
Thursday, 13 March 2025

Two Indian men totally outclass two white men

3:00  Vincent Bruno discussed.
Pincer movement
4:00  CLAIRE KHAW joins.
5:00  Why LGBTs are second class
6:00  Artificial Insemination
8:00  Secular Koranism only prosecutes LGBTs for public indecency offences. 
15:00  Part of the act
16:00  I am grounded.
17:00  Feeding and watering your wife and entertaining her
18:00  Thelema and its idolatry and blasphemy
19:00  Secular Koranism does not propose to exterminate Christians. 
20:00  Christianity is idolatry and blasphemy.
25:00  Respect for Claire Khaw
28:00  Speculation that Claire Khaw is working for the Iranians
29:00  Vincent says how grounded Claire Khaw is.
38:00  Brutalism is cheap.
Fascist architecture
39:00  Good architecture instills civic pride.
40:00  Pubs
42:00  Homogenous society
43:00  Race or religion
Culture is downstream of religion.
44:00  Why African Christians are being murdered
45:00  Was it race or religion that formed European architecture?
46:00  Uganda
47:00  Racial differences
48:00  Christendom and the Ummah

49:00  SIR MR joins.
50:00  Africa
Hindu Caste System
52:00  A group that is being collectively victimised will have the collective identity of being victimised. 
53:00  Foreign Aid
55:00  The global economy
The middle class
56:00  Racial supremacy
57:00  British railways in India
Indians have already taken over the UK and US.
59:00  British colonial exploitation of India
1:01:00  Indian culture
1:03:00  Race is one of the badges of identity.
1:05:00  Race reality
1:06:00  "Racial amnesia" - historical amnesia

1:10:00  VINCENT BRUNO offers to formulate a political philosophy for Rake.
1:13:00  Rake cannot give Vincent any codified principles.
1:15:00  Rake admits he stopped reading a long time ago.
Vincent again offers to use Grok to help Rake formulate his political ideology.
1:16:00  Resolve disputes with duels.
1:17:00  Imposing morality
1:20:00  Natural law
Sir MJ asks Rake if he is gay.
1:24:00  Secular Koranism
1:25:00  The Book of Law by Aleister Crowley
1:26:00  Are there any laws to be derived from Crowley's Book of Law?
1:27:00  Rake is promoting theft and murder.
1:29:00  Promoting a different legal system
Vincent's race
1:30:00  Aren't we the property of our government?
1:31:00  Rake has no plan and just talks BS.
1:32:00  Spiritual malaise after the Protestant Revolution
1:33:00  Luna dust
1:34:00  Stop Indian immigration.
1:36:00  Rake refuses to think systematically.
1:37:00  Artists Collective
1:38:00  Culture
1:39:00  Bran drain
1:40:00  Globalisation and Westernisation of Indian culture
1:42:00  Imperialists and immigrants
1:43:00  Not anti-globalisation
1:44:00  Xenophobia against English-speakers in India
1:45:00  Micro-states
1:49:00  Free movement of people and respecting talent
1:50:00  Economic development
1:51:00  Coming back to India
1:52:00  Status hungry and spiritual Indians
1:54:00  Stephen: "I want an isolated world."
1:55:00  BHARAT joins.
1:56:00  Rake's trip to India
1:58:00  Stephen: "The poorest people are the happiest people."
1:59:00  Progress
2:00:00  Spiritual development and spriritual revival
2:01:00  Rediscovering ourselves
2:03:00  Indian spirituality over 40
2:04:00  Westerners have lost their humanity?
Collapse of the economic system
2:05:00  Cryptocurrency
2:06:00  Lazy passive white men
2:07:00  Helpless white men
"It's been taken away from us."
2:08:00  "Our families have been destroyed because we can no longer smack up our wives."
2:09:00  Christian crusaders were more barbaric than Muslims. 

Indians have got over their demoralisation.

2:10:00  "We don't know who we are any more."
2:11:00  Both Indians in their late 20s.
2:12:00  BJP
2:13:00  Water moves around.
2:14:00  Every dog will have its day. 
2:16:00  Dumb predictions about India and China 
2:17:00  Banning Microsoft
2:18:00  China
2:20:00  Made in India
2:21:00  Chennai, Punjabis and Gujeratis
2:23:00  Stupid Indians
Corporate Jihad
2:24:00  Stephen would sell out his own country. 
2:26:00  Indian says Stephen is drunk.
2:28:00  Indian pooping
2:29:00  Lazy whites
2:30:00  STEM subjecs
2:31:00  Stupid toilet jokes
2:32:00  VINCENT BRUNO points out that the discussion is turning to shit. 
2:33:00  20 principles absent
2:34:00  Stephen's "Natural Order" 
2:35:00  Cancer is natural.
2:36:00  Stephen's laws against gay ideology
2:37:00  No enforceable legal system
2:38:00  Promoting Christian values
2:39:00  Manifesto
2:40:00  Sex education for children about gays
2:41:00  Sexualisation of children
2:42:00  Heterosexual dominance
Introducing potential spouse to fathr
2:43:00  Public decency
2:44:00  Public displays of affection
2:45:00  Islamic invaders
2:47:00  Public displays of affection
2:48:00  Low impulse control
2:49:00  Boasting about public displays of affection
2:50:00  Yoga, meditation and spankings from elders
2:51:00  Beyondism
2:55:00  Masturbation and pornography
No principles
2:56:00  Porn is a lifeline?
2:57:00  Rake's trip to India
3:00:00  Communist India
3:01:00  Busy highway to nowhere after development
3:02:00  Modern Britons should compare themselves to their more competent ancestors.

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Two Indian men totally outclass two white men 3:00  Vincent Bruno discussed. Pincer movement 4:00  CLAIRE KHAW joins. 5:00  Why LGBTs are second clas...