
Thursday, 13 September 2007

How to get a legal definition of "racism"

Racism is now a term of abuse used against anyone who gives offence, whether intentionally or unintentionally, about other races or when someone treats different races differently and misjudges the situation. The "institutional racism" of the police, a phrase coined by Lord McPherson, is the grandiloquent and politically explosive term used to describe mere police incompetence and lazy thinking.

Traditionally, racism only meant the actual belief that some races are superior or inferior to others.

It is quite clear that nobody, not even members of the government or its opposite, knows what it really means.

Even the BNP does not know its own mind about whether it is a racist political party or not. Quite a few of their supporters are confused about whether they are or not (for some deny that they are racist and have friends who are non-white) and do not know whether to deny their racism or embrace it. Are they merely xenophobic (ie fearful of foreigners of any hue and nation, which is still allowed) or actually racist, whatever that means?

Does excluding someone from your party on grounds of race mean that you think they are inferior and that you are superior? Or is that just invoking the principle of free association?

Does disliking the physical and cultural characteristics of another race (who is perceived to be doing better or worse than you because of their alleged racial or cultural characteristics) mean you are racist? Or does racism actually require you to believe in your/their superiority/inferiority?

Does believing that another race is superior to yours (and praising that race) racism?

The law is undecided. On the one hand it criminalises discrimination on grounds of race, on the other it allows the BNP and NF (who wish to repatriate non-whites) to exist.

Much could be accomplished by the BNP if they started an action in defamation the next time a national publication that is worth suing describes a member of the BNP as racist. A case for libel is made out when a litigant proves to the satisfaction of a jury that, as a result of words published or broadcast, he has been brought into hatred, ridicule and contempt in the minds of right-thinking members of society.

This could run and run, folks!

Will the BNP do us all a public service and get us a legal definition of racism? Will they, hell!

Obviously, they would be helping themselves if they lifted their colour bar and removed any mention of their intention to repatriate non-whites from their constitution.

No doubt they will be saying they want to repatriate white Eastern Europeans too and will claim they are merely xenophobic - a state of mind that has yet to be labelled "thoughtcrime" in 21st century Britain.

(In case anybody has not yet noticed, it is of course already "thoughtcrime" to discriminate on grounds of sex, age, disability and sexual orientation.)

What are they for, I keep asking, if they will not even fund the litigation of members of their own party (and race) who are oppressed by Political Correctness - the ones who get unfairly or constructively dismissed from their jobs or expelled from their unions after going public about their BNP membership, the most recent of which is Mark Walker, a teacher?

Answers on a postcard, please.


goosefat101 said...

Racism is like every word that exists subject to debate over its definition.

Same applies to murder, rape, robbery, etc... but we still have laws against those activities.

I am all for freedom of expression which is why the BNP should be allowed to speak freely... when they don't their hateful opinions get given more weight.

But I wouldn't want my child to be taught by a teacher who was a member of the BNP, and I believe that when the BNP engage in racist criminal activities such as destroying property and beating people, the racist motive of their act should be taken into consideration and their punishment should be worse due to this.

The BNP are a racist party by the old definition as they believe one race superior to others. They also don't just stand for the repatriation of non-whites. This is their official position but it is not their actual one. If you believe this is their real position then I am afraid you are incorrect.

Institutionalized racism is a term often misused but it refers to the systematic discrimination against other races by an institution. It is not just incompetence, for most institutions are institutionally incompetent. It is where the rules and attitudes of an institution create a situation where inequality happens.

Have you ever been on the receiving end of racist attitudes? I have and have many friends and family members who have. They would be able to explain to you the flaws in dismissing it quite so readily.

A definition of racism would be good in a way, but like all definitions it would of course just be an official one, and as I said above subject to debate.

It is easy to see how stupid political correctness is and react against his stupidity so strongly that you end up with stupid views yourself. I can understand that. But institutionally racist is not a PC term but an accurate description of something, its not a euphemism or odd jargon. And racism is also a word and a concept that can be understood and acted against outside of political correctness.

Anonymous said...

although I like to judge people as individuals, people should be left free to discriminate racially as much as they wish - most of what the PC traitors call "racism" is natural human preference. If someone commits assault, robbery or criminal damage, that is what they are, and penalties should be no worse for so-called racial aggravation. Remember, if this regime had not forced millions of tropical peoples upon us, there would be no cause for racial discrimination, would there?

David Robert Gibson

Anonymous said...


Do you know how embarrassed you'd be once you'd realised that you'd swallowed anti-BNP propaganda hook,line and sinker? Your quote - "When the BNP engage in racist criminal activities such as destroying property and beating people......" . Good grief - do you seriously believe that?
Apart from going onto the BNP website ( because you probably couldn't bring yourself to do that just think for a second.
1. How could a political party exist in a country that has laws against racist political parties?
2. How could these people be intelligent, sincere and resourceful enough to fight and wins seats in local elections (far more than UKIP) against a tsunami of vicious propaganda - and at the same time be the mindless violent thugs you think they are?
3. Where's your proof that BNP members (sincere, brave and intelligent in my experience) are so violent and perverted?

I have various leaflets printed by various so called anti-fascist groups (and supported if not delivered by the major parties) depicting BNP members as evil incarnate. The latest one shows the BNP at race riots with BNP grafitied slogans, fires and destruction all around .......... until you look at it closely. The you realise that it is a collage of pictures skilfully blended together with BNP graffiti blended in. A common trick against the BNP. Amazing what you can do on computers these days. In the end it was probably never anything more than a few photos of people innocently enjoying a bon-fire night. The BNP is incredibly vilified. Perhaps you should watch this You Tube video for some antidote - and think - these are just about elected officials, God knows what we'd find out if they could track the rest of the major parties membership. They certainly don't get the violence, intimidation, injustice and harassment they try to inflict on any BNP members they manage to find out about.

Neither the BNP nor their members practice "destroying property" nor "beating people". Instead it is they who are beaten and have their property destroyed. You should be more careful of the poison you swallow in future. You wouldn't want your child taught by a BNP person? Why not? My child is taught by me because a very caring and intelligent BNP person who was teaching his own children told me how to do it. At least you do allow the BNP should be free to speak. There is hope for you.

Good luck with what is bound to be your uncomfortably torturous re-education (mine was!)

Cllr Chris Cooke (Independent!)

goosefat101 said...


I know people in the BNP myself and I have found them to be, in a way like you say, sincere and brave and with a form of intelligence, I wouldn't say that their thinking was based on sound principles but certainly they have worked out a complicated frame work for how they treat those flawed ideas.

I don't believe they are lower forms of lifeforms or anything but I am aware of beatings they have given to people with different skin colours and damage they have done to property. If you believe I shouldn't trust fist hand anecdotal evidence from members of the BNP then what about all the documented evidence from third party sources.

There have been many examples of video evidence taken by numerous undercover documentaries, just google it if you don't believe me. I do not base my views on nutcase pamplets of any ideological source be it fascist or anti-fascist.

I am not suggesting the BNP leadership would allow itself near the grassroots activities of its fanbase.

As I said saying the BNP are racist is not being PC but being accurate, just like saying the Socialist workers are wankers is a accurate or that the war in Iraq was both undertaken for spin heavy and false reasons and that it has been executed in a way that is both monumentally stupid and incredibly horrible and anti-human.

I never called the BNP mindless violent thugs, but your question is odd, since Hitler and many other people of dubious politics found and find it easy to drum up support, just look at the amount of people who vote for Bush or for New Labour, being intelligent and good at getting votes doesn't make your ideology nice. Look at how many people follow Al Queda for goodness' sake.

The BNP certainly get beaten and have property damaged but I find it harder (though not impossible) to feel much sympathy since they preach general political policy which I don't agree with openly which is a bit noxious and have other attitudes they play down which are deeply noxious. I have black members of my family and friends of a few different ethnicities and I take it personally because for me it is personal.

I am not someone who campaigns against the BNP, as I said I think they should be given a platform and actively debated with in public, rather than all this attempted censorship and pathetic attacks that they receive from the liberals and the left.

Give them the rope and hopefully they'll hang themselves with it, but keep on cutting the chord and people will believe and follow them even more.

Anonymous said...

OK Goosefat
I can see you are actually quite a reasonable person and your views are not much different to most people who feel themselves to be decent human beings. Quite right. I'm a humanist too - regardless of colour.

Sooner or later logic has to kick in. What you have found out about the BNP flies in the face of what you have heard in the media. Do you know of anybody who knows any BNP member who is a hateful, violent person? Skinhead, bovver boots or whatever?

How to counter what you've heard is I think impossible to do in some communication like this - except anecdotally. So I'll give just a couple of for-instances to make the point. 1. Chris Brennen - enters the BNP, tries to stir up hatred and presented himself as the epitome of what the press likes to call the BNP - he facilitated the Media (that'll be the Google search you want me to do?) and he kept his mates in anti-fascist "Searchlight" informed. He was not the BNP of course - he was one of those violent anti-fascists who thinks it's morally defensible to smash up a BNP supporter's home or car, lose him his job and even physically assault him. He was one that was found out - caught red handed emailing Searchlight. There are clearly many more who try the same tricks - but not so blatantly - who do try to live up to the media image of the BNP.

There is no protection for the BNP from the courts. Take the case of 2. Kevin Hughes. Well respected member of his local community, charity worker, wife and 2 children and - oh yes - BNP member and candidate in the local elections. He unwisely allowed himself to get into an argument with an immigrant - an illegal immigrant - also known an asylum seeker - and a proven liar. The immigrant complained to the police that Kevin had "assaulted" him. Kevin's story was that the immigrant had got threateningly close to him and all he did was push him off. No body marks, no witnesses, no prosecution of the immigrant. Kevin's impeccably clean record counted for nothing. Once the Court found out he was BNP that was it. Two years in the slammer!!! What did he do??? But now the name of Kevin Hughes and his criminal record is gleefully quoted by the "anti-fascists" as evidence of the BNP's violent, thug-like and racist credentials.

I'd guarantee Goosefat that all you would have to do is simply to let it be known you had joined the BNP for your character to be assassinated overnight. It's a very hurtful experience.

Perhaps a number 3. Kris Donald. Ever heard of him? You've certainly heard of Steven Lawrence killed by a single stab wound. " ....No doubt by BNP supporters ..... after all it's what the BNP do isn't it?? ...."

Just put Kris Donald into Google - you won't find as much as for Steven Lawrence - no government reports, no big media hysteria going on for years, no "institutionalised racism" - but crimes like this one against Kris Donald are far more common than that against Steven Lawrence - and yet you simply don't hear of them. Ask yourself why not.

And then - because there simply isn't room here - can I suggest a look at this BNP (sorry but looking at the bear in its den is the best way to see how it lives) page "Countering the Smears".
As well as getting out of the EU and stopping the flood of immigrants into Britain the BNP have many sensible policies. In fact I've just fought a very hard (and in the end successful!) campaign against the transfer of Council homes in Tamworth to a private (Social!) Landlord. So I was delighted to find out the BNP also had this as policy. Indeed their policy is to take any Council homes that are given away back!

Anyway Goosefat - I'm sure you recognise the question here is not whether you find the BNP's policies based on sound principles or not. The question surely is which BNP are you going to accept exists - the one you've already met - or the one the media tells you exists?

Just an aside - for some reason I can't post to this site direct (the owner is kindly doing it for me - although that in no way implies she agrees with all or anything of what I say!) - please post back by all means but if you want a reply - or direct contact perhaps you could email to me direct?



goosefat101 said...

I don't really want to enter into a dialogue with you Chris Cooke.

As the owner of the blog can attest, you probably don't want to either because dialogues with me can be both time consuming and intense.

I just want to make sure it is clear that I do not agree with you and have not been convinced by you.

Anyway Goosefat - I'm sure you recognise the question here is not whether you find the BNP's policies based on sound principles or not.

It's not your question I agree, but it is more relevant to the original post. There policies are racist and I appose them. I am saying that racism does exist and is not some wishy washy PC term although the word is, like most words we have in our language, repeatedly misused and abused by politicians and management twerps.

The question surely is which BNP are you going to accept exists - the one you've already met - or the one the media tells you exists?

The BNP that I have met has been a more human version of the one the media talks of. Thats the thing, people who beat up people because of their skin colour are human too and have other sides and complex motivations. That is what the media ignores, because the media gives not a toss about reality: simplicity sells.

But I have met people from the BNP as I tried to communicate to you, who have absolutely beaten up black and asian people.

I have met some very nice football hooligans but I wouldn't claim they don't beat up people who support other teams. I've met some very nice drug users but I wouldn't claim they don't rip people off to feed their habit.

I find it sad when nice people join the BNP. The BNP is a very damaging organisation, I just believe that the way to combat it is not through censorship or through claiming its members do not have reasons why they have come to the erroneous conclusions they have reached.

Your defense of the BNP is odd, we all know they have great environmental policies and the like, fair enough, but their major policies are horrible and underneath all the political rhetoric and spin their main idealogical base is even worse than that.

For more on my attitudes about race see here.

Anonymous said...


Trade Unionists (along with any remaining Christians and Jews) are among the most persecuted sections of society in Islamic countries . The vicious, elitist, sadistic and depraved Ulema - the Muslim priesthood - regard Trades Union organisers as much a threat to their power as the kaffirs and apostates.

Check out Working Class Trades Union rights in such Islamic paradises as Iran, Saudi Arabia and Pakistan

So why do Labour politicians and the Trades Union bosses ally themselves with such an oppressive, supremacist ideology as Islam?

Why do leaders like Gordon Brownlips kiss Muslim arse? Aren't these champions of the common man betraying their British Christian Socialist working-class heritage?

Well actually, no. Their heritage is neither British, nor Christian, nor socialist except in the Stalinist sense. And it certainly isn't working class.

It is very true that the original Labour movement owes far more to Methodism than Marxism, to the Sermon on the Mount than Das Kapital. It was a strong Christian faith that nurtured the Tolpuddle Martyrs in their struggle for workers' rights in the face of the bosses' wage cuts to below starvation level. "Thou shalt not muzzle the ox that treadeth out the corn. And, the labourer is worthy of his reward."

The early history of Trades Unionism in Australia was also inspired by Christianity.

But all that has changed . Since the 1980's, the leadership of the trades union movement and Labour party have been hijacked by European-inspired atheist Marxist functionaries, many of whom have never done a productive day's work in their lives. The career path from University Social Studies department to Westminster or Congress House , with no intervening gainful employment, is all too common .

To paraphrase Gibbon: To the gullible all religions are equally true, to the skeptical all religions are equally false, and to the politicians all religions are equally useful.

So is it any wonder that Marxist Labour neglect and indeed despise the real British working class? With their rapidly multiplying new-found Muslim friends, they have people who share many of their objectives - an unquestionable totalitarian social system, destruction of free expression, control of all aspects of life, and an unnaccountable, undemocratic superstate (Caliphate/EU) . Of course push will eventually come to shove and the Marxists and Muslims will some day be at one anothers' throats in a bloody continent-wide civil war, but by that time most of the rest of us will long since have been
airbrushed out of Orwellian history.

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