
Wednesday, 5 November 2014

How feminism corrupts the morals of men and deprives society of loyalty and principles

It is true. I did call him a libtard as you can see at

"Out of the corruption of women proceeds the corruption of races; out of the corruption of races, the loss of memory; out of the loss of memory, the loss of understanding, and out of this all evil." The Bhagavad Gita

"Out of the slut proceeds the corruption of races; out of the corruption of races, the loss of memory; out of the loss of memory, the loss of understanding, and out of this all evil."

"Out of the fornicatress proceeds the corruption of races; out of the corruption of races, the loss of memory; out of the loss of memory, the loss of understanding, and out of this all evil."

"Out of the Slut Single Mother proceeds the corruption of races; out of the corruption of races, the loss of memory; out of the loss of memory, the loss of understanding, and out of this all evil."

"Out of the SSM proceeds the corruption of races; out of the corruption of races, the loss of memory; out of the loss of memory, the loss of understanding, and out of this all evil."

The 4 Categories of Unmarried Motherhood

Most children of British mothers born out of wedlock

Posts about Simon Sheppard and his antifeminist ideas

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