
Wednesday, 6 May 2020

People who are careless with words and don't care about the arguments

3:00  Justice, Truth, Morality, Equality, God, the Abrahamic God, Jewish, Christian, Muslim
4:00  Narcissist
5:00  The objective and subjective
6:00  Emotion and reason
7:00  Educated and honourable people and lawyers who care about the meaning of words and their opposite
10:00  Racist, sexist, antisemitic, Islamophobic
11:00  The ad hominem fallacy
12:00  Church of Entropy
13:00  Tone-policing and liars who are careless about the meaning of words and the truth of them
14:00  Moral philosophers should judge the morals of others and compare the efficacy of moral systems ie religion and political ideologies.
16:00  The written word
18:00  Democracy a sacred cow
20:00  Being consistent and non-contradictory. The definition of Christian
21:00  Our actions are based on our beliefs in reward and punishment ie seeking pleasure and avoiding pain
22:00  "niggardly"
23:00  The principle of defending what is true, logical and morasl
24:00  Words are the names of ideas.
25:00  Academic institutions no longer fit for purpose and nobody cares.
26:00  The definition of "Christian" and "religion"
27:00  "Connection with God", confusing monotheism with nihilism
28:00  Confucius
31:00  Rectification of Names
31:00  Calling a spade a spade

34:00  Millennial Woes
36:00  The correction perception of God
39:00  YouTube delay in processing my videos

43:00  OV joins.
44:00  "Mexifornia"
46:00  Traditional lifestyle
47:00  BNP member moved from the non-white to the white part of town and said he missed his multicultural and multiracial neighbourhood
48:00  The right/left classification should be abandoned.
49:00  Extremes meet
50:00  Trotsky v Lenin
51:00  National Socialism
52:00  World Communism v National Communism
54:00  Kulaks
55:00  In the Soviet Union, the kulaks got it in the neck. In Germany, the Jews did.
56:00  A peasants' revolt
57:00  Nick Griffin
1:04:00  Principles
1:06:00  It's only words
1:07:00  Post Modernism
1:08:00  Nihilism
1:09:00  The principle of promoting the National Interest
1:11:00  Being prepared to die for one's principles
1:13:00  People who have no principles have no idea how to defend them.
1:16:00  Wanting to be in the mainstream
1:17:00  Social ostracism
1:20:00  Conservative Party social gatherings

1:21:00  CHURCH OF ENTROPY joins and accuses me.
1:26:00  Gandalf
1:29:00  Antisemitism
1:32:00  Church of Entropy complains.
1:33:00  Church of Entropy's charisma
1:36:00  A sustainable society
1:37:00  India is a fallen civilisation because Hinduism failed.
1:39:00  Slave morality
1:47:00  Uncertainty principle
1:54:00  Determinism

1:56:00  DOMINGO joins and asks about Gandalf.
2:00:00  Meta-analysis
2:04:00  "Pierce the veil of autism"
2:05:00  I am mocked.
2:06:00  Big Trouble in Little China
2:09:00  Conops on WiR
2:10:00  Gandalf
2:11:00  Church of Entropy says she is "a very accommodating person".
2:12:00  Church of Entropy complains about Erika.
2:14:00  Doooovid
2:15:00  "People of our ilk"
2:16:00  Debate tactics
2:18:00  Church of Entropy on JF to discuss the Big Bang
2:19:00  "Truth is not about winning or losing."
2:20:00  Logic has axioms.
2:21:00  What is the most reasonable axiom? The causal axioms
2:22:00  The Big Bang

OV: "If nothing is truly created, then you are automatically disproving the Big Bang."

2:23:00  ELLIOTT BLATT joins.
2:25:00  Costco
2:27:00  Autistic Jew in truck who donates to the Daily Stormer
2:31:00  Chutzpah
2:35:00  Being a shitlib
2:36:00  Bad optics and Chris Cantwell
2:37:00  Charlottesvile
2:40:00  Mike Cernovich
2:41:00  How is the Daily Stormer "Jewish"?
2:43:00  Violence against women
2:44:00  Kade
2:45:00  Jewish donations
2:46:00  Bobby Fischer
3:00 :00  Filipino
3:02:00   Abandoned his mother
3:08:00  "Odd behaviour"
3:15:00  Self-hating Jew
3:16:00  Spinoza and Epicurus
3:19:00  Christianity is kaput.
3:20:00  Scapegoating and victim-blaming
3:22:00  Usury, empire and the mercenary army of the Jews
3:24:00  Christianity
3:28:00  The Romans created Christianity.
3:33:00  Religion is the opium of the people.
3:34:00  Julius Caesar
3:36:00  Jesus was an archetype of what?
3:42:00  Church of Entropy is a pantheist.

3:43:00  "God is a construct."

3:44:00  God is the Miscellaneous File of All Knowledge.
3:45:00  Defying God
3:46:00  Cognitive Dissonance and modifying the laws of physics

"What you call philosophy, I call religion."

3:48:00  Jen claims to be "married to the truth".
3:55:00  Domingo's God rod
3:59:00  Equality before the law
4:00:00  Property law is already complicated enough.

Church of Entropy:

Anything you don't want, you enforce with the death penalty.

4:02:00  The slower I talk, the faster Jen talks.
4:07:00  Non-aggression principle
4:09:00  Secular Koranism
4:11:00  Conops confuses punishment with rehabilitation.
4:14:00  ZERO joins.

4:18:00  Theocracy
4:21:00  Field of Dreams - the movie
4:22:00  Race realism
4:28:00  The benefits of Secular Koranism
4:30:00  Jews and a theocracy. My definition of Jewish
4:31:00  The Jewish privilege of God's Chosen People
4:32:00  Usury
4:34:00  Central banks
4:35:00  "Fiscal parasitism"
4:38:00  Usurious loan agreements will become illegal contracts under Secular Koranism.

4:39:00  Church of Entropy asks me multiple questions that would take an hour to answer and then refuses to let me answer them. This is her "debating tactic".

4:41:00  The market
4:42:00  Supply and demand
4:44:00  Sinophobic Church of Entropy claims there are slaves in China.
4:47:00  Suicide nets
4:48:00  Free markets
4:49:00  Mixed economies
4:50:00  Child labour
4:51:00  Slave labour
4:52:00  The definition of slavery
4:53:00  The Modern Slavery Act 2015
4:56:00  The price of labour
4:57:00  The selling of children
5:00:00  Children taken into care
5:02:00  Russian brides
5:03:00  Jen's kind of slavery
5:07:00  Jen conflates servants and slaves.
5:08:00  Manumission
5:09:00  Defamation
5:10:00  Jen as my slave
5:12:00  Defamation is tort.
5:14:00  Jen as my butler slave and my songstress slave
5:15:00  Voluntary submission and indentured servitude. I am "a disgusting person and a terrible role model", according to Church of Entropy.
5:16:00  "Fifty shades of Khaw" and Jen's First Communion at 7
5:19:00  Slavery and meritocracy
5:20:00  Selling oneself into slavery
5:21:00  I think Jen just wants a tied cottage.
5:26:00  Would Jen voluntarily become my slave if I give her food, accommodation and very light duties giving her time the time to pursue her interests?

5:28:00  Jen says I am "the avatar of everything's that wrong with the world." The pyramid of power
5:30:00  Female validation
5:31:00  The alpha female and the swami
5:32:00  Patriarchy and meritocracy
5:33:00  Yin and Yang, egalitarianism, Salem Witch Trials
5:35:00  The punishment for usury
5:36:00  Inflation
5:40:00  Regulated slavery
5:41:00  Slaves wouldn't be allowed to marry under Secular Koranism.
5:42:00  Voluntary servitude
5:43:00  "Slaves" who can "quit" their "jobs"
5:47:00  I gave Jen the idea of a "minimum moral standard" by talking about the Noahide laws. She owes so much to me.
5:48:00  I feel sure now that what Jen wants is a tied cottage.
5:49:00  Might is right?
5:50:00  "Civilisation is a construct."
5:51:00  Natural law
5:52:00  Jen's 10,000 year reich
5:53:00  Human sacrifice
5:54:00  Aztecs
5:56:00  Sepukku, kamikaze
5:57:00  Sedoku, Mine sweeper
5:59:00  Domingo's impression of Doooovid
6:02:00  Captain Caveman
6:03:00  Theocracy and Gandalf
6:04:00  The doglike loyalty of Gandalf
6:05:00  I am not allowed on Week in Review.
6:06:00  Meta-analysis
6:08:00  JF
6:09:00  Meta-analysing a movie
6:12:00  Meta-analysing the Abrahamic faiths
6:13:00  Hegelian analysis of the Abrahamic faiths
6:14:00  Circular reasoning
6:15:00  Christ didn't have an army but Muhammad did.
6:16:00  Islam incorporates the wisdom of the Romans.
6:17:00  Jews are God's Chosen People.
6:18:00  Causality. Jen calls the Abrahamic God "the African tribal god".
6:19:00  Jen denies the perfection of the Abrahamic God, but that is how He is conceived, since no one can think of a being more powerful than one who is eternal, supreme, omnipotent, omniscient and perfectly moral.
6:20:00  The afterlife
6:21:00  Reincarnation. Jen is the Clerk of Reincarnation
6:22:00  The rules of reincarnation
6:23:00  Karmic retribution
6:24:00  Unfalsifiable claims
6:25:00  Contra-position
6:26:00  Nobody understands Jen's ideas.
6:27:00  Circular logic and the flat earth theory
6:30:00  Word salad
6:31:00  The Abrahamic narrative explains the world.
6:33:00  The Jen God and the Abrahamic God
6:34:00  God's laws are the mechanical hare of the human race
6:35:00  The Noahide laws
6:36:00  Neither Jews nor gentiles follow their own rules properly.
6:37:00  People will follow the rules for longer if they believe they are a) divine  b) moral  c) legally enforced.
6:38:00  Jen and her ancestors have been traumatised by having been forcibly converted to Christianity. After realising what a terrible trick has been played on her and her people for so many centuries, Jen now rejects all the Abrahamic faiths while rushing to embrace the idolatrous religion of a fallen civilisation of a country she has never visited which she finds romantic.
6:39:00  The ancient kingdom of Israel was in decline since King Solomon died.
6:40:00  Christianity is kaput.
6:41:00  Jen again repeats that Christianity and Islam were cooked up by Jews to trick and exploit gentiles.
6:42:00  Jen says because was kinder to Jews than the New Testament, the Jews must have written it.
6:44:00  What is the pudding Jen made that she says is the proof of what?

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