
Friday, 22 May 2009

BNP Political Broadcast

A rather thrilling broadcast, with portentous music. Nick Griffin looking magisterial but spoiling it a little by moving his right arm awkwardly as he speaks.

I cannot help but suspect that the desk he is sitting at is not really his. The Bible on its stand, the ink blotter somehow doesn't feel authentic.

Nice desk, though.

Though slick and well-produced, it does not even begin to deal with why this country is so fucked up.

I would like to make the following points:

  1. One's ancestors dying in wars does not give any of us an automatic right to ward off the invasion of trespassers or conquerors.
  2. The price of freedom is eternal vigilance.
  3. Liberalism, in the form of the welfare state, feminism, tolerance of promiscuity, single parenthood, ever lower standards of education and behaviour, are the major causes of national decline.
  4. Britain has allowed itself to become a Nation of Bastards.
  5. The begetters of bastards, as well as those who allow it to flourish unchecked, through refusing to confront its causes, ie promiscuity and welfare-dependency, are really the ones to blame for national decline.
  6. Blaming opportunistic foreigners who know the locals have priced themselves out of jobs, and who know that British employers in fact prefer them because they work harder, is mere scapegoating.
  7. Let us hope the BNP will one day have policies that suggest that they know the causes of national decline, instead of complaining about the symptoms, eg Muslims, terrorism, PC legislation, foreigners.
  8. Will the BNP dare question the kind of totalitarian feminism that leads to female promiscuity, paedophilia, unwanted pregnancy, single mummery, family breakdown and ever more depraved criminals, like the boyfriend of the mother of the late Baby P?
  9. Or are they so pussy-whipped they intend to leave that sort of thing to the Muslims?


Claire Khaw said...

I have been taken to task by a regular visitor for saying "fucked up" and using unladylike language.

I will have him know that it was chosen with great care, and intended to convey the state of the nation and the real causes of its problems, ie sex and promiscuity.

These points are made in more detail at my Battlefield of Love blog.

Anonymous said...

Yes, that's right. Your opinion is not valued as a woman - you should be conforming to social roles. In fact, leave politics to the men. After all, feminism is useless, isn't it?

Censorship is horrible, unless imposed by a likeminded individual. :)

Claire Khaw said...

I will have you know that I am a remarkably uncensorious person, and prefer to have it out than in, so that whatever's that objectionable can be scrutinised and defeated with argument.

I am not quite sure what you are suggesting, but I was a great fan of Maggie's. Female politicians are adored or loathed or disappointing mediocrities - see the Labour cabinet.

Confucius said:

"The average woman is always inferior to the average man, but the superior woman is superior to the superior man."

There you go.

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