
Friday, 31 August 2018

How I propose to bribe mostly Islamophobic Western intellectuals to read the Koran and then write positively about Secular Koranism

I propose to blatantly bribe British intellectuals, especially lawyers, into entering an essay writing competition on Secular Koranism.

Secular Koranism is basically Islam without Allah or Muslims. In theory, it is possible to have Secular Koranism without any believing Muslims at all

This is not what I am suggesting, of course, and I think Secular Koranism should please Muslims citizens of the West. Even if it is not exactly how they think Islam should be interpreted, it is at least better than gay marriage and transgenderism as well as the compulsory fornication now taught in state schools of the West.

What's so great about Secular Koranism?

The reasoning is as follows:

  1. If Islam is "Judaism Lite", then Secular Koranism is "Islam Lite". 
  2. All advanced civilisations need a legal system in harmony with its chosen moral system and that moral system should support marriage and family values ie patriarchy.  
  3. Patriarchy is necessary to prevent degeneracy.
  4. If your society, nation and civilisation is suffering from degeneracy, that you must bring about its regeneration to remain in existence and avoid extinction.  
  5. You are degenerate if you live in a matriarchy. 
  6. The perfect patriarchy - 100% married parents
  7. The perfect matriarchy - 100% unmarried parents 
  8. While patriarchies are established by the practice of marriage, matriarchies are established by tolerance and acceptance of widespread bastardy. Bastards are by definition the illegitimate offspring of  immoral fornicating women who do not even have the decency to hide their shamelessness. 
  9. If you are a senior politician such as Keith Joseph warning your political party that the nation's "human stock is threatened" and find yourself no longer Prime Minister in waiting and your position take by a woman, you live in a matriarchy. Britain has been a matriarchy since 1974.
  10. All advanced civilisations are patriarchies, all declining, primitive, extinct and soon to be extinct societies are matriarchies. 
  11. A patriarchy is a society that prioritises the preferences of married fathers, a matriarchy that of unmarried mothers. Immoral and shameless women tend not to make good parents nor do their illegitimate offspring generally make desirable employees or good citizens.  
  12. If no senior male politician will challenge the matriarchy, it is because he fears being accused of a historic sexual offence where an accusation is as good as a conviction.  
  13. Indigenous white working men are in fact leaderless. They are men who have been abandoned by their political classes and have been warehoused for extinction, which explains the current establishment mania for driverless cars and trains.  
  14. Why won't white male politicians look after the interests of the white male working class? Because representative democracy is about chasing the female vote to get elected into office. 
  15. Why the female vote in particular? Because it is the largest bloc of all the so-called minority groups.  
  16. Because of the operation of democracy in our corrupt oligarchy, white male politicians have no power at all and are also frightened of being accused of a historic sexual offence where an accusation is as good as a conviction. The most these white male politicians hope for is that they keep their seat after the next election. 
  17. Liberal democracy is now coming to a grinding halt and must be replaced.  
  18. Since Israel is a colonial outpost of the American imperium and is required to be run as a democracy by its imperial overlords, Israeli Jews may well wish to consider what is to replace liberal democracy in Israel to retain possession and keep on good terms with its neighbours after democracy in America collapses in the wake of its second civil war. What else would please its Arab and Muslim neighbours more than for Israel to adopt Secular Koranism? After all, imitation is the sincerest form of flattery! God if He exists would want Israel to be a theocracy and Secular Koranism satisfies this definition without being in any way as restrictive and harsh in its punishments as full-blown Judaism. 
The Arab-Israeli dialogue that would lead to peace in the Middle East

Imagining what the following might say about Secular Koranism fills with me with delighted anticipation!

  • Rabbi Sacks
  • Yoram Hazony
  • Roger Scruton
  • John Gray
  • Melanie Phillips
  • Joshua Rozenberg
  • Jonathan Arkush
  • Alan Dershowitz
  • Chris Grayling
  • Nigel Farage
  • David Goodhart
  • David Cameron
  • Tony Blair
  • Frank Field
  • E Michael Jones
  • Will Self
  • Peter Hennessy 
  • Vernon Bogdanor
  • Ken Livingstone
  • Boris Johnson
  • John McDonnell
  • Seumas Milne
  • Nick Cohen
  • Alan Mendoza
  • Jonathan Freedland
  • David Runciman
  • Alex Salmond
  • Timothy Garton Ash
  • Steve Bannon
  • Diane Abbott
  • Anna Soubry

This essay writing contest would be closed to Muslims because it is assumed that they will think it an excellent way of extending dawa to non-Muslims and cough up with the donations.

It would be a large cash prize: I propose £1M for the winner, in both sections, to be donated by Muslim and non-Muslim businessmen and business organisations eg IoD, CBI etc who support my ideas.

The most important thing to note about Secular Koranism is that you don't have to be Muslim to apply and interpret its principles, just professionally qualified to practice the law who has passed an examination in Koranic Knowledge, which I shall set.

You don't have to be Muslim to support Secular Koranism, as long as you believe that the patriarchy must be restored for the return of good rational government with laws that support marriage and family values and want to see the back of feminazis who have been destroying Western civilisation for half a century.

The notable features of Secular Koranism are as follows:

  1. Slut-shaming will be reintroduced with and unmarried parents given 100 lashes per illegitimate offspring.
  2. Sodomy will be recriminalised.
  3. Porn will be banned under and
  4. Brothels will be legal.
  5. Sharia-complaint live sex shows in brothels will be allowed as long as the audience does not exceed three. 
  6. The Equality Act 2010 will be repealed in its entirety because freedom of belief will be guaranteed by
  7. Property and housing prices will be much lower after the abolition of usury.
  8. Taxpayers will be given the constitutional right not to be taxed more than a flat rate income tax of 20%.
  9. No fault divorce will be implicitly abolished because only those who can be married are those of full legal adult capacity who have agreed a marriage contract. Divorce will be based on breach of contract ie fault.
  10. Capital and corporal punishment will be reintroduced.
  11. The end of the boom-bust cycle after the banning of usury, the global casino that is the international stock market and the end of irresponsible borrowing and lending by government and individuals with the result of the pound in your pocket keeping its value from decade to decade and perhaps generation to generation if we manage to keep it up without breaking the rules. 
  12. Secular Koranism can only be implemented in a one party theocracy and will be only moderately authoritarian. 

ESSAY TITLE:Why my country should/should not adopt Secular Koranism.

The contest is divided into two sections: for and against. Both would offer the same prize money.

Two very important essays by F Schmidt that say what I say about sex and God

Anti-feminist Karaite Jew encourages mosque attendance

Jew prescribing Islam for gentiles satirises white nationalists

How I propose to help Orthodox Jews so concerned about immigration they join the alt-right but suffer socially and professionally

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