
Sunday, 4 July 2010

Why Islam is stronger and more stable than Christianity

Christianity is based on a lie, ie that Christ is God. If you can't bring yourself to say that, you are not a true Christian but just a Cultural Christian. A religion that requires its adherents to proclaim a lie as if it were a truth will soon come to grief, and so it has proven.

The Koran accepts the Virgin Birth but rejects the Trinity - the concept that "explains" Christ's divinity.

This perfectly demonstrates its slippery pragmatism.

Indeed, it is through a study of the Koran that paradoxically makes it clear that God also serves the interests of atheists, if only they could bring themselves to acknowledge the most powerful concept conceivable by Man.

It would not in any case be untrue to say that the concept of God certainly exists. Indeed, this is not even controversial.

God is there to be used, to assist us in our morality, politics, government and law, whether we believe He actually exists or not. If we do not use God for ourselves, others will use it against us. 

Liberals, ie atheists, even as they wallow in the filth they have created and refuse to clean up, are too proud to use God.  

Pride, as we all know, is a deadly sin. 


Anonymous said...

The Prophet was not sent from God either. So not only is the Koran a pile of fictitious shit but it is based and borrowed form a much less harmful and better though out pile of shit.

Remaining anonymous because too many Muslims are fucked up and would want to kill me.

Anonymous said...

Again you mix up ideas and come up with very little. Sin means nothing to an Atheist, an atheist is moral enough to answr to himself and not fear God to do good. Besides it is well known the more clever you are the less you believe in God. And whilst Christians can indeed be brainwashed and stupid it is not a prerequisite. Being a Muslim means giving up part of ones own thoughts and lending them to God (or rather some guy over 1000 years ago to tell you what you think). Nanny state again, thought control (far worse than thought crime) only this time it's not the State, it's much much worse.

Stability is not something that goes hand in hand with Islam. Unless stability means unbending, not flexible, controlling, against integration and a will to repress everyone.

as above.

Anonymous said...

Oh and there's the fact that Muslims have less mind than Christians. Unable to evolve.

Claire Khaw said...

An example of a non sequitur:

"The Prophet was not sent from God either. So not only is the Koran a pile of fictitious shit but it is based and borrowed form a much less harmful and better though out pile of shit."

Claire Khaw said...

All I am saying is that the bargain with God you make if you are Christian is that you have to believe Christ is God, or you will roast in hell, even if you do good works.

Islam only requires that you believe in God and do good works, in the way outlined by the Koran.

Claire Khaw said...

"Muslims have less mind than Christian and are unable to evolve."

We will see who wins the war in Afghanistan. If Muslims strengthen and increase in numbers and Christians weaken and decrease in numbers, who will you say has "more mind" and is better able to evolve?

Anonymous said...

Both Christianity and 'The Koran' are wrong. It's pretty clear from the EVIDENCE that 'Jesus' never existed as an historical person.
See 'The Jesus Mysteries' by Timothy Freke and Peter Gandy. The Jesus story was allegorical at a time when allegorical tales were popular. Remember Aesop's Fables?
The Gnostics knew that the Jesus myth wasn't literal fact and so they were persecuted by the early Christian Church who wanted to found a religion rather than just be mystics. Religion equals power you see ;)
'Jesus Chrisy' never existed as a real person. If you don't want to read a well-researched, evidenced book then watch

Anonymous said...

Actually both require a person to believe in something there is no evidence of. Islam requires a belief in a misogynist prophet who tells the world that women should cover up to protect men and their lust and that men can marry many wives. Worse than any man conveniently believing in such tripe is a woman who follows Islam. She betrays herself and her gender.

Claire Khaw said...

Actually, there is no verse in the Koran that says a woman must wear a niqab or a burka. It only requires that a woman should cover up her cleavage.

I hope there are pictures of what women generally wore in Mohamadden times.

Cleavages are actually quite distracting. Even women find themselves looking at another woman's breasts if too much is on display. Size, shape and movement can be quite distracting while you are trying to talk to a woman.

A straight girlfriend of mine agreed with me when another female who joined us for the evening had too much on display.

Anonymous said...

I didn't mention the niqab or bhurka (these are cultural tools of oppression) but by ornaments the Koran does not mean breasts only, it also means hair. It is about women as an asset and an object for men.

Claire Khaw said...

It is open to interpretation. Please read the link I just gave.

Anonymous said...

Everything is open to interpretation.

Claire Khaw said...

"All things are subject to interpretation. Whichever interpretation prevails at a given time is a function of power and not truth." - Nietzsche

Rookh Kshatriya said...

Freke and Gandi's work is not scholarly and of little value. However, their basic argument is correct, that the Resurrection was a metaphor for spiritual resurrection. In my view, crude 'literalist' Christianity 'caught on' because most people are too stupid to understand metaphor, not because of some kind of complex conspiracy by the early Church. More people watch X Factor than study physics, for pretty much the same reasons - most people are idiots.

Returning to Islam's supremacy, Islam is practical (and practicable) while Christianity is not. Only a lunatic would give all their money away, or turn the other cheek, or follow any other of Christ's crazy rubrics. This is why Christianity is dying out, it is just a 'bad meme'. Judaism too is practical and practicable, which is why it has lasted so long. They are realistic religions that accept the limits of human nature, while Christianity does not. Nietzsche also said this, that Islam is for men while Christianity is anti-life.

And yes, the Trinity is a pagan concoction along with much else in Christianity. If Christianity were not inflected with paganism, why else would Protestantism arise to stamp out those pagan elements?

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