
Friday, 24 April 2009

BNP calls non-white British Citizens "racial foreigners"

On the question of BNP policy to term non-white British Citizens holding British passports "racial foreigners", a correspondent of mine asks:

Even those of us who are against immigration will take exception to people being branded 2nd class citizens. What next? Muslims wearing yellow crescents? Hindus wearing yellow swastikas?

Perhaps non-white British citizens will have their present passports confiscated and replaced with a second class passport stating "British Citizen and Racial Foreigner" passport in the BNP's first term of office.

In their second term, they will have that replaced with a third class passport stating "British Citizen enlisted for Repatriation".

In their third term of office, those that have not yet left will have that passport confiscated and be issued instead with an Expulsion Order ...

This cannot be the impression the BNP wish to give now, even if that is what they would really wish to do.

Sigh! If only my suggested solution would be more widely discussed!

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