
Friday, 24 April 2009

BNP says Black Britons and Asian Britons do not exist

British National Party (BNP) chairman Nick Griffin has defended a party leaflet which says that black Britons and Asian Britons "do not exist".

The BNP's "Language and Concepts Discipline Manual" says the term used should be "racial foreigners".

In a BBC interview, Mr Griffin said to call such people British was a sort of "bloodless genocide" because it denied indigenous people their own identity.

The BNP manual, leaked to the anti-fascist group Searchlight and seen by the BBC, says that "BNP activists and writers should never refer to 'black Britons' or 'Asian Britons' etc, for the simple reason that such persons do not exist".

"These people are 'black residents' of the UK etc, and are no more British than an Englishman living in Hong Kong is Chinese.

"Collectively, foreign residents of other races should be referred to as 'racial foreigners', a non-pejorative term... The key in such matters is above all to maintain necessary distinctions while avoiding provocation and insult."

The manual describes the BNP's "ultimate aim" as the "lawful, humane and voluntary repatriation of the resident foreigners of
the UK".

Commenting on the leaflet's content, Mr Griffin told The Report
on Radio 4 that although "in civic terms they are British, British also has a meaning as an ethnic description".

"We don't subscribe to the politically correct fiction that just because they happen to be born in Britain, a Pakistani is a Briton. They're not; they remain of Pakistani stock.

"You can't say that especially large numbers of people can come from the rest of the world and assume an English identity without denying the English their own identity, and I would say that's wrong," he added.

"In a very subtle way, it's a sort of bloodless genocide."

Those who wish to join the debate on just this subject should visit:

I have said elsewhere that the BNP have persistently confused race with nation, simply because they like to think there is no difference, forgetting that white Britons are really just former invaders who have forgotten that their ancestors too were formerly invaders, descended from the Vikings, Angles, Normands and other white groups who arrived here as refugees such as the Huguenots.

(The raping and pillaging Vikings must have been regarded with horror greater than modern Britons regard Muslims. Yet, everywhere, now you see the word "Viking" being used as a brand for office suppliers -, dry cleaners etc.

The descendants of Ancient Britons are now holed up in Wales and Cornwall, hating the English and wanting to turf them out too. Cornish nationalism is real. Hatred of country folk of townies buying up rural houses is real.)

Perhaps a more historic view should be taken.

The BNP are clearly not aware that it is a historical inevitability that the invaders will in turn and in time be invaded themselves if their foreign, domestic, economic and social policies result in the weakening of the nation, whoever this concept includes.

Any dictionary would confirm that "race" is not the same as "nation".

One is a description of physical characteristics, the other an abstract concept.

Of course you cannot become Chinese no matter how long you live in China or Hongkong, because you cannot change your racial characteristics, unless you are Michael Jackson.

However, you can be a Chinese national without even going there if you are given a Chinese passport. When that happens, then any blonde-haired, blue-eyed white man holding such a passport would have to be accepted as such by all the Immigration Officers in the world.

I have suggested elsewhere that white Britons could call themselves IC1 English, IC1 Scots or IC1 Welsh, for example. The Police use race identification codes to identify supects, ie

IC1 for someone of Caucasian appearance, eg white-skinned European types - English, Scottish, Welsh, Scandinavian and Russian

IC2 for Mediterranean, eg dark-skinned European types - Sardinian, Spanish, Italian

IC3 for Afro-Caribbean, eg Negroid types - Caribbean, West Indian, African, Nigerian

IC4 for Asian, eg Indians and Pakistanis

IC5 for Oriental, eg Chinese, Japanese, Mongolians, Siamese

IC6 for Arabians, Egyptians, Algerians, Moroccans and North Africans

Then the white British race would have their own special group identity (which no one can hijack) and be happier bunnies.

1 comment:

Andrew Slade said...

So what's all this about BLOODLESS genocide, then? The Abortion Holocaust is a bloody business, in which 7 million British babies have been tortured to death & a vast amount of blood spilt & continues to be spilt (about 300,000 litres so far?). Plus the numbers (hundreds) of British stabbed & shot by immigrant members of the Okkupation Forces or forced into violent crime & suicide by the mass unemployment caused by immigration.

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