Monday, 12 November 2018

I fail to explain the importance of having a functioning religion to protect your society from its internal and external enemies

From 57:00 you will hear me try to explain the role of religion in dealing with Cultural Marxism which we should really call Feminism which established itself after the Sex Revolution. Keith Joseph, Margaret Thatcher, grooming gangs, child prostitution, marriage and family values are discussed amongst other things.


4:17 Looks like it will be easier if you all became Muslim because there will be another European War of Religion after the White Nationalist Revolution!

7:55 OMG. White people are going to regress into paganism after the White Nationalist Revolution? And this woman is going to be the High Priestess of the Pagan Pantheon? What are the deities of this pantheon? I quite like Aphrodite.

 22:08 I was going to come on to tell you that you have no choice but to adopt Islam if you want to restore the patriarchy, because Christianity is kaput.

All civilisations rise in patriarchy and fall in matriarchy. The West is now a matriarchy.
Lasse Anckarman · 23:39 Islam is stronger than Judaism. That's the reason for the hilarious anti-Islamic propaganda from Jewish media.

Claire Khaw · 15:05 Lasse Anckarman Islam is stronger than Judaism because there are more potential Muslims than there will ever be potential Jews. But the choice is between quality over numbers.

Lasse Anckarman · 0:00 Claire Khaw Hardly. Islam is stronger because it is a religion of love, not a hateful worldwide program for world control.

Claire Khaw · 0:15 Lasse Anckarman Jews do not feel they have a duty to convert the world to Judaism.

29:22 Judaism is divine ethno nationalism, Islam is divine civic nationalism.

29:46 Charles and his brothers have been circumcised.

 33:14 Judaism is the most successful form of ethno-nationalism in human history. Jews managed to get their homeland back after 2000 years of exile.

Therefore only an Abrahamic faith with instructions about how to deal with Jews would be adequate for the gentile to guide him on how to deal with his women and minorities.

That would be Islam, I am afraid, because Christianity is kaput.

9:51 You need to restore the patriarchy and I believe only Islam would restore the patriarchy, because only a patriarchy would produce enough good strong men to defend the national interest.

Christianity is the most schismatic religion in the world.

The gentile needs to be protected from the Jew and Islam will do the job because it would ban usury, the source of Jewish power.

The Abrahamic God is the link between all the Abrahamic faiths, obviously, with each claiming that their method of worship is best and yields the best results.

The success of the Jews is undisputed: after 2000 years of exile, they got back their own homeland.

The failure of Christianity is obvious too, since Christianity is now associated with the religion of white people who want to spread gay marriage all over our global village and turn it into Sodom and Gomorrah.

If God exists, He would want to punish those who identify as Christians for 2000 years of idolatry.

The assumption of the Abrahamic faiths is that the world is divided between Jews and gentiles and that Judaism is for Jews only. Gentiles have only Christianity and Islam to choose from.

Since Christianity is kaput, and this cannot be denied because the West is now as Christian as a human skeleton used to be human, there is clearly no alternative.

Hinduism and Buddhism are more alien to Western traditions than Islam.

If you are arguing that the West does not need a religion that promotes patriarchal moral values ie that supports marriage and family values, then please make it.

I have already raised these matters with Greg Johnson at and have been hoping for another chat.

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