A Taste of Tebbit: video of Tebbit doing his Jamie Oliver thang
Tebbit talking politics - very interesting.
Gordon Brown is a good man but wrong. Blair is a bad man.
He says if there were an election tomorrow, the BNP would win.
Disgruntled Tories are now in UKIP and disgruntled Labourites have defected to the BNP.
His nightmare guests would be the Notting Hill set, ie Cameron and Osborne, who thinks he is part of the nasty party who used to win elections. These people aren't my friends, he says.
He also points out that the sheer professionalism of political campaigning can lead politicians astray. (Politicians are basically told to dump all their core values in pursuit of a few swing voters in marginal constituencies.)
Expediency over conviction is the road to perdition.
The electorate will have no choice when all the mainstream political parties spout the same liberal PC claptrap, ie "Compassionate" Conservatism AKA Socialism AKA refusal to cut any public spending no matter how wasteful for fear of unpopularity, resulting in the following:
1) They will become cynical and apathetic.
2) They will hold politicians in hatred, ridicule and contempt, and want to string them up to the nearest lamp-post.
3) They will vote BNP.
What part of any this do the Big 3 not understand?
THE VOICE OF REASON Solon, (born c. 630 BCE—died c. 560 BCE), Athenian statesman, known as one of the Seven Wise Men of Greece (the others were Chilon of Sparta, Thales of Miletus, Bias of Priene, Cleobulus of Lindos, Pittacus of Mytilene, and Periander of Corinth). Solon ended exclusive aristocratic control of the government, substituted a system of control by the wealthy, and introduced a new and more humane law code. He was also a noted poet.
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