
Sunday, 10 October 2010

What is this British "culture" that must be protected against Islamification?

It is up to the British to impose British values on newcomers, I would have thought. If you don't get it together to give them a culture that they want to identify with, they will just keep to their own customs.

But what is British culture?

Whingeing and binge-drinking, shagging and drug-taking, shopping and single motherhood.

Nothing to be proud of then. Quite understandable that they don't want to be Anglicised and become the losers that most white Britons have now become.

No sensible Muslim man would want to be an impoverished man living in a bedsit after his wife has divorced him, taken half his stuff and deprived him of his children after accusing him of being a paedo.  
No sensible Muslim man would think he is going to get justice from any UK family court dominated by feminists whose hearings are held in camera. 

No sensible Muslim woman who wants children and a husband who will provide for her, would want to be a single mother or end up a spinster as is the lot of most white women who have been indoctrinated with the  false promises of feminism. 

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