
Monday, 24 March 2025

AI fun with Secular Koranism and Vincent Bruno #17 Register of Dissidents and classifying Hilonim as Heretical Jews

4:00  Why no feedback?
5:00  Over 1000 views 

Are people scared of the power of Secular Koranism?

6:00  Carol liked the Concubine Contract. 
8:00  Classifying Hilonim as Heretical Jews
9:00  Excommunication
10:00  Religion is a declaration of identity.
11:00  Carol's identity as a White Muslim Woman.
12:00  Vincent will be in the Atheist/Agnostic Register like me.
13:00  Tovia Singer angry with Jews who chose to be categorised as Christian rather than Musllim.
14:00  Relationship status
Vincent's father didn't tell him he was marrying for a third time.
17:00  Vincent's step sister was informed about their father's third marriage.
23:00  Rabbi Mizrachi on the Hilonim

26:00  Register of Dissidents
27:00  Defending one's religious and moral principles
28:00  Prompt
33:00  [Reading begins.]
42:00  Reducing the number of Jews and Christians and imposing quality control on them
44:00  Ramadan ends on 30 March 2025.
Education and Sharing Day 9 April 2025
46:00  Story of Christians fearful of being asked to define heresy
49:00  Confirmation ceremony

51:00  Story about the delight of the Haredim when they heard that the Hilonim were going to be classified as Heretical Jews

59:00  [Reading begins.]

Sunday, 23 March 2025

Vincent Bruno explains Beyondism to White Muslim Woman

4:00  Beyondist Think Tank

10:00  CAROL joins.
11:00  No claimed afterlife
14:00  DNA and genetics
20:00  Ethno-states
21:00  Communes
22:00  Religion is an organsing force.
23:00  Orderly transition of power
Group existence, group solidarity and group cooperation
24:00  Empire is an objective measure of human achievement.
25:00  Three global Christian empires

27:00  Registers of Race and Religion
28:00  Who is entitled to claim Christian identity?
29:00  The Founding Fathers were Heretical Christians.
30:00  Religion in America
31:00  Christian identity
32:00  Discreet enquiries about religious beliefs for those who join the Armed Forces

33:00  Muslims can self-identify.
34:00  Confirmed Christians
35:00  Anabaptists
37:00  Southern Baptists
39:00  Members List
40:00  Christianity is only a cultural affiliation.
41:00  Beyondism
42:00  Sheilaism
43:00  Non-Denominational Christian
44:00  WASPs
Catholics were the white niggers of America.
45:00  Observant Jews and Heretical Jews
48:00  Degrees of observance 
49:00  Religion is a personal question.
51:00  Registries
McCarthy Era
52:00  White Muslim Woman

55:00  Registry of Religion
1:00:00  DNA tests
1:03:00  Judaism is not as racist as White Nationalism.
1:05:00  Married fathers will have a free DNA test every time their wife has a child.
1:10:00  Elizabeth Warren
A, B and B+ schools
1:12:00  Bastard schools
1:16:00  Replacing ourselves
1:17:00  Thanksgiving
1:18:00  Epiphany
1:20:00  How much fuss does the government make about Christmas and Thanksgiving?
1:23:00  Unmarried parents of both sexes are lashes. 
1:24:00  You are legitimate if your parents were ever married to each other. 
1:25:00  Concubine Contract
1:33:00  America a unitary state with provinces?
1:38:00  Deeming provision
1:41:00  Men are only obliged to support their legitimate offspring. 
1:43:00  Registers for Unmarried Parents divided into Repentant Unmarried Parents and Unrepentant Unmarried Parents ("UUP").
1:46:00  A, B and B+ Schools
1:48:00  Continuation School
1:49:00  A and B schools in Africa

The terms "A and B schools" in the context of Africa do not have a universally standardized meaning across the continent, as educational systems and classifications vary by country. However, based on available information and common educational frameworks, the terms could relate to specific categorizations used in certain African nations, particularly in the context of secondary or higher education. Below is an interpretation based on relevant examples: 
In Ghana, for instance, "A and B schools" often refer to categories of senior high schools (SHS) established by the Ghana Education Service (GES) for the Computerized School Selection and Placement System (CSSPS). These categories help students and parents select schools after the Basic Education Certificate Examination (BECE):  
Category A Schools: These are considered the top-tier or most prestigious public senior high schools, characterized by strong academic performance (e.g., high West African Senior School Certificate Examination (WASSCE) results), well-developed infrastructure (modern classrooms, labs, libraries), and notable achievements. Students can typically only select one Category A school due to high demand. Examples might include schools like Achimota School or Prempeh College. 
Category B Schools: These are also public senior high schools but are ranked slightly below Category A in terms of academic performance, facilities, or historical prestige. They remain highly regarded and competitive but offer more options for student placement. Examples might include schools like St. Augustine’s College or Aburi Girls’ Senior High. 
This A-B classification in Ghana extends further to Categories C, D, E, F, and G, covering other public, technical/vocational, and private institutions, but A and B are typically the most sought-after public options.  
Outside of Ghana, there’s no continent-wide "A and B" designation for schools in Africa unless specified by a particular country’s education system. For example:  
In South Africa, schools might be informally ranked by quality (e.g., well-funded urban schools vs. under-resourced rural ones), but no formal A/B labeling exists in the public system. 
In Nigeria, distinctions might be made between elite federal or private schools and others, but again, no strict A/B categories are universally applied. 
Alternatively, if your question refers to business schools, the Association of African Business Schools (AABS) doesn’t use an A/B ranking but focuses on enhancing management education across African institutions. Some might informally call top business schools (e.g., University of Cape Town Graduate School of Business) "A-tier" due to reputation, but this isn’t an official classification.
Tracking of smarties and dummies

1:52:00  UK Education System 

1:53:00  Educational background of the Beatles

1:54:00   John Lennon

1:56:00  Secondary Modern and Grammar School

1:59:00  Shotgun weddings revived

2:00:00  The incentivisation of status

2:02:00  "You're a bastard?" "So what? So are you."

2:12:00  Single sex secondary schools

2:25:00  State education

2:28:00  AP classes

2:29:00  Agricultural college

2:31:00  Slavery as workfare.

Saturday, 22 March 2025

A passage to India

9:00  Caleb Maupin

10:00  Vincent Bruno 

11:00  Anti-immigration

12:00  Douglas Murray

13:00  Birth rates plummeting with feminism and LGBT

14:00  A culture of casual sex

15:00  Sexual liberation is now the norm.

16:00  Getting gender relations right will mean getting labour relations right.

17:00  Secular Koranism


24:00  Terrorist organisations

25:00  The eternal and universal laws of the Koran

26:00  Terrorism

27:00  Sri Lanka Tamil Tigers

28:00  Nelson Mandela

29:00  CRIS joins.

33:00  HARRY PUTTER joins.

36:00  I used to be an Islamophobe.

37:00  Christians aren't going to church. 


38:00  Alliterative

40:00  Political thinker

41:00  Not claiming to be a prophetess

42:00  Why not the Bible?

44:00  Religion

47:00  Secular Koranism

50:00  China

52:00  UNTOWARD joins.

57:00  TOMMY joins.

58:00  Freedom of speech

59:00  Indians

1:06:00  Hatred of others and self

1:10:00  Being shouted at in China

1:11:00  Military Industrial Complex

1:14:00  Teetotaler

1:15:00  Drinking culture

1:17:00  Hated ideas

1:19:00  Reading the Koran

1:22:00  Different kinds of Muslims

1:23:00  No fault divorce

1:24:00  Divorce rare in India


1:26:00  Modi is Dalit.

1:28:00  Mumbai

1:29:00  The Taj Mahal is in Delhi.

1:30:00  Beaches

1:31:00  Himalayas, Kerala, Kashmir, Nepal

1:33:00  Age

Unrealistic expectations

1:37:00  Political systems

1:38:00  Trump

1:39:00  An orderly transition of power

1:41:00  Politburo Standing Committee

Religion is about frightening people into becoming married parents

Secular Koranism

2:00  An official moral system that supports marriage

3:00  G K Chesterton: "When men choose not to believe in God, they do not thereafter believe in nothing; they then become capable of believing in anything."

5:00  Yuval Harari's Sapiens

6:00  Language, ideas and organisation

8:00  Religion is also stories.

9:00  Islamophobia

10:00  Christianity

12:00  The Age of Republican Revolutions displaced the Age of Monarchy

13:00  Liberalism is uncodified.

14:00  Westerners whingeing and moaning

15:00  The Business Model of the Neocons

16:00  Islam threatens the sexual liberation of feminism.

17:00  Leftists promote feminism.

21:00  Rights for women in India

22:00  Sharia councils in India

26:00  Congress is supported by Muslims.

27:00  Labour, Conservative and anti-immigration political parties

28:00  Tommy Robinson and Anjem Choudary

30:00  Hate speech

37:00  Equality Act 2010

Black disabled lesbian

39:00  Low education low income low status men do not have a protected characteristic under the Equality Act 2010.

40:00  The government wants to protect immigrant workers because they are more useful than the people complaining about them.

41:00  Lazy whites

42:00  Married parents are not supported by the government.

43:00  George Washington warned against political parties.

44:00  Voters' holding politicians to account

49:00  White people would rather die than be married parents.
52:00  Most UK parents are unmarried parents.

53:00  Blindly copying the West
54:00  Neither the Bible nor the Koran forbids slavery and prostitution.
56:00  Majapahit Empire was conquered by Islam.
57:00  Allowing our corrupt and incompetent ruling classes to make up the rules as they go along is worse than becoming a theocracy.

Idolatry Cannot Be Any Dumber Than This by Rabbi Mizrachi

47:00  Golden Calf
55:00  Holy Cow
58:00  Cows have a nine month pregnancy too.
1:00:00  How Jews treat deceased executed Jews
1:02:00  Jews are allowed to make a cross but not an image of Jesus on it.
1:03:00  Jesus sighting.
1:06:00  Jewish demons
1:14:00  Gay Jews reincarnated as dogs
1:17:00  A dog's life
1:18:00  Karl Lagerfeld bequeathed his fortune to his dog.
1:29:00  A couple reincarnated as conjoined twins

1:35:00  A Christian convert to Judaism cannot attend Christian weddings and churches
1:40:00  Martyrdom
1:47:00  Righteous gentiles are reincarnated. 
1:48:00  Tovia Singer and ignorant Jews who never read the Books of Isaiah, Jeremiah or Amos
1:49:00  The Christian interpretation of the Old Testament
1:51:00  Muslim attitude towards proeslytising Christians.
1:54:00  Jews cannot become gentiles.
1:58:00  Kiddush Hashem ie martyrdom
2:02:00  Golden Calf
2:05:00  Difference between making and worshiping an idol
2:13:00  Shame
2:16:00  Ignorance and evil
2:28:00  Low standards
2:37:00  Golden Calf

Friday, 21 March 2025

Discussing government breeding programmes with Vincent Bruno and the Book of Ecclessiastes with Jason Schweizer

10:00  White people need to act like a minority.
11:00  Shaming and redemption
12:00  Patriarchy
13:00  Free love is progressive degeneracy.
14:00  Marginalising sluts and slut-fuckers
15:00  White Nationalists are out of ideas.
The Native American was matriarchal. 
16:00  Party pamphlets and sitcoms for Vincent's breeding plan?
17:00  Jews
18:00  Collective and selective breeding
19:00  Temples of breeding
21:00  White youth are degenerate.
23:00  Claire Khaw returns.
Individual liberty
24:00  Shaming people
26:00  Question for White Nationalists
27:00  Christians on Spaces
The Founding Fathers were Christian heretics.
28:00  Who will be King of America?
29:00  Rake is a retard.

The limited objective of White Nationalists is to go to their graves before the West collapses or repents with Islam.

31:00  Glory Days of America ended in the 1990s.
32:00   America is now in social and political decline.

Fear factor

33:00  Uncomfortable with the culture
34:00  Sharia would easily defeat feminism.
35:00  Nick Fuentes
Male solidarity
36:00  Masculinity
Corny Christianity and assholery
37:00  Marriageable men
39:00  Government breeding centres
40:00  Multiple male role models
42:00  Kibbutz
43:00  Empires lower standards of sexual morality.
44:00  Gay gets a free pass.
45:00  Absurdity of the position of the heterosexual white male
47:00  The wedding is for the woman.
48:00  Artificial wombs and widespread illegitimacy
50:00  Patriarchy is a breeding programme.
51:00  The cessation of slut-shaming and the Pill
53:00  Indians in America
54:00  Government breeding programs
55:00  Marriageability is a desirable heritable trait.
56:00  Genetic quality
58:00  Artificial wombs
59:00  Men looking after children in shifts
1:00:00  The infantilisation of Western men
1:01:00  Paying women to bear children
1:03:00  Secular Koranism
1:05:00  Carol
1:07:00  If white people repent
1:08:00  Pam Bondi


1:09:00  Vincent explains his eugenic programme.
1:10:00  The best semen will be available to women in birthing temples.
1:11:00  Significant female investment in pregnancy
1:12:00  AID
1:13:00  Birthing temples or public corporal punishment?
1:15:00  Roman bachelor tax
1:16:00  Pederasty
1:17:00  Secular Koranism
1:18:00  God is watching. 
1:19:00  The price of sex
1:21:00  Labour shortage
1:24:00  Marriage is a sacrifice and burden.
1:26:00  Spirituality of marriage
1:28:00  Shaming
1:29:00  Ecclessiastes
1:31:00  Je ne regrette rien by Edith Piaf

Secular Koranism on cause and effect as atheists and theists

3:00  Annoying gay man annoying Vincent 

7:00  Ladies Bountiful

8:00  Genocide v slavery

10:00  Everyone speaks English.

11:00  Mass deportations cannot be conducted immediately. 

12:00  Pogroms cannot be conducted without being in government.

Americans have no official moral system.

14:00  Secular Koranism supports the First Amendment. 

15:00  A Century of Humiliation of America

16:00  Responsible married parenting


17:00  U turn

18:00  Correction should be ASAP

19:00  Western media promoted the idea of reparations.

20:00  Western media is geared towards females.

21:00  Rules of evidence designed to protect the parties.

23:00  Rake annoyed at my draft letter to King Charles

25:00  Shared beliefs, values and rules

30:00  General malaise

31:00  Immigrants complain about immigration.

32:00  Americans cannot agree on immigration.

34:00  A one-party state is a Washingtonian idea.

36:00  There is no Suggestion Box.

37:00  Why people aren't interested in discussing solutions

38:00  Corrupt gatekeeping

39:00  We need to become unignorable.

We need the attention of powerful religious groups. 

40:00  Western psychosis is caused by taboos and blocked by sacred cows

41:00  Clarity and credibility of the message

42:00  Secular Koranism has a theist and atheist view on cause and effect

AI fun with Secular Koranism and Vincent Bruno #17 Register of Dissidents and classifying Hilonim as Heretical Jews

4:00  Why no feedback? 5:00  Over 1000 views  Are people scared of the power of Secular Koranism? 6:00  Carol liked the Concubine Contract. ...