
Sunday, 11 November 2018

White Nationalism is a busted flush if White Nationalists refuse to discuss what religion to follow post-pogrom

I have been asking this question for years and they show no signs of wanting to discuss it with me, because they know I advocate a one party theocracy governed by the principles of Secular Koranism, and they don't want any of it.

There is only one religion left for Westerners, because Judaism is for Jews only, Christianity is kaput while Hinduism and Buddhism are even more alien to Western traditions than Islam.

Those who want the West to return to paganism are in fact advocating a return to the Dark Ages.

Assuming White Nationalists get what they want and expel all the Jews, Muslims and non-whites, they would be faced with another War of Religion because Whites cannot agree on which religion they will follow after they kick everyone else out.

The participants in this War of Religion will consist of the following factions:

1) White Reactionaries who want to return to the Old Liberal Globalist Order

2) White Christians

3) White Atheists who will object to being forced to affirm that they believe that an executed revolutionary is the co-equal of the eternal and supreme Abrahamic God

4) Whites who want Islam

5) Whites who want to regress into paganism and return to the Dark Ages

All who are to be expelled will be very happy to be expelled once the White Nationalist Wars of Religion commence in their full fury.

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