... with the US financial system “broke”, to quote former Fed Head Paul
Volcker, we should expect more chaos, with the very high risk of either more
severe recessions and/or higher inflations (maybe both simultaneously) in more
violent whipsaws. …What I also ponder is unfavorable climate resulting in poor
global food production (Russia coming back online agriculturally to the
contrary, a huge boost). Lack of food is a great historical reason for war. And
what concerns me most is the real and present danger of war by 2012-2017, with
Iran and Pakistan boiling, plus terrorists increasing their technological
capabilities. All it would take is one low yield back pack nuclear device being
exploded once in one city somewhere in the world, and the world as we know it
would change, black swan style, over night. And Machiavellian style, governments
have historically used war as distractions from the economic distress they have
often created. …Americans might have a reality check. The USA has become a
secular humanistic socialist empire, far removed from the mindset and philosophy of their freedom-loving, tax hating Founding Fathers.In fact, if you read the writings of the US Constitutional Founding Fathers, that kind of thinking today would land them on the Homeland Security terrorist watch list. (The US Founding Fathers saw themselves as freedom fighters, but the British saw them as terrorists. Point of view matters. Wonder how the Taliban views things? …It is next to impossible to defeat militarily a masculine-based culture on their own home ground where people are willing to fight and die for what they believe in, unless genocide is the chosen military option. The Russians knew and exercised this military option in Afghanistan. And Russia today is looking for payback for the humiliation it suffered when the USSR fell.) …
I find it useful to look at organizations impersonally. As author M. Scott Peck wrote, bureaucrats, wherever you find them, of whatever stripe, are “people of the lie.” They are like the nameless, faceless, plastic, white storm troopers commanded by Darth Vader in the movie, Star Wars. Bureaucracies have ever been the greatest collective manifestation of human evil. And the older the bureaucracy, the more vertical layers it has, the richer it is, the more people it employs, the more widely dispersed its tentacles are internationally and geographically, the more corrupt, inhumane, immoral, self-interested, perpetuating and evil it becomes – any bureaucracy. Bureaucracies are the antithesis of freedom. They tell people what to do, when to do it, how to do it, for how much and keeps them dependent, childlike, slave-like in the bureaucratic collective. So the more bureaucratic the organizational structure, the more layers, the more slave-like (as opposed to free individual, horizontal, covenantal and contractual arrangements).
Singapore and Switzerland enjoy the most civil of civil governments.
Singapore’s government, on a tiny island, is like the local government of most
US cities. And as long as you do what used to be considered the normal, decent
and right thing in Singapore, you have freedom there. Jimmy Rogers has relocated
to Singapore. And Switzerland, although increasingly corrupted by US pressure,
well, the Germans, Italians and French who comprise the bulk of Switzerland have
such different languages, cultures and outlooks on things, and a modest
underlying distrust for each other along with a modicum of dislike, that a loose
knit Swiss federation government, where power lies in local cantons, serves
their purposes just fine. Oh yes, the Swiss so favored the US Constitution at
the time that they basically adopted it and still pretty much apply it the way the US Founding Fathers intended, not the way it has been effectively discarded by the US empire today.

THE VOICE OF REASON Solon, (born c. 630 BCE—died c. 560 BCE), Athenian statesman, known as one of the Seven Wise Men of Greece (the others were Chilon of Sparta, Thales of Miletus, Bias of Priene, Cleobulus of Lindos, Pittacus of Mytilene, and Periander of Corinth). Solon ended exclusive aristocratic control of the government, substituted a system of control by the wealthy, and introduced a new and more humane law code. He was also a noted poet.
Saturday, 13 September 2008
"Why America is doomed" or "When we break our own rules"
Quote from R E McMaster, a commodities and currency trader - http://www.remcmaster.com/:
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