
Saturday, 7 November 2009

Totalitarian Teaching Unions

Are our teachers cowed and cowering from their totalitarian unions? If you started teacher training college favouring traditional teaching methods, they would have beaten it out of you by the time you finished, or put you off teaching completely.

Teachers will get the sack if they are members of the BNP. Some think sympathising would also get you the sack. Others think being FB friends with a sympathiser would be enough to get you the sack.

Thinking something is a thoughtcrime is also a thoughtcrime??

Here is what a teacher said about me after defriending me on Facebook.

"The main reason is that I am now getting more involved in real serious politics, and need to be a lot more circumspect about my political connections, and a BNP supporter would do me nothing but harm.

... I am also fed up with having my words twisted to fit in with someone elses delusions. I am also fed up with being accused of racism and having my profession attacked by someone who hasn't got the slightest idea what she's talking about. But there was no final straw, as I was not angry and am used to the abuse and irrationality."

I happen to think racists are people too, and should have their intolerance tolerated, provided they do not actively injure my interests beyond choosing to not associate with me or contract with me. They should certainly be allowed to say why they dislike me and people like me. I was under the impression that it is actually genuinely liberal of me to allow people to express unflattering views about me and people like me without wishing to sack them, expel them or demote them, silence them, imprison them or destroy their reputations for daring to express such views.

I know only too well what passes for education these days, but then this ex-FB friend of mine is also in the Labour Party too. He insists that standards are rising even as he tells me that his boys occasionally tell him to f*ck off. He would never consider corporal punishment because it is "brutal". When I point out that Sir Terry Leahy of Tesco is not happy with British education, he lapses into silence. When I ask him when he would prefer to teach, now or in the days when he was a schoolboy, he also lapses into silence.

The accusations of racism he refers to are my good-natured jokes to his suggestions that I should go "home" if I don't like it here. I pointed out that it is always the Lefties who tell me to sling my hook when they discover that I am not prepared to be treated like a pet, patronised and protected because I do not hide under my bed at the thought of the BNP coming to take me away to an extermination camp. There seems to be a general assumption that anyone who is non-white must think in a certain way, ie not be in opposition to Liberal Leftism. I argued that expecting people to think in a certain way or saying they cannot contradict a set of received ideas because of their skin colour is in fact racist.

Every argument I put forward only elicits the response of "You don't know what you are talking about. Why don't you become a teacher yourself and see what we have to go through everyday?"

However, he automatically rejects any measure that might succeed in reintroducing discipline and rigour back into British education.

Single mums must never be blamed, because that would be intolerant, uncompassionate and judgemental.

It is clearly too awful for him to admit that he has been failing children consistently for decades with teaching methods thought up by the insane and the evil.

Any solution that might work he is ideologically prevented from recommending because the Far Lefties in his union would crucify him.

I at first thought that he defriended me because he anticipated that I would have a few things to say about the abysmal standard of science teaching and the laughably easy questions found in exam papers, but it was really because he thought even having me as a Facebook friend would harm his chances in his "real serious politics".

If only people like him who toe the party line, Boxer-like, are engaged in "serious politics", then it explains why politics is full of fools and knaves.

This is probably ad hominem, but he actually supported the paedophile tax, ie the £64 you would have to pay to prove that you are not a convicted paedophile, even while he admitted that it would do nothing to prevent really determined and unconvicted ones.

This means, unfortunately, that he is stupid and a bit like Boxer. ( Boxer is a loyal, kind, dedicated, and respectful worker. He is physically the strongest animal on the farm, but naive and slow, which leaves him constantly stating "I will work harder" and "Napoleon is always right" despite the corruption.)


Anonymous said...

How profound and so brilliant! How true it is that people who feel strongly must hide and those who even hint at change are met with hostility. This is EXACTLY what I have experienced! Man, it's time for a change.

And I love the comparison with boxer on Animal farm. Are you writing for any newspapers at the moment?

Claire Khaw said...

You have said something that makes all this writing in a garret thing I have been doing for so long suddenly worthwhile! I do hope to be the mouthpiece of those who have been so long suppressed, derided and ignored. A column in The Mail would be very nice indeed.

Little Richardjohn said...

You are labouring under the middle class illusion that fascism is a valid branch of political ideology, if not very nice.
This is rubbish. Fascism is merely another form of paranoia which finds a political expression. And therefopre more a disease than a philosophy, as history has shown.

Little Richardjohn said...

And while we're about it. where do you get off exploiting Orwell for your confused meanderings?
The 'Crystal Spirit'? Don't make me laugh.

Little Richardjohn said...

And while we're about it. where do you get off exploiting Orwell for your confused meanderings?
The 'Crystal Spirit'? Don't make me laugh.

Claire Khaw said...

Little Richardjohn, all ideologies can turn nasty, even liberalism. I didn't think I need to say that but I guess nothing is ever obvious until you point it out again and again and again ....

Is the claim that Jews run the world sustainable and provable beyond all reasonable doubt?

5:30  Stream begins. 6:00  Secular Jews should be distinguished from observant Jews. 7:00  Which is worse for a Jew - entering a Reform syna...