In every age and in every nation, there are groups which are privileged and those who are not.
In the old days poor people would be obvious by their under-nourished appearance and servile manner.
In an affluent and egalitarian age when no one starves and even the poor can afford DVD players to play their porn and eat themselves obese, there would necessarily be a realignment and reclassification.
The ones who do not mind being endlessly compassionate and tolerant of all things societally destructive (such as female promiscuity leading to family breakdown, single mummery bringing about rising crime and ever-lower standards of education and uncontrolled immigration) can afford to do so because they reside in leafy low-crime neighbourhoods and aren't really bothered about things that affect those living less gilded lives.
They think, perhaps, that the white urban proletariat deserve what they get for being born on the wrong side of the tracks, for being poor, for not knowing any better and for not having access to a decent education.
There is just a hint of the caste system here you see, for it is much easier to think that the poor deserve what they get. It is much easier to brand them as CHAVs, racists, fascists and of being guilty of especial evil and depravity, than to put oneself out through suggesting that things could be made better for them (and by extension all of us) by simply doing this and that.
The issue of immigration is very telling.
Businesses and employers cannot get enough of cheap foreign labour because they know that the white urban proletariat make poor employees.
They make poor employees because they have had a sham of an education and are more often than not illegitimate and unmarried parents, with all the attendant social and educational disadvantages this entails.
Therefore the white urban lower classes are dismissed as useless and their grievances ignored in favour of the more productive foreign worker who come here and do the jobs the white urban proletariat shun. The white urban proletariat are discouraged from seeking employment because are fobbed off with beggarly sums of benefit, just enough to keep them quiescent while unemployed. It is little surprise then that they spend most of their time drinking, taking drugs, procreating while viewing porn and snuff films on their DVD players in the presence of their illegitimate children.
It is well known that Liberals have a phobia of seeming uncompassionate and intolerant. Because of this, they have for generations ignored the problem of schools that do not teach because there is no discipline, and the criminal justice system that neither punishes nor deters.
Talking about spending cuts is now so beyond the pale that not even the Conservative leader dares talk about that, and this demonstrates how utterly cowed and crushed by liberal ideology our political classes have been.
Those who call for traditional teaching methods and condign punishment for criminals are invariably condemned as illiberal intolerant bigots, if not actually called Fascists and Nazis.
You see, the underclasses serve their purpose as the receptacles of liberal compassion and tolerance, which only liberals can afford. It pleases them to wear permissiveness as an ostentatious badge of moral superiority, along with the free trade, environmentally-friendly, free-range, organic products which they instinctively favour as a means of reinforcing the message that the rich are good charitable souls who care about other people in other lands and other species, but not their own poor in their own land.
It is perhaps now time to question the viability of our political classes if they continue to drag us down this dead end, who ignore the questions they cannot answer, while smearing and censoring those who dare question their insufferable cant of compassionate tolerance and free love.

THE VOICE OF REASON Solon, (born c. 630 BCE—died c. 560 BCE), Athenian statesman, known as one of the Seven Wise Men of Greece (the others were Chilon of Sparta, Thales of Miletus, Bias of Priene, Cleobulus of Lindos, Pittacus of Mytilene, and Periander of Corinth). Solon ended exclusive aristocratic control of the government, substituted a system of control by the wealthy, and introduced a new and more humane law code. He was also a noted poet.
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A very good point.
I attended Mayor's Question Time at City Hall yesterday.
Richard Barnbrook - the BNP Assembly member - questioned Boris Johnson over his support for a proposed amnesty for illegal immigrants.
Richard pointed out that unemployment in London had been rising.
That the hugely expensive, tax-payer-funded Olympic project in East London was actually employing very few locals.
Instead, foreigners were being hired instead - including some of somewhat dubious legal status.
Johnson - supposedly a Conservative - gave an answer that any Champagne Socialist would have been proud of (and, conversely, any conservative, I should have thought, would be ashamed):
'I do not support any appeal to discrimination and prejudice. Some of these people are already in jobs'
And that was it. They can take our jobs. They don't even have to be here legally.
As long as they are employed, we cannot talk about getting rid of them without being thought evil & racist & fascist.
Doubtless Boris Johnson lives in the leafy suburbs.
He certainly does not live in East London - or understand how people there feel.
The British elite likes immigrants because it perceives them to be more MALLEABLE... and thus more liable to patronization, the elite's favorite hobby.
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