
Wednesday, 21 November 2007

"The Keyboard Army of the BNP"

UAF (United Against Fascism) claims is the "Keyboard Army of the BNP". They are apparently boycotting it on that ground despite repeated invitations to "join The Party" and vote. The poll on whether David Irving and Nick Griffin should be allowed to participate in the OU debate on free speech at the OU is currently 100% in favour.

Why will the UAF not participate? Is it because they know even non-BNP supporters are more likely to want to hear what Messrs Irving and Griffin have to say in greater numbers than those who would wish to suppress them altogether?

On Friday 23 November, the OU will vote on whether to cancel their debate on Monday 26 November debate. Cowardice, intimidation as well as spurious but predictable "elf n sifety"/public order policing excuses will no doubt be among the reasons cited for any cancellation.

The BNP Blackpool Conference last weekend - 16-18 November - went ahead despite a UAF demonstration 200 strong. Could it be that a Kiss Me Quick seaside resort will have a more principled belief in free speech and is less likely to be intimidated by the UAF than the privileged few who presume to inhabit the dreaming spires of Oxford yet cannot grasp either in theory or in practice the principle of free speech?

If it is cancelled, we will know precisely what kind of a country we live in, and what sort of "cream" the British "education" system has produced, won't we?

"It ain't democracy if it ain't direct democracy!"


Red and White said...

I pretty much make an open challenge to any member of the far left for an open and sensible debate on Islam and immigration. It is almost always ignored or diverted. The only time I have got into sensible debates people either stop responding when their arguments fall apart or simply resort to petty and hysterical tags of "bigot" "racist" etc. without explanation, which tends to be a favoured tactic of the far left.

Anonymous said...

If voting changed things it would be illegal. Public service is a brief civic duty, not a career. Never re-elect anyone!

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