
Tuesday, 10 July 2018

Could a one party state save Western civilisation?

1:301:30  Tom Dupre of Generation Identity

2:15   Patrick Little

3:00  Paul Nehlen

4:30  Overton window

6:00  Texas the Red State going Blue in 2024 as it gets browner and browner

6:45  Representative about waiting for other party to fail

7:30  The China Model by Daniel Bell

8:30  How Democracy Ends by David Runciman

National Socialism = One-Party State = National Government

The way forward for Labour: merge with the Conservative Party

9:45  The debt-fuelled economy (I didn't say use the Koran to abolish usury and default on our debts, but should have.)

10:00 Declining birth rate and the government's need to keep up its taxpayer base

11:15  Reforming the welfare system

12:20  The cheap labour lobby

14:30  Our increasingly incompetent politicians cannot put on an act of appearing to be charismatic and caring about us and govern the country properly

15:30  The Chinese with their declining birth rate are thinking of using immigration as the short term solution to labour shortages

16:00  Oswald Spengler

19:00  Fat poor people who can't afford gym membership

19:30  China's one-child policy

20:00  We have already been warned by the Bible and Koran against doing the things we are now hooked on doing

21:30  Success leads to failure (I didn't mention the Tytler Cycle but should have.

22:00  Empire is linked to the birth rate. The lower the birth rate, the more senescent and effeminate that society.

22:30  Islam

23:00  Success takes us away from God

24:00  To convert to Islam is to be conquered by Islam

24:15  Jews, Christians and Muslims worship the same Abrahamic God

26:00 Islam is a proselytising and imperial religion, just like liberalism, feminism and Communism!

26:45  Christian Revival

27:00  Joseph Smith and Mormonism

28:00  Mormonism v Islam

29:00  Amish v Jews

30:00  Agricultural Economy v Industrial Economy

31:00  Muslim invaders came from a harder place

32:00  "If you can't beat them, join them."

33:00  Patrick Henry: "Give me liberty or give me death!"

33:00  E Michael Jones: "If you don't have a religion, you won't have an identity."

34:00  Without an established church, American Christians adhere more to Christian principles or seem more right-wing eg Ann Coulter, Donald Trump

35:00  European men are effeminate

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