
Sunday, 2 August 2009

The Fetishisation of the N word by Liberals

I have been thinking why Liberals would do that and then I had a eureka moment yesterday.

Liberals like to treat black people like children and pets that they protect and look after. This gives them a moral superiority through -

1) appearing to be the protector and patron of black people

2) being the enemy of people who don't like black people (who are of course all evil racists)

3) being the enemy of people who challenge their right to hog the position of moral superiority so that they can pretend they are morally superior to

a) black people (because they protect them and offer them patronage)
b) people who don't like black people (who are evil racists) and
c) people who reject this ideology (who are by definition morally and politically suspect)

(I am a Category C, by the way.)

When a black person rejects this protection and patronage and says he is not afraid of, say, the Big Bad BNP and says they have a right to exist, their response is to call him a "coconut", which is certainly intended to be racially offensive.

I believe I am the first person to make this discovery and exposed this liberal trick of smearing their opponents.

It is the equivalent of a charmless woman adopting a retarded child so that she can get all the attention for playing the role of martyr, and to be seen as compassionate, noble and courageous while annoying the hell out of everyone at the same time.


Jeff Marshall said...

The term coconut is used by blacks to describe certain other blacks.

The modern equivalent of 'Uncle Tom', as I understand it.

In practice it means 'insufficiently radical'.

Most unlikely to be used of blacks by liberals.

Claire Khaw said...

Most unlikely, as you say, but it has been. Conor Walsh called Edmund Kudzayi "a mission-educated coconut" when he said he was not afraid of the big bad BNP and said they had a right to exist.

Jeff Marshall said...

Recently I heard a group of white youths abuse a driver who had had the temerity to honk at them for idling in the road.

'White bastard!' they yelled, surprisingly.

Since deracinated white teenagers think it is cool to impersonate black speech, I imagine this might also include black insults.

White liberals - those soft-headed coconuts without even the advantage of shells - do the same, perhaps.

Failures of communication and comprehension

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