
Monday, 14 September 2009

Mandy at the LSE

No, dear reader, no photos of he and me happily posing together holding hands and looking into each other's eyes like turtle doves. I did not even ask him the question I was so keen to ask, so far away from him with a sea of heads in front of me ...

My brief moment of excitement was when my mouth went dry, my heartbeat uncomfortably fast and I thought of that poem by Catullus:

That man seems to me to be equal to a god,
That man, if it is right to say,
seems to surpass the gods,
who sitting opposite to you repeatedly looks at you
and hears

your sweet laughter,
something which robs miserable me
of all feelings: for as soon as I look
at you, Lesbia, no voice remains
in my mouth.

But the tongue is paralyzed, a fine fire
spreads down through my limbs,
the ears ring with their
very own sound, my eyes veiled
in a double darkness.

Idleness, Catullus, is your trouble;
idleness is what delights you and moves you to passion;
idleness has proved ere now the ruin of kings and
prosperous cities.

© copyright 10-4-1997 by Rudy Negenborn

The question I should have asked was this, had voice remained in my mouth, had not my tongue been paralysed and a fine fire not spread down my limbs:

"It has been said that we already live in a one-party state, for the parties all make and break the same promises. Have you any insights from your recent trip China and their one-party system that you would like to share with us?"

Twitter Report on Mandelson's LSE speech:
Election battle lines drawn:
public spending cuts v public spending cuts!

Official title:
Progressive state reformers v ideological state retrenchers:
framing the electoral choice between Labour and Conservative

Questions were taken in threes to ease evasion.
The distinction without a difference he made between Labour only wanting cuts in public expenditure and the Tories wanting cuts in public services is obvious even to a fool in love such as I, eager to believe anything he says with his customary elegance and conviction.

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AI fun with Secular Koranism with Vincent Bruno #11 Brian Thompson; socialised healthcare; idolatry

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