rob and Claire talk about the Rob and Claire Show

6:00  Space begins. 

7:00  Harry Clarke 

9:00  Reparations

10:00  Richard Spencer

13:00  Reparations

14:00  Lamberts in the South Sea

15:00  Slave ships

17:00  Slavery was not illegal.

18:00  Middle class Americans

19:00  Racial tax

Retrospective legislation

Ex post facto law

Retroactive legislation

21:00  William Wilberforce

26:00  Kamala Harris

Slavery was not banned by either the Bible or the Koran.

27:00  Trump supporter

Church of England

30:00  Obeying the orders of Uncle Sam

1:00  Royal Family

2:00  Constitutional monarchy

Absolute monarchy

3:00  The British monarch enjoys fewer rights than the average American.

4:00  It is tragic not to know our own mind on controversial issues. 

6:00  Theocracy

7:00  Aren't Black Americans proud to be Americans?

8:00  Universal and eternal laws - Noahide laws

9:00  Idolatry and blasphemy

10:00  The Abrahamic God

Abrahamic religions > Eastern religions

11:00  Christianity has been replaced by Liberalism. 


12:00  Freemasons' Hall

13:00  Masonry

14:00  Freemasons Halls all over Australia

15:00  The social purpose of masonry is to allow Jews and Muslims to tell Christians that they should repent of their idolatry when it is safe to do so. 

16:00  Catholics forbidden masonry. 

18:00  Scottish Rite

19:00  Prevention of ecumenism

Muslim forbidden masonry. 

Trajan to Pliny

21:00  Only married men become Masons.

23:00  Jonathan Bowden

26:00  Christa Schroeder
29:00  David Irving
30:00  Holy Roman Empire
32:00  Presidency of the EU
34:00  Meritocracy
35:00  Grammar schools
36:00  Good and free education
37:00  Whole class teaching
39:00  J R R Tolkien
41:00  The problem with paganism
42:00  Pagan festivals
43:00  Easter egg hunts
44:00  Jewish and Islamic calendar
45:00  Ramadan
48:00  Soap opera characters of the Bible
52:00  Narratives
53:00  Oera Linda
54:00  The Abrahamic God
55:00  Speaking to a Chinese Woman about White Nationalism
57:00  We are both products the British Empire. 
59:00  American and Australian franchisee
1:00:00  Men who pretend to be sad they are single
1:01:00  SJJ
1:02:00  Vincent Bruno
1:03:00  Chaste and moral women

1:08:00  Gender relations

1:09:00  Specifying what we want

1:10:00  Mosques

1:12:00  Women in Spaces

1:15:00  "I'm not interested in having sex with immoral women."

Lucy Letby 

1:18:00  Rob and Claire Show

AI; social policies of Secular Koranism; Trump's offensive Zionism

3:00  Antisemitism is now a religious belief.
4:00  Antisemitism is lowbrow.
5:00  "Imagination is more important than logic."
6:00  Political parties is obviously wrong.
7:00  Half-believed views
8:00  Idolatry
11:00  Cultural Christian
12:00  Serramer
15:00  Trump's mass importations
16:00  Dealing with antisemites
17:00  Christian Zionists
18:00  Evangelicals are 30% of America
20:00  "He's going to win."
"Obsessed with Jews"
21:00  AIPAC
22:00  Trump threatened Jews.
25:00  Muslims
27:00  Liberalism is the problem, not Jews.
28:00  Global social policies of the US
29:00  Economic zones with moral and political imperial leadership
30:00  Divine narrative
31:00  Christo-Liberalism has failed.
33:00  Idol of Islamophobia
34:00  Counter-Revolutions and CBT
35:00  The social and educational programme of Secular Koranism

  • Secular Koranist Marriage Bureau
  • Secular Koranist Dance Halls
  • Secular Koranist Debating Societies
  • Secular Koranist Licensed Brothels in red-light districts
  • Secular Koranist Marital Counselling
  • Secular Koranist Domestic Partnership Introduction Bureaus
  • Secular Koranist Matrimonial Disputes Tribunals
  • Secular Koranist Matrimonial Disputes Appeal Tribunals
  • Secular Koranist Divorce Courts
  • Secular Koranist Marriageability Classes
  • Secular Koranist Self-Improvement Classes
  • Secular Koranist Circle of Virtue Friendship Clubs
37:00  Banning the dating apps
38:00  Brave New World of Married Parents and their Legitimate Children
Government Marriage Bureaus run by Attractive Available Women
40:00  Women and men can only choose once. 
41:00  Background check
42:00  Arranged Marriages through Secular Koranism
43:00  Drama-documentaries of the social programmes of Secular Koranism
44:00  Liberty
45:00  We all have free will.
46:00  Liberties must be balanced by responsibilities.
47:00  The First Amendment was what the Old World did not enjoy.
48:00  The failure of Christianity
49:00  The divine right of kings
50:00  Industrial Revolution
51:00  Talking to real people in real life
52:00  Our stage in life
53:00  Masonic meetings
54:00  Masonry was what made America great.
55:00  A Higher Power
56:00  Masons carved the tablets of Moses.
57:00  The purpose of masonry
59:00  Masons =  Jews
1:00:00  The Abrahamic God is above being Jewish or gentile.
1:01:00  The Noahide laws
1:02:00  Forbidding idolatry and blasphemy
1:04:00  God is not a genie in a lamp.
1:05:00  Kawkab
1:06:00  The Noahide laws were not written down.  
1:07:00  The second pair of tabets
1:09:00  The rightly-guided Caliphs of the Rashidun
1:10:00  The Age of Monarchy, the Age of Revolutions and the Age of Republicanism
1:11:00  The Whig Interpretation of History by H M Butterfield
1:12:00  The swing of pendulum is reactionary.
1:13:00  Good rulers
1:14:00  Revolutionaries are more famous than non-revolutionary leaders.
1:15:00  We want a constitutional dictator. 
1:16:00  Saudi is an absolute monarchy.
1:17:00  Romans would elect their dictator. 
1:18:00  A one-party state is a Washingtonian idea.
1:19:00  National Socialism
1:20:00  A referendum on becoming a one-party theocracy
1:21:00  Secular Koranism rejected by Muslims.
1:23:00  The Women's Institute under Secular Koranism
1:24:00  Female suffrage
1:25:00  Married parents would be privileged over non-parents.
1:26:00  SJJ  has no married friends.
1:27:00  Sharia court
1:29:00  A Muslim marriage contract makes divorce fault based.
1:30:00  Not much justice in UK Family Courts.
1:31:00  Child lives with mother till 7 and then goes to its father
1:32:00  Immigration
1:33:00  AI
1:35:00  Debate of AIs - how will we know which AI won?
1:37:00  Transhumanism
1:38:00  How can we know who won the debate?
1:39:00  I use objective criteria.  
1:41:00  Would Vincent grow a vagina where Vincent's navel is to give birth to his offspring?
1:43:00  SJJ wants a pair of twins by IVF and then leaves.
1:44:00  Vincent wonders if more men would be gay if gays were more masculine. 
1:45:00  Like me, Vincent has done improv comedy classes.
1:46:00  Vincent and I were always meant to meet. 
1:47:00  The Fall of Vincent Bruno
1:48:00  Vincent understands theology.
1:49:00  Publicity for Vincent Bruno
A journey of a thousand miles begins with one small step.
1:50:00  The uniqueness of Vincent Bruno
1:51:00  Vincent's existing talents
Vincent doesn't give up when the going gets hard. 
1:52:00  Race cannot be your religion. 
1:55:00  My tunnel boring machine
1:56:00  The Abrahamic God
The Trinity
1:57:00  Belief in the Trinity cannot be maintained without a totalitarian absolute monarchy.
1:58:00  Republicanism has superseded monarchy.
Vincent must acknowledge me as Messiah Substitute.  
1:59:00  Gays for Sharia
2:00:00  Vincent's unique identity
2:01:00  Vincent's iconoclasm
2:02:00  Abraham was an iconoclast. 
2:04:00  Hypocrites
Following the logic of our beliefs
2:05:00  People who spread fake news
The Mandela Effect
2:06:00  Flat Earth
2:07:00  Conspiracy theories have the purpose of demoralising people.
2:09:00  Beardman's flat earth white nationalism
2:10:00  Secular Koranism aspires to be high status. 
2:11:00  Conspiracy theories are believed in by the governed to show their hatred of their government.
2:12:00  If you can make your point and solve your problem without blaming Jews, why keep blaming Jews?
2:13:00  Our lived experience
2:14:00  A different interpretation of events
David Starkey
2:15:00  Regret rape   
2:17:00  Ethical casual sex
2:20:00  Voting for representatives of our group in our one party theocracy
2:21:00  Non-parents would include gay men.
2:22:00  The nature and purpose of the highway code
Simpson's episode

Only Fans

2:29:00  Tornado Alley
2:31:00  Licensed brothels in red-light districts
The necessity of restricting the supply of no-strings sex
2:33:00  The price of bastardy is shouldered by society, the price of adultery is paid by the couple. 
2:34:00  Gay administrators of public corporal punishment
2:36:00  Lottery for Repentant Unmarried Parents
2:38:00  Red-light districts with licensed brothels
2:39:00  Having children without a marriage license as a sexual offence
2:40:00  Niqab and nothing else
Documentary on training in Aceh Province
2:41:00  Indonesian Embassy
2:43:00  My zany ideas
2:44:00  A, B and  B+ Schools
Debating societies to impart  the values of Secular  Koranism
2:45:00  The letter and spirit of the law
2:46:00  Slavery and prostitution not forbidden in the Bible or the Koran.
2:47:00  The Book of Jeremiah
2:49:00  Gen Z humour
2:50:00  Getting things done as Grammar Nazis
2:52:00  Remedial classes
2:53:00  Changing the educational system
2:54:00  Violence can be avoided through verbal expression. 
2:55:00  Christians who quote irrelevant verses 
2:56:00  Explaining the Mystery of the Trinity to a Christian theologian
2:57:00  Vincent and I are not Mr  & Mrs Prim and Proper
Trump "weaving"
2:59:00  Jehovah's Witnesses and Muslims are not supposed to vote.
3:00:00  Fuddy duddies
3:01:00  Israel
3:02:00  Rabbi Schneerson
3:03:00  Trump  is preparing to blame the Jews if he doesn't win. 
3:06:00  The Wall
3:09:00  Viktor Orban
3:10:00  NATO, EU and Jeremy Corbyn
3:11:00  The Trump product
3:12:00  Obama
3:13:00  Mitt Romney
3:14:00  Kamala Harris
3:15:00  Stew Peters
Beggars can't be choosers.  
3:16:00  Vincent thinks of Trump as the "unbearable parent that everyone hates". 
Antisemites cannot bear to see him suck up to Jews. 
3:17:00  Christian Zionists
3:18:00  Hindus are Zionists. 
3:19:00  Turning Point USA
3:20:00  Keith Woods
3:25:00  Muslims should challenge rabbis to prove that the Torah is better than the Koran.
3:28:00  Catholic Noahide
3:29:00  People are just "reasoning" with their hatred.

The Age of Monarchy, the Age of Revolutions and the Age of Theocracy

3:00  Space starts.

4:00  The Talmud and sodomy

5:00  Pointless talking to Christians

6:00  Christians are hypocrites.

7:00  Jews and Muslims to each other: "My Torah/Koran is better than your Koran/Torah."  

8:00  Would secular Jews choose Torah theocracy or sharia if they were forced to choose?

9:00  A restored Sanhedrin in a Torah theocracy

10:00  36 capital crimes in a Torah theocracy

11:00  Gay men forced to rear the next generation

12:00  If only Vincent would acknowledge me as Messiah Substitute!

13:00  Robert Cobb

Age of Monarchy, Age of Revolutions and Age of Theocracy

Kingdoms, Republics and Constitutional Republics

16:00  Yes and no Jews

17:00  No such thing as a good Jew who is a liberal.

18:00  Jews have been privileged by gentiles. He that giveth can  taketh away.

19:00  Would gentiles rather worship God or Jews?

20:00  Trump is a genius threatening Jews if he does not win.

21:00  Worst case scenario of supporting Trump

22:00  Trump's disturbing comments about Iran

23:00  Being firm with Christians about idolatry

24:00  Cause and effect

An official moral system

25:00  No rule book for an official moral system

26:00  Codification

27:00  Divine right of kings

28:00  Book of Samuel

29:00  Abolishing the British monarchy

The Japanese thought their emperor was divine. 

30:00  Divine individuals

31:00  Lifetime success

32:00  5 November 2024


33:00  Artificial wombs are dysgenic.

34:00  Secular Koranism is more practicable than Beyondism.

35:00  I have all the technology I need. 

36:00  Islamophobes refuse to entertain the idea of Secular Koranism.

Dying before the correction

37:00  Theory and practice

38:00  Sexual liberation can only be managed by artificial wombs?

39:00  Nostalgia for a high trust society

40:00  Getting used to the idea of Secular Koranism

42:00  Vincent's ambition is to promote polytheism, Beyondism and transhumanism.

43:00  The Abrahamic God

44:00  The stories are for stupid people.

Socratic questioning

Wouldn't you like to believe that good is rewarded and evil punished?

If most people obeyed God's laws, wouldn't we return to a high trust society when the patriarchy is restored?

46:00  Vincent doesn't like the Abrahamic God.

The position of women

The grass is always greener on the other side.

47:00  Back into the kitchen mothers

48:00  More fornication, fewer marriageable men. Less fornication, more marriageable men.

50:00  Americans must stop pursuing happiness.

51:00  SJJJ joins.


54:00  People love their vices.

If the Fourth Estate supports Secular Koranism, then we would be a theocracy by Christmas.

55:00  Narratives are powerful.

57:00  Islamophobia

58:00  Liberalism

59:00  John Locke

1:00:00  Liberalism led to National Socialism.

1:01:00  Women who do not indulge in casual sex will be more likely to find a good husband. 

1:02:00  Modus vivendi

1:03:00  An authoritative voice

1:04:00  BBC and RT

1:06:00  Forcing us to be sexually liberated

Casual sex

Moral leadership

1:07:00  Someone in a senior position of influence

1:08:00  Political activists

1:10:00  MAUD, SNAUD & FRAUD joins.

1:11:00  The best interests of our group

1:12:00  Nationalism is not possible without  social conservatism.

Making social conservatism mainstream again.

1:13:00  "Racial route"

Immigrants and indigenous can agree.

1:14:00  Pakistanis and Gazans

1:15:00  Supporting marriage and family values with religion

1:16:00  Culture and race

1:17:00  1939-1945

"In a Talmudic way ... "

1:18:00  How Christianity is sold to Westerners and non-Westerners

1:19:00  Baptist church

1:20:00  BNP

1:21:00  Mosques and Anglicanism

1:22:00  The Catholic Church submits to the liberal order.

1:23:00  High politics

1:24:00  Christianity

Anglican Church

The Elderly

1:26:00  Smoking ban in pubs

1:27:00  Bar culture and the tavern

1:30:00  Wetherspoons

1:31:00  Prohibition

Jehovah's Witnesses

1:32:00  The pub or the masonic lodge

1:33:00  Football hooligans

1:36:00  Nazi Germany

1:38:00  Masonry made America great.

1:40:00  A healthy and educated mind in a healthy body

SERRAMER joins to praise white people.

1:43:00  Being Christian

Catholics and the Virgin Birth

1:47:00  Calvinism

1:49:00  "Jesus fucking Christ"

1:50:00  Idolatry

1:52:00  Spanish Golden Age

Homosexual Mexican

1:54:00  "Lotus munchers"

1:56:00  Indian English

International Jewry

1:57:00  Autistic Tom

1:58:00  Hebrew

Going back to our mother tongue

Wednesday 16 October 2024

Framing the new nationalist narrative

8:00  Space starts.

11:00  Time taken by job.

12:00  Fox hunting

13:00  Wife and family

14:00  We are the Slaves of God.

15:00  Is it better to  know we are the Slaves of God or be in ignorance of this?

17:00  Traffic light beliefs

Respecting one's elders

18:00  Mocked for being a boomer

19:00  E Michael Jones is using Jews to attack Protestants.

20:00  Henry VIII didn't want to bequeath his kingdom to a son. 

21:00  Why the Pope wouldn't grant Henry VIII a divorce 

22:00  If Henry VIII had been Muslim, he would not have needed to behead or divorce any of his wives.

23:00  Henry II threatened to convert to Islam.


26:00  Treasury matters

27:00  Usury

The Chinese invented paper money.

28:00  Learning to fish

29:00  The mind of Western Man

Lord of the Rings


30:00  Anglican Caliphate

31:00  Tunnelling past the hard rock Islamophobia with my boring machine is the only way to go for the West. 

\New religions like Scientology get no respect. 

32:00  Rob says we should focus on laws. 

33:00  Is there a God of Laws?

The concept of a deity specifically dedicated to laws varies across different cultures and religions:

Themis (Greek Mythology) - While primarily known as the Titan goddess of divine law and order, Themis is more about the natural and moral order, justice, and custom rather than written laws. However, she embodies the spirit of law, custom, and equity.

Dike (Greek Mythology) - Another Greek goddess, Dike, is the goddess of justice, fair judgements, and the rights established by custom and law. She's more directly associated with legal justice.

Justitia or Lady Justice (Roman Mythology) - While not a "goddess" in the classical sense by the time of her conception, Justitia is the Roman personification of justice. She's often depicted with scales, a sword, and sometimes blindfolded, representing unbiased justice.

Yama (Hinduism) - He is the god of death but also of justice and dharma, which can be interpreted as law or duty in a broader cosmic sense. He judges the dead, ensuring that justice is served according to one's actions.

Anubis (Egyptian Mythology) - While primarily associated with mummification and the afterlife, Anubis also had a role in the judgment of souls, which can be seen as a form of upholding the laws of the afterlife.

Forseti (Norse Mythology) - He is the god of justice, peace, and truth among the Norse deities. Forseti was concerned with mediation and resolving legal disputes.

In various religious texts and traditions, there isn't always a single "God of Laws," but many deities encompass aspects of law, justice, order, or morality within their domains.

In modern monotheistic religions:

Judaism, Christianity, and Islam do not have a separate deity for laws per se; instead, God (Yahweh/Allah) is considered the ultimate lawgiver, with divine laws being part of the religious texts like the Torah, Bible, or Quran.

Remember, in many polytheistic traditions, gods often have overlapping domains, and their roles can be more about embodying concepts rather than strictly governing them as one might expect from a "god of laws." Also, interpretations can vary, and in some belief systems, the law might be more about divine or cosmic order rather than human-made legal systems.

33:00  Competing religious groups claim to be in receipt of the better divine revelation.

34:00  Atheists already understand God.

35:00  People don't respect their laws, governments or themselves.

36:00  Event in the woods for a mass conversion

Belief in God is logical.

37:00  Hindu Gurus

38:00  Advice for hippy chicks

39:00  The narrative

40:00  God gave the Torah to Jews which Christians stole. Then God revealed the Koran which Jews and Christians reject because they could not bear to think they have been following the wrong religion for so long. If Jews and Christians had been honest, rational and humble people, they would be Muslim 1400 years ago and avoided all their horrible wars that ended in white people killing each other in great numbers eg the European Wars of Religion AKA the Wars of the Reformation, the Napoleonic Wars, the European Wars of Unification, WW1 and WW2 AKA the Second Thirty Years War.

43:00  Feminism and Liberalism

44:00  The remnant of monarchy that is the British Crown must be dealt with.  

2:00  Elon Musk's Space X

4:00  My kingdom for a horse

6:00  Redeeming ourselves from the slavery of our sins. 

7:00  Torah < Koran

8:00  The world operates on hatred.

9:00  Theology is key to solving the problem of Israel between Jews and gentiles.

10:00  The Abrahamic God is neither Jewish nor gentile. 

11:00  TIM joins. 

12:00  There must be a narrative. 

13:00  Vincent Bruno is a key figure in Secular Koranism.

14:00  Vincent Bruno is inventing a rival belief system to defeat the Abrahamic God/

16:00  Bible and Koranic stories are more believable than the stories of Hindu deities. 

17:00  We should see religion and politics through the lens of monarchy, republic and theocracy.

Vincent is envious of my legal system. 

19:00  Vincent won't either be support Secular Koranism nor acknowledge me as the Messiah Substitute telling Jews, Christians and Muslims that the Messiah is not coming. 

20:00  Muslims must challenge rabbis to prove that the Torah is better than Koran by asking secular Jews whether if they would choose a Torah theocracy or sharia if they had to choose only between the two. 

21:00  Hamas have proposed that Jews live in Israel under sharia. 

22:00  Even if Jews agreed to live under sharia, Uncle Sam wouldn't allow it. 

23:00  If  Israeli Jews agreed to live under sharia, it would mean that Americans should also choose to live under sharia. 


28:00  Noahide laws

Christian Zionists support Israel.

29:00  Catholic Church would pray for the conversion of Jews.

30:00  Is God a good liberal?

31:00  Marriage and family values

32:00  RICCARDO SHILLY SHALLY @dagisthefuture joins.

33:00  Pope Francis and other Popes submit to the liberal order. 

34:00  The importance of having an official moral system

35:00  The difference between religion and politics is a distinction without a difference.

36:00  Banning usury

37:00  Public morality is an official moral system supported by the law. 

38:00  Banning usury would lower property prices.

42:00  Being Irish

43:00  Islamophobia

46:00  Sharia Compliant Mortgages

49:00  MR BIG TIME joins.

51:00  I am not Muslim.

53:00  Christian Secular Koranists are welcome. 

54:00  Voting is the problem.  

55:00  Christianity is a spent force. The Gulf Kingdoms are not halal. 

56:00 supports the First Amendment.

57:00  Married parents should be privileged over non-parents.  

58:00  Vaxxed

1:00:00  More Muslims are going to come if there is a labour shortage. 

1:01:00  Hindus make up the rules as they go along?

1:02:00  The British monarch has to be an Anglican.

1:03:00  The Irish decided to make marriage gay in their 2014 referendum. 

1:04:00  Blasphemy laws

Thomas Cranmer

1:05:00  MBS is an absolute monarch.

1:06:00   DR NICK joins.

1:07:00 supports the First Amendment. 

1:09:00  Jesus was convicted of blasphemy.

1:11:00  Idolatry and blasphemy are mortal sins. 

1:12:00  The relevance of Jews

1:14:00  Dr Nick says Jesus is divine. 

1:15:00  The New Testament is lower in status than the Torah and the Koran. 

1:16:00  GEORGE joins. 

The Abrahamic God is not the Trinity.

1:19:00  My tradition is Truth, Logic and Morality.

1:20:00  I reject the Hadith where it contradicts the Koran. 

1:21:00  The New Testament > The Torah > The Koran

1:22:00  Hearsay

1:23:00  The nature and purpose of the Torah

1:25:00  There is no mention of the Trinity in the New Testament. 

1:26:00  Arianism and Trinitarianism are both idolatry. 

The Trinity was created to win theological arguments against Jews. 

1:27:00  The Edict of Thessalonica in 380.

1:28:00  The Day of Atonement

1:29:00  Why Caliphates crashed and burned

1:30:00  The Imperial Harem of the Ottoman Emperor

Conflating Jews with Communism is an antisemitic category error

Europa - the last battle

All ideologies have ambitions of global domination. 

3:00  The Abrahamic God made Jews His Chosen People.

5:00  Rules are necessary.

Category order made between Jews and Judaism.

6:00   Belief system of Communists

7:00  Marx's predictions and prophecies

8:00  Dialectical materialism is a historical process.

9:00  Hegelian dialectic

Does Jewish Leftism, Feminism, LGBTQ come from the Talmud/Kabbalah? — Real Vincent Bruno (@RealVinBruno) October 17, 2024 3:00  What do you mean by Jewish? 4:00  Jews are like a leader...