
Saturday, 23 May 2009

How some MPs can regain the respect of the voters

I am still trying to work out why Cameron has told our Nadine to suspend her blog.

After all, today's Today Programme broadcast a heart-wrenching lip-trembling reading of an MP's account of his fear and dismay at the hatred, contempt and ridicule politicians such as he are now held in.

But these were people too short-sighted and cowardly to look after their own interests and vote themselves a payrise to avoid all this!

No, let us continue baying for their blood until they present us with policies that seem half way sensible.

For starters, they could attempt to appease us by offering us referenda on whether we would like to -

1) repeal all anti-discrimination legislation and kill the totalitarian Equality Bill

2) repeal the Abolition of the Death Penalty Act 1964

3) repeal the European Communities Act 1972

4) repeal the Human Rights Act

5) repeal the Race and Religious Hatred Act

6) repeal the Inheritance Tax Act linked with the repeal of the Civil Partnership Act

7) reform the British education system along the lines I have suggested at

I suppose this would be more constructive than ritual suicide or beheadings.

It might now be a good time to suggest that the more independent MPs such as perhaps David Davis and Nadine Dorries, to do a deal with the BNP and say they will join, but only if the BNP revises its constitution, particularly their political objective of returning the racial composition of this country to what it was pre-1948, and lifts its colour bar. Such an act of courage may gain the respect of the public and would assist them in escaping the odium they are now held in, as despised and discredited politicians of the Lib-Lab-Con.

It would give them a party desperately in need of respectability and Parliamentary experience, and a chance to distinguish themselves by an act that is not prevarication, cowardice and economy with the truth.

The BNP could have a few MPs in Parliament by the next General Election, if enough Tories and Labour MPs jumped ship, if the BNP played their cards right and presented the offer enticingly enough to the more adventurous Members of Parliament.

Then, maybe, we would be a little closer to a quiet revolution of commonsense government.

has a story that MPs in trouble for their expenses would find pertinent.

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Virtually everyone is a hypocrite but me

Are Muslims who don't care that they are hypocrites cursed by God really atheists?