
Thursday, 22 April 2010

BNP candidate in Hackney North & Stoke Newington at their request next election?

It is with great regret that due to reasons of funding, the BNP could not find a candidate to stand in the liberal wildnerness of Hackney North & Stoke Newington.

Jeffrey Marshall is prepared to consider a visit to St Brelade's Court in the De Beauvoir Estate, N1, to pay his respects and give his condolences to the family of Agnes Sina-Inakojubut and to offer the people of Hackney and Britain a solution to violent crime, but he realises that this might leave him open to accusations of callous political opportunism.

He is aware that residents of deprived high crime neighbourhoods often want the death penalty, but yet again the LibLabCon oligarchy have conspired to exclude this option from their rigged policy menu where the things people really want - such as fewer but more effective laws and lower taxes - are always off the menu.

Jeffrey Marshall requests that the electors of Hackney North & Stoke Newington spoil their ballot papers to indicate a wish for their very own BNP candidate next time, if that is what they wish. Writing on it: "We want our own BNP candidate" should make this preference clear.

Many people like BNP policies, which are after all the policies of a Conservative Party of the 1950s. These policies are not just for white people but for the benefit of every British Citizen irrespective of race and religion. This is something that the Party wishes to make very clear in this election.

It is only after David Cameron's Lurch to the Left in his earnestness not to appear to be the Nasty Party that has made perfectly sensible Conservative policies appear extreme.

Let him be reminded in the Hung Parliament to come that the electorate need to have a choice between a Stern Party and a Nurturing Party.

Let us call the Stern Party the Boring, Sensible and Possibly Nasty Party ie Tory, and the Nurturing Party the Generous and Easygoing ie Labour.

When the electorate is deprived of even this choice because of David Cameron's decision to ape New Labour, and by analogy the parent who spares the rod and spoils the child in a bid to court popularity and votes, national disaster looms.

Vote for any party but Tory, to punish David Cameron, and as a warning to any future Conservative leader who treats Conservative principles like so many pieces of disposable tissue paper.

Jeffrey Marshall was born in Hackney Hospital and lived in Victoria Park Road in his boyhood. Footage of the cycle-by shooting.  


Anonymous said...


Denny said...

Agnes was murdered in Hackney South and Shoreditch, not Hackney North and Stoke Newington. Cheap opportunism indeed.

Claire Khaw said...

Not quite sure what is so cheap about offering a solution.

After all none of the candidates are offering to do anything, are they?

Suzanne Moore appears to think guncrime can be solved by teaching children at primary school that shooting people is wrong.

"My family has been affected by the wave of gun and knife crime and we all know we can identify at an early stage kids who are likely to get into gangs. We need really early intervention in primary schools to help kids find a different path ."

She didn't even mention refresher courses in secondary school when they forget what they haven't learnt at primary school.

That is surely more insulting than offering a genuine workable solution which the majority of people in this country want anyway, but which of course the liberal oligarchy have conspired to prevent us from having, because it offends their easily-offended sensibilities.

Punish criminals properly?? Certainly not! The very idea!

If I were the mother of Agnes I would be delighted to receive a visit from a someone offering a genuine solution rather than read about silly things being proposed by silly head-in-the-clouds liberals.

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