
Friday, 18 June 2010

Free Schools instead of State Schools another Government Gimmick

So when it goes tits up you can't even blame the government. It's a gimmick, Toby, another fucking gimmick, just like "compassionate Conservatism" is a continuation of socialism, just like the "Big Society" is a continuation of Big Government.

The only way to stop this is to disenfranchise those bitches at Mumsnet who are always whingeing for more state handouts and more nannying legislation.

The only way to do it is to challenge feminism - the Enemy of Family Values and the Enemy of Reason, and repeal all anti-discrimination thoughtcrime legislation that the BNP have been saying we should for years now.

The Koran would support my proposal:  "There is no compulsion in belief."  (2:256)

All we want to do is send our children to a decent school.  Do we have to fucking run it too??

In this country, we do.  Fucking fuckers in government should get a grip.  We are not all of us so completely dumbed down after decades of crap state education that we are too thick to see yet another government pulling yet another fast one.

My proposals for the New Model Comprehensive can be seen at:

There is of course no one left in the UK capable of teaching the 3 Rs anymore.  We will probably, for a while at least, have to hire teachers from Zimbabwe and Singapore after promising them that their safety will be guaranteed at all times in school with armed guards, who will pistol whip any little bastard who gives any teacher any problems.

Academy Schools are not subject to the Freedom of Information Act either .


Anonymous said...

What happened with you and Mumsnet? Did you used to work there? Have you been banned?

Or is it simply that they get more comments than you?

Claire Khaw said...

I have *never* worked for Mumsnet. The very idea!

Anonymous said...

No but she visits very often and starts "thought provoking" threads. She is spotted and outed almost immediately. I never know whether or not to be irritated by her or just pitying.

Claire Khaw said...

I have never started a thread, Anonymous, and only respond to criticism. It now appears that my account has been disabled, without so much as an official explanation.

What a shame Mumsnet is not making the most of their opportunity to have me as one of their star members. My presence would generate a great deal of traffic to Mumsnet. Even people who hate Mumsnet would visit Mumsnet just to see what is going on.

The fact is that none of the mums is capable of having a rational discussion without wanting to ban me for hurting her feelings while having no answer to any of the points I make.

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