
Thursday, 17 June 2010

Join the BNP and meet the Queen?

Floyd Codlin has rather naughtily suggested to me on Facebook yesterday:

"given that Mr Griffin has invited himself to the Queens Garden party, can we take it that you'll be "this is proof we're not racist" arm candy on the great day.."

I must confess that this has played rather on my imagination.  I am persuaded that it would be rather good PR for the Party and I think I could sacrifice just one Thursday to visit Buckingham Palace, for the good of the Party.  If truth be told, I now find myself practising very low curtsies and rehearsing what to say when I am asked: "And what do you do?"

Will Prince Charles be there?  We could have a good old discussion about Islam and its environmental friendliness and sustainability.  If Henry VIII had been Muslim, he would not have had any problem divorcing Catherine of Aragon when she failed to give him a son.  Indeed, he could have just kept her and married Jane Seymour too.  In fact, if Charles had been Muslim, he would not have had to wait that long to marry Camilla.

I may even suggest to the Chairman that it may be an idea to now promise to disestablish the Church of England in our next manifesto.  It is high time the Church of England - so hostile to the BNP - to be subjected to a spot of disestablishmentarianism and a religion more fit for purpose established in its place.  I propose calling it The Mosque of Racially-Inclusive British Nationalism (or perhaps just The Mosque of Britain), but with the clergy wearing the same kind of vestments as before and the same hymns sung, so as not to alarm the populace unduly.  Excised will be any reference to the Trinity and banned forever the barbaric practice of pretending to drink Christ's blood and eat Christ's flesh.

Finally, instead of the Archbishop of Canterbury we can have an Ayatollah of Cambridge - I have in mind that thrillingly bearded Islamic scholar with his deep mellifluous tones and his sensationally sensible views.

What do people think?

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