
Saturday, 29 August 2009

King Peter As Yet Unanointed

Reading Donald McIntyre's biography of Mandelson, I was frankly astonished that he took so long to see that Blair was the obvious choice to be leader. It must have been genuine personal loyalty to Brown that prevented him reaching this foregone conclusion even after everyone else had. There is no other explanation.

When he finally decided in favour of Blair it was because he took the view that the party would do better under Blair than Brown. Well, he was right, wasn't he?

Mandelson has been, sadly for him, more spinning than spun for. There is apparently no one to spin for him now except me, an outsider who has never once even voted Labour in her life.

How sad and exasperating that the lemmings at Labour are even now doing nothing to get themselves a fourth term. Mandy is their only chance, but they are happy to let that undeserving twerp Cameron become Prime Minister when they could have one of their own - who is a giant among pygmies - crowned king.

"All" that needs to be done is for someone to put it to Brown that he should go, quietly and graciously.

Blair stood aside for Brown, and Brown should in his turn stand aside for Mandelson.

It is only fair. They were once called the Three Musketeers: one for all, and all for the sake of the party.

Mandelson is the best man around and as such the crown is his by right, ambition and heritage, if there is any justice left in this sad bad mad world of ours.

Brown would have the gratitude of the Labour Party and pleasantly surprise the world if he were to formally hand over the reins to Mandelson at Brighton. This would "implement a strategy to exit with enhanced position, strength and respect." (quoted from a letter from Mandelson to Brown dated 16 May 1994)

He will lead the Labour Party into the next general election as Lord Mandelson. If Labour loses, the problem will have solved itself. If he wins, then he can properly claim to have been elected by the people.

Either way, there will be no constitutional crisis.

Who dares wins.

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