
Thursday, 19 March 2009

Why Islam is an improvement on Christianity

extracted from page 57 of ARABS & ISRAEL FOR BEGINNERS

The Eastern half of the Byzantine Empire ruled from Constantinople.

The centuries after Constantine were filled with theological disputes that, to us, seem ridiculous, but which caused charges of heresy, dozens of different sects and splits in the Church itself. The Roman church became dominant in Western Europe, while the church at Constantinople dominated the East. Christians, from the pope to the paupers, fought over everything.

One Christian group, the Arians, taught that Christ, though divinely inspired and sired, was still a man, not equivalent to God. At a church meeting in Nicaea in 325, Arianism was declared a heresy and its followers were persecuted as if they'd been traitors to the Roman Empire.

Even for the poor and uneducated masses, the nature of Christ was a burning issue. While the scholars "disputed", real Christians brawled, rioted and generally raised hell over the true nature of the Prince of Peace.

A school of theologians called the Nestorians saw Christ as two distinct persons, divine and human but a church council at Ephesus condemned them in 430, while the Monophysites, on the other hand, were certain that Christ had a single, wholly divine nature. But the Orthodox bishops met at Chalcedon in 451 and declared the Monophysites heretics because the real truth, the Orthodox church declared, was that Christ was both perfect God and perfect man and that his two natures, though separate, were combined within the single person of Jesus Christ ...

Can you imagine the collective sigh of relief that went up in the Middle East when Muhammad cut through all that crap and said simply,"There is no god but God"?

If Anjem Choudary wants to promote Islam in the UK, it is suggested that he acquire some knowledge of Christian theology, if only to demolish the religion of prophet-worship and idolatry.

It is also suggested that he read the Koran properly and not abrogate verses just because he wants to cut off hands and stone adulterers to death, Old Testament style.

Methinks he is just a firebrand who is too busy upsetting people to read the Koran properly. If he did, he might be more effective as a revolutionary. Revolution was of course what Muhammad, Jesus, Moses and Abraham were all up to.

Right now, he is just regarded as a crank or a terrorist, neither of which will be ultimately helpful to his cause of Islamicizing the UK.

It can now be seen that Islam was created as an antidote to Christianity, and that its efficacy waned as Islamic civilisation became bloated, corrupt and feeble-minded, just as Western civilisation has now become bloated, corrupt and feeble-minded.

The Gate of Interpretation was closed in 1200s and it is now time they are re-opened!

To make Islam acceptable to this country in this time, Muslims like him who wish to Islamify Britain will have to talk about ridding themselves of the unnecessary baggage that is the Hadith and travel light again, just like the Bedouin crossing the Sahara ....


Anonymous said...

Your comment regarding the hadith... The hadith is crucial to understand and implement any part of Islam. For example, the Quran states when to pray, and which direction to pray, however, the physcial description of required movements (standing, bowing, postration, intention, and speech etc) is found in the hadiths. I hope this makes it clear that the explaination of the practicality of Islam must be followed by authenticated hadith (actions, sayings and approvals of Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him)).

Claire Khaw said...

Thank you for explanation, but I do not think the Hadith confines itself to just how to pray. Some Hadith say to stone adulterers, when the Koran only prescribes the lash, which would result in the difference between life and death!

I make this point again in my post of 20 March entitled "Animal Farm, The Koran and The Hadith".

Those who follow the Hadith could be described as the Hearsayers, because that is exactly what they believe in.

Not everything Muhammad did was perfect, nor did he mean for everything he did in his life to be emulated.

The Koran is clear ENOUGH and complete in itself, in my opinion.

Everything else is distortion and perversion of the original message.

I would even argue that this is what an Islamic Koran-only "fundamentalist" would say!

What is Claire Khaw's position on the Noahide laws?

Claire Khaw, a British blogger and YouTuber known for promoting her ideology called "Secular Koranism," has expressed a complex st...