
Thursday, 15 April 2010

The 90 second speech I thought I would be allowed to make at the IEA

At the end of the evening we will conduct "90 second hustings". Four people will be chosen at the beginning of the evening and they will speak for 90 seconds on the issue they believe is the most important issue facing Britain that has not been discussed in the main part of the debate. If you want to be considered for the "90 second hustings" please email with your topic: radical ideas only will be considered.
[They said it but they didn't mean it!!]

Below was the exchange that led me to think I would be allowed to speak, but on the evening they chose duller and less radical speakers.

Sent: 30 March 2010 22:23
To: Philip Booth
Subject: 14 April - 90 second hustings

Do you need more details or is the topic enough?

Sent: Wednesday, March 31, 2010 9:40 AM
To: Philip Booth
Subject: RE: 14 April - 90 second hustings

that's enough, thank you. Look forward to seeing you on the night


The welfare state is the root of all evil. It is also the Sacred Cow that the British worship - a rapacious and over-indulged pet that is now eating them out of house and home and dropping cowpats all over their nice carpet. The truth is that the British are addicted to welfare, foreign workers and cheap sex, which are the policies that the Liberal Left unquestioningly support.

Proposing to deprive the British of their welfare state is tantamount to proposing taking the bottle out of the hands of an aggressive drunk.

The British Nation is that aggressive drunk.

This explains why we have a Tory leader of the opposition who promotes Compassionate Conservatism (also known as Socialism) and the Big Society (also known as Big Government), instead of uncompromisingly demanding lower taxes, selective education and a smaller state.

I propose that there be no representation without taxation and the end of universal suffrage. In other words, I propose direct democracy or government by referenda under a narrower taxpayer-only franchise in a one-party state.

A one-party state need not be totalitarian if the party constitution protects the rights of its members against the leader and his cronies.

It is an open secret that that the Tory Party constitution gives its members virtually no rights at all, least of all the most precious one of all, especially if you are a participant in the political process - free speech. As we know, Enoch Powell, Patrick Mercer, Howard Flight and Alan Duncan were either expelled or demoted for speaking their minds.

If we cannot have a one-party state then we can at least propose that the Tory Party democratize their constitution. However, the only way of making the Tories reform their constitution as soon as possible is to see to it that they remain out of office for another term. Or until they have elected a leader who is actually a Conservative.

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