
Saturday 15 May 2010

Anshul Gupta, The Enemy of Free Speech

Anyone can be accused of racism these days. All that needs to happen is for someone of another race - especially someone much darker than you - to take offence at what you said. Only fools and cowards are easily intimidated, but that is what most British men are, these days.

Someone called Anshul Gupta, whom I met on Alastair Campbell's walls on 12 May, is trying to get the police to arrest me for inciting racial hatred.

The Tory-supporting Mr Gupta came over to gloat at Cameron being declared Prime Minister after all - 5 days after the election.

Predictably, many of us on the thread made joking references to his name after someone mis-spelt "Anshul".

References to the anus and a certain ointment for the treatment of hemorrhoids became frankly irresistible.

Mr Gupta claimed that a doctor treating him (I am not certain if it was for hemorrhoids) who made that little joke had the police knocking on his door, and was even disciplined by the GMC, hoping to put the fear of the law into us.

Unfortunately, one of the weaker members of the discussion caved in and apologised. Indeed, he even mentioned a mental disability in order to excuse himself for this lese-majeste.

I then derided an entire race, nation and sex for this excruciatingly servile attitude towards some jumped-up person with a skin darker than theirs.

No wonder the BNP are concerned about racial extinction, I ranted. Who wants to breed with a bunch of men so gutless and so easily intimidated like those lily-livered liberals (who are mostly gay anyway)?

I wonder if Mr Gupta will be attempting to waste police time.

And I wonder if the police will allow their time to be wasted by calling on me.

I hope, for the sake of the taxpayer, that they will not, but I think I would be almost disappointed if they didn't.

It would after all amount to malicious prosecution or at the very least aiding and abetting in the wasting of police time.

I can always get Mr Gupta for defamation since it would appear that he is suggesting that I am a racist in the sense that I dislike his racial group (though I don't see what business it is of the state's whom I dislike and why).

If, however, he is suggesting that one is a racist merely because someone of another race is offended by what one has said, then perhaps I would be guilty.

I wish therefore to deny the concept of racism. If racism is merely having someone of another race offended by something you say, then it is clearly insupportable because it infringes the principle of free speech and has all the elements of speech crime.

Can any rational society be supporting this sort of crap?

But of course our political classes are now too emasculated and effeminate to propose anything to discourage the likes of people like Mr Gupta - the maliciously litigious.

No wonder this country is going to the dogs when people like Mr Gupta are allowed to infringe on our liberties in this way. Believe me, there are more and more people like him now, encouraged by the law.

As I said to Mr Gupta:

"I am not Afraid of Anusol and will not be Apologising to Arsehole."

and I, a mere woman, stand by what I say, no matter what the PC and spineless legal and political establishment say and do.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Well done. You should absolutely not apologize.

The future of the West is cyborg, mad scientist, Terminator and Robocop, says Aleksandr Dugin