
Saturday, 28 March 2009

Sharia for the UK Conference cancelled by the Euston Hilton

Before the scholars' conference (as it was called) started: "Brothers, can we have some light? We look like a bunch of sooties!"
Anjem Choudary, not an official speaker, was invited to the panel, to much applause.
"We support the scholars of haq, that do not compromise."
"These scholars are imprisoned, in dungeons in Saudi, Jordan, Britain, America."
I spotted a good-looking boy of about about 7 reading a Famous Five book, something rather comfortingly English. Many children ran about at the back, where the women were.
"The scholars are the inheritors of the Prophet."
alim = shepherd [defined as an Islamic religious scholar- plural Ulamah], and alim is most certainly not the Quilliam Foundation and the Sufi Council of Britain, traitors to their religion.
The scholars of haq strive for dignity and honour, and reject the UN, liberalism, capitalism, communism, socialism.
"Even if the Bangladeshis, Pakistanis, British and Americans hate it, we will proclaim sharia law and reject the blame of the blamers."
"What we call jihad is only what the kuffar would call self-defence."
"The best of Muslims are those who read the Koran and teach it to others."
"We do not recognise any king, queen or MP."
"Democracy and freedom is kufr." [Its original meaning is 'to conceal'. This word has been variously used in the Quran to denote: (1) state of absolute lack of faith; (2) rejection or denial of any of the essentials of Islam; (3) attitude of ingratitude and thanklessness to God; and (4) non-fulfilment of certain basic requirements of faith. In the accepted technical sense, kufr consists of rejection of the Divine Guidance communicated through the Prophets and Messengers of God. More specifically, ever since the advent of the last of the Prophets and Messengers, Muhammad (S.A.W.), rejection of his teaching constitutes Kufr.]
"Islam will dominate!"
"The world is a prisoner for a believer and a paradise for a non-believer."
"The apostate regime of Saudi ..."
The blind sheikh, the Great Encyclopedia of Islam, has been imprisoned for 14 years in Supermax Prison, Colorado, said: "I won't be the first person imprisoned for my beliefs and I won't be the last." In 2006 one of his students was imprisoned for 2 years. For 10 years he was not allowed to pray. Months go by without his hair and nails being cut. He speaks no English and so cannot socialise. In any case, he is in solitary confinement. Strip-searched frequently, especially after visitors.
Abu Qatada imprisoned in 2002 at Belmarsh, the UK Guantanamo. Tagged with curfews. 3 years without trial. Secret evidence used against him not disclosed to him or his legal representative.
Democracy = dumb crazy
He speaks no English either and is a "prisoner of faith".
"Innocent till proven Muslim."
Socrates cited as an example of martyrdom for truth.
Abu Hamza's family house raided at 5 am on 24 March.
John Hutton, the Defence Secretary, lives nearby.
"Freedom allows British to live and die as drunks."
Tariq Ramadan, Ed Hussein and the others who called for the arrest of Anjem Choudary and Abu Qatada are traitors to their faith.
The conference that was meant to be at the Euston Hilton was cancelled because the hotel took fright at the topics of discussion.
"Only 20 people demonstrated against the war and the soldiers at Luton." You would have thought there were 20 suicide bombers the way the press had been reacting, was his point I think.
"The fallacy of freedom and democracy ..."
Abdul Rahim, Muslim Youth Worker then spoke.
Government treating Abu Qatada like the Quresh treated Muhammad, hounding him out of town.
"The call of Islam will be heard everywhere."
"We must be firm upon this deen [ie the practice of Islam]."
"We don't need government certificates telling us we are fit for our deen."
After this, my notes ran out.
I do remember that it was emphasised that these Muslims are forbidden to preach violence and so no one need fear them on that account.
Anjem Choudary cited a number of examples of the press being determined to portray him as a someone who has a direct line and the mobile number of bin Laden. He was asked how allowing US planes on their way to Iraq to refuel at Shannon Airport would be perceived by Muslims. When he answered that this was an act that would obviously not endear the Irish to Muslims against the Iraq invasion, the headline reporting this exchange was "Shannon Airport Legitimate
Target for Terrorists".
They will however preach the Sharia and how much in need of it we are, with our drug and drink problems, promiscuity, family breakdown, foreign policy, corruption and hypocrisy.
"The flag of Islam will fly over Downing Street!"
There speeches were punctuated by periodic cheers from the men, all young. I saw only one grey-haired man. The white men there were mostly reporters and photographers.
When it came to questions, I thought of asking, right at the back, in the ladies' section, without a mike, whether it was wholly reasonable to think that they would endear themselves and their ideology to the British or ever succeed in converting enough of them if they carried on in their bearded burqaed way saying things found to be offensive by most.
But my natural diffidence got the better of me.
In any case, a Somalian man saying he was proud to be British and Muslim asked a similar question, ie whether they thought the antics of those supporting the imprisoned scholars lowered or raised the image of Islam.
Unfortunately I cannot remember or note the answer, which I in any case thought at the time did not in fact answer the question.
I do remember that, apparently unrelated to the question, it was pointed out by Anjem Choudary that the British would divide Somalians into different groups and in so doing, divide and rule them, as they had done the rest of the world.
That was the only question asked and taken.
A prayer ended the meeting.
The samosa I bought for 50p afterwards was the best I have ever had.
A political associate who also attended the meeting said how much he enjoyed the blood and thunder speeches, as a piece of entertainment. The men were real men, not the lily-livered blandishments that attend Lib-Lab-Con meetings in the hope of personal advancement. It was just like a nationalist meeting, which people join because they felt strongly enough about how wrong things are to voluntarily risk social ostracisation.
The part he enjoyed most was when he entered the meeting place with the Muslims in full view of the people waiting at the bus stop. The horror on their faces when they saw the horde of Muslims approaching, which he happened to be amongst, was one of the more entertaining aspects of the evening. It was probably the Muslim equivalent of joining the BNP ....


subrosa said...

Thank you, made interesting reading.

Jeff Marshall said...

The reply to the Somalian man’s question at the end seemed rambling and failed to answer the question, as you say.

However it did include a restatement of the scholars’ views about nationalism from one of the earlier speeches..

The Somalian had mentioned in the preamble to his question that he was proud to be British and proud to be Muslim too.

(It occurs to me this is rather paradoxical, since he is actually Somalian, & not British at all – regardless of what passport he happens to hold; maybe he should simply say he is proud to have acquired a British passport, which is a useful possession, after all.)

Pride in being British and Muslim seems to be a sentiment one hears from the more tractable sort of Muslim – ‘British first and Muslim second’, as the moderate Ahmadiyyas tend to say. And as, no doubt, the despised Quilliam Foundation would also say.

But the scholars have no time for this sort of thing. This is appeasing the oppressor – the kuffar.

For a Muslim to be a nationalist in the context of nations like Pakistan and Bangladesh would mean that he consents to being oppressed by the kuffar, who wishes to drive a wedge between Muslim brothers and sisters. After all, ‘divide and rule’ was a common technique employed by the British in ruling over their empire.

Iraq has recently been broken up into regions making it easier to control, said Choudary, who then pointed at his questioner. In Somalia, he said, your country will be split up into smaller & smaller regions. Then he named all the regions.

Nevertheless, the scholars seemed diffident about openly advising people not to consider themselves British.

Maybe it just did not occur to them.

Or perhaps they just understood what a touchy issue this was - what with the handful of white people from the ‘media’ all conspicuously sitting about - each of them standing out like the cue ball in billiards.

Similarly, despite the flag on the top table stating their aim as ‘Shariah for the UK’, they made no attempt to say whether they intended to convert non-Muslims to Shariah by force or otherwise.

Knowing better, perhaps.

A woman in Oldham, Lancs – called Shella Roma - has just been gaoled for promoting Jihad.

But what is Jihad? If Jihad means terrorism, then one can certainly be prosecuted & gaoled.

Clearly there is a fine line that Choudary and the other scholars tread, just as there is a fine line that Nick Griffin and the BNP are also forced to tread. (The cancelled venue and improvised re-direction points reminded me of what occasionally happens at BNP meetings too.)

If the authorities wish to employ legislation that already exists to arrest the scholars and close down the BNP then they will do so – if they believe either group poses a significant threat to the state.

Perhaps though the scholars are really offering to young Muslims what the BNP offers to disgruntled whites – a safety valve.

Isn't creating Secular Koranism for white people conclusive evidence I care about white people? 8:00  Space begins. 9:00  CLAIRE KHAW joins. 11:00  Paternal relations 13:00  Taking notes of paternal ...