
Wednesday, 17 March 2010

BNP and UKIP merger: the only way to withdraw from the EU

I am aware of the mutual antipathy in which the BNP and UKIP hold each other and noted how you both threw your hands up in horror at the thought of an eventual union.

I consider it my patriotic duty to see that a bit of handholding between Mr BNP and Ms UKIP is not really possible, sooner rather than later.

Ms Ursula Patriot is middle class, snobbish, easily frightened and very conventional. She can look quite pretty in a certain light but appears to be losing her bloom of youth.

Mr Brutus Patriot is lower middle class and is a bit of a social pariah, because of his tendency to speak his mind about what he thinks about the foreigners who infest his land, which is simply not done any more in polite society. He is a bit of a rough diamond, apparently without prospects, but has a stout heart and strong principles.

They are agreed on many things but it is class antipathies that keep them apart as well as a disagreement about how one should behave, how one should put things and how one should present oneself.

They both know, deep down, that the other is the other half of the Eurosceptic vote. If they pooled their votes, their share of the vote would actually increase.

They know this, but cannot help but be affected by the old antagonisms so endemic in British society.

Will the British nation die of its class antagonisms?

Watch this space.


Anonymous said...

What utter drivel

Claire Khaw said...

What a shame Anonymous did not see fit to offer an argument or two against this idea.

While I am away that both UKIP and BNP hate the idea, I am hazarding a guess that Anonymous is UKIP.

Chris Warner said...

The two parties are ideologically opposed. Although both are Eurosceptic, UKIP and the BNP have very different views on immigration and many other important aspects of government as you will see if you read each of their manifestos. Therefore a merger would never be possible.

Claire Khaw said...

Get out of the EU and then fight for the policies you want.

If we stay in it doesn't matter what we want because we aren't going to get anything that contradicts EU laws, are we?

If you do not work together we will stay in forever.

This appears to be what you want, Chris. If so, you are just wasting your time.

The BNP is the other half of the Euro-sceptic vote.

UKIP is the other half of the Euro-sceptic vote.

Only when they achieve union will they produce their child of National Independence.

Separately they will die a lonely childless old age in an EU home for old senile folk.

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