
Saturday, 20 June 2009

Theological debate: Christianity v Islam

Below is a debate started from with Len, which has now turned into a theological debate.

While I am delighted to hear that you have read the Koran, Len, you clearly read it with a closed mind. It consists of moral warnings and guidance expressed in legalistic terms, rather like a contract you would be making with God if He were a door-to-door salesman promising eternal life and bliss if you fulfil your part of your contract. The Koran is no more than a restatement of the Ten Commandments in poetic and legalistic form. All the morality that is contained in Judaism and Christianity you will find synthesised in the Koran, with the over-harsh bits in the Old Testament and the vague bits that create doubt and conflict, such as the Trinity, excised.

If I were you, I would choose the religion that is

1) most effective in doing
2) the most good
3) for the most people.

Ask yourself if you really believe in the trinity, or are you really just a
Cultural Christian, who uses Christianity as a badge of identity? You are welcome to tell me what you find disjointed and illogical about the Koran, should you wish to pursue this discussion.

20 June 2009 08:03


tjazzy said...

It's weird that no one has seen fit to comment so far. Sorry about that. I am a Christian. Christianity is a FAITH and not a RELIGION.

Before you can be a Christian you must demonstrate the ability to believe in both what you cannot see and what you can not explain. We are the most incredibly illogical people in the world. That is the truth. But we choose to keep believing anyway. You know why? Because when we pray to this Invisible God, through His equally invisible Son. All our prayers get answered and we have peace.

Not only that, He does not call us to go about murdering people in the name of defending our religion, as Islam does. We are always at peace.

Unlike muslims who are always taking offence at anyone. You call me to prove the Trinity, I will only tell you of how God has bettered my life since I chose to believe.

I will not ask you to prove if Mohammed saw what he claimed to see. The truth is that from the behaviour of Muslims worldwide, we can see what Islam IS ALL about.

In case you want to know if I have ever read the Koran, I have. It is nothing but a mess. A caricature of the Bible by someone obviously intent on mischief.

We make a joke over here about how whenever Mohammed wants to carry out some mischief, he would Just claim that a jinn has given him a vision or revelation to go ahead and do it. And all of a sudden it would become acceptable to snatch other peoples wives, sleep with underage girls and Kill all unbelievers.

I hope you take another look at your Koran and Hadith. They may suffice for you here, but think of the hereafter. You are a lady, will you want one dozen dark eyed male houris to sleep with you everyday for eternity? What sort of sordid hereafter is that? think about it.

Claire Khaw said...

If you really have read the Koran, you would not be making the ridiculous claims you have.

"And all of a sudden it would become acceptable to snatch other peoples wives, sleep with underage girls and Kill all unbelievers."

Chapter and verse, if you please, to prove that the Koran does indeed say what you claim it says.

The God Jews, Christians and Muslims worship is one and the same.

There is no need to believe in Christ's Divinity to believe in God. Ask any Jew or Muslim.

I will have to remind you that I am not in fact a Muslim.

If the Islamic version of Heaven is to be a paradise for me to do anything I like with whomever I like, ie have nice things to wear, eat and drink, comfortable furniture to lounge upon, beautiful youths and ladies for me to enjoy eternal orgies with, without getting into trouble with my Creator, then it would be found to be infinitely more preferable to the Christian version, which is being on the right hand of God and singing His praises for all eternity.

It seems even Muslims have got their kind of heaven right. It is the one that most people who have enjoyed some pleasure in this world would prefer in the next.